

我想知道如何使用C ++在ODBC中使用sqlBulkOperations()来插入可以选择的数据,并使用该数据插入数据库中的另一个表中。我试图解决它,但无法做到。搜索时说您可以使用sqlBulkOperations()使用sql_Add属性插入。但这是行不通的。没有任何单个示例可以解释相同的情况。请任何人可以帮助。下面是代码。问题:

  1. 我想从table1中选择并将其插入table2。是否可以使用sqlBulkOperations(),如果是,那么此程序还有第二部分。如果没有,那是什么呢?

  2. 我有一些手册数据,例如我稍后将在本节中插入的数据。是否可以使用sqlBulkOperations()插入。

     // Some standard headers
     #include "pch.h"
     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <stdlib.h>
     // Only needed for Windows clients 
     #include <windows.h>
     // Standard ODBC headers
     #include <sql.h>
     #include <sqltypes.h>
     #include <sqlext.h>
     #include <cstdio>
     #include <iostream>
     #define ROWSET_SIZE 5
     using namespace std;
     int main()
         /* declare and initialize local variables        */
         sqlLEN rowCount;
         sqlRETURN rc;
         sqlHENV hdlEnv;
         rc = sqlAllocHandle(sql_HANDLE_ENV,sql_NULL_HANDLE,&hdlEnv);
         rc = sqlSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv,sql_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,(sqlPOINTER)sql_OV_ODBC3,sql_IS_UINTEGER);
         sqlHDBC hdlDbc;
         rc = sqlAllocHandle(sql_HANDLE_DBC,hdlEnv,&hdlDbc);
         rc = sqlConnect(hdlDbc,(sqlCHAR*)"LocalDB",sql_NTS,(sqlCHAR*)"sa",(sqlCHAR*)"abc@123",sql_NTS);
         sqlHSTMT hstmt;
         struct rowTag {
             sqlINTEGER CustID;
             sqlCHAR CustName[21];
             sqlCHAR Phone_Number[21];
             sqlINTEGER CustID_L;
             sqlINTEGER CustName_L;
             sqlINTEGER Phone_Number_L;
         sqlUSMALLINT rowStatus[5];
         sqlINTEGER BindOffset = 0;
         /* Set up dynamic cursor type */
         //rc = sqlSetStmtAttr(hstmt,sql_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE,(sqlPOINTER)sql_CURSOR_DYNAMIC,0);
         ///* Set pointer to row status array               */
         //rc = sqlSetStmtAttr(hstmt,sql_ATTR_ROW_STATUS_PTR,(sqlPOINTER)rowStatus,0);
         //rc = sqlSetStmtAttr(hstmt,sql_BIND_TYPE,(void*)(sizeof(row) / 5),0);
         sqlCHAR sqlstmt[] = "select CustId,CustName,Phone_Number from customers";
         /* Execute query */
         rc = sqlExecDirect(hstmt,sqlstmt,sql_NTS);
         /* Call sqlBindCol() for each result set column  */
         rc = sqlBindCol(hstmt,1,sql_C_LONG,(sqlPOINTER)&row[0].CustID,(sqlINTEGER)sizeof(row[0].CustID),// / ROWSET_SIZE,&row[0].CustID_L);
         rc = sqlBindCol(hstmt,2,sql_C_CHAR,(sqlPOINTER)&row[0].CustName,(sqlINTEGER)sizeof(row[0].CustName),&row[0].CustName_L);
         rc = sqlBindCol(hstmt,3,(sqlPOINTER)&row[0].Phone_Number,(sqlINTEGER)sizeof(row[0].Phone_Number),&row[0].Phone_Number_L);
         /* For each column,place the new data values in */
         /* the rgbValue array,and set each length value */
         /* in the pcbValue array to be the length of the */
         /* corresponding value in the rgbValue array.    */
         //Fetching Results and displaying the result
         //while (sql_SUCCEEDED(rc = sqlFetchScroll(hstmt,sql_FETCH_NEXT,1))) {
         //  // Print the bound variables,which Now contain the values from the
         //  // fetched row.
         //  sqlUINTEGER i = 0;
         //  cout << row[i].CustID << " | " << row[i].CustName << " | " << row[i].Phone_Number << endl;
         //  i++;
         strncpy((char*)row[2].CustName,"Mr. Howe",sizeof(row[2].CustName));
         strncpy((char*)row[3].CustName,"Mrs. Howe",sizeof(row[3].CustName));
         for (int loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++) {
             //Five entries for CustID
             row[loop].CustID = 200 + loop;
             //Five entries for Phone_Number
             strcpy((char*)row[loop].Phone_Number,"1-800-900-" + loop);
             //Specifying length of the CustID column
             row[loop].CustID_L = sizeof(row[0].CustID);
             //Specifying length of CustName
             row[loop].CustName_L = sql_NTS;
             //Specifying length of Phone_Number
             row[loop].Phone_Number_L = sql_NTS;
         /* Set number of rows to insert                  */
         //rc = sqlSetStmtAttr(hstmt,0);
     //  /* Perform the bulk insert                       */
         rc = sqlBulkOperations(hstmt,sql_ADD);
         rc = sqlEndTran(sql_HANDLE_DBC,sql_COMMIT);
         cout << "sqlBulkOperations End\n" << endl;
         printf("Rows Effected %i\n",(int)rowCount);
         int i;
         for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
             printf("status array %d\n",rowStatus[i]);*/




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