



以下是使用 nn.CrossEntropyLoss 对大小为 1、宽度为 2、高度为 2 和 3 类的批次进行图像分割的示例。
图像分割是像素级的分类问题。当然你也可以使用 nn.CrossEntropyLoss 进行基本的图像分类。
问题中的数独问题可以看作是一个图像分割问题,其中您有 10 个类(10 个数字)(尽管神经网络不适合解决像数独这样已经具有高效精确分辨率算法的组合问题)。
nn.CrossEntropyLoss 直接接受地面实况标签作为 [0,N_CLASSES[ 中的整数(无需对标签进行单热编码)

import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np

# logits predicted
x = np.array([[
    [[1,0],[1,0]],# predict class 0 for pixel (0,0) and class 0 for pixel (0,1)
    [[0,1,[0,1]],# predict class 1 for pixel (1,0) and class 2 for pixel (1,1)
]])*5  # multiply by 5 to give bigger losses
print("logits map :")

# ground truth labels
y = np.array([[
    [0,1],# must predict class 0 for pixel (0,0) and class 1 for pixel (0,1)
    [1,2],# must predict class 1 for pixel (1,1)
print("\nlabels map :")

x=torch.Tensor(x).permute((0,3,2))  # shape of preds must be (N,C,H,W) instead of (N,W,C)
y=torch.Tensor(y).long() #  shape of labels must be (N,W) and type must be long integer

losses = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="none")(x,y)  # reduction="none" to get the loss by pixel 
print("\nLosses map :")
# notice that the loss is big only for pixel (0,1) where we predicted 0 instead of 1

enter image description here


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