

我用cuda-C(Win-10上的Visual Studio 2015,GPU设备= TitanXp)编写了以下代码,以计算1D数组(从2D展平)中所有元素的总和。主机版本很简单,可以使用+=操作对所有元素求和并返回值。对于cuBLAS实现,我使用了点积方法(将目标数组与相同大小的全1的数组进行目标数组的点积运算,以返回所有元素的总和)。该代码适用于小型数组(例如100个元素的数组),但是对于大型数组(例如512x512 = 262144个元素的数组)返回错误的值(尽管足够接近正确值)。我想念什么或做错什么?提前致谢。 (免责声明-cuBLAS新用户)。

#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "book.h"
#include <cublas_v2.h>

void creatematrix(float *out,int nx,int ny)
    float ctr = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) {
            out[j * nx + i] = ctr/1E+5;
            ctr = ctr + 1;

float add_arr_val(float *im,int N)
    float tmp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        tmp += im[i];

    float out = tmp;
    return out;

__global__ void init_ones(float *d_in,int N)
    int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    if (i < N)
        d_in[i] = 1.0;

void main()
    // Define matrix size (using flattened array for most operations)
    int nx = 512;       // row size
    int ny = 512;       // column size
    int N = nx * ny;    // total size of flattened array
    // cpu section ========================================
    float *M; M = (float*)malloc(N * sizeof(float));    // create array pointer and allocate memory
    creatematrix(M,nx,ny);                            // create a test matrix of size nx * ny
    float cpu_out = add_arr_val(M,N);                  // cpu function

    // GPU and cuBLAS section ==============================
    float *d_M;
    HANDLE_ERROR(cudamalloc(&d_M,N * sizeof(float)));
    HANDLE_ERROR(cudamemcpy(d_M,M,N * sizeof(float),cudamemcpyHostToDevice));    // copy original array M to device as d_M
    // create array of all ones,size N for dot product
    float *d_ones;
    cudamalloc(&d_ones,N * sizeof(float));

    // Max potential blocksize
    int minGridSize,blockSize,gridSize;
    gridSize = (N + blockSize - 1) / blockSize; 
    init_ones << <gridSize,blockSize >> > (d_ones,N);     // kernel launch to generate array of all 1's
    float blas_out;                                                         // output on host variable
    cublasHandle_t handle;  cublasCreate(&handle);                          // initialize CUBLAS context        
    cublasSdot(handle,N,d_M,1,d_ones,&blas_out);                    // Perform cublas single-precision dot product of (d_M . d_ones)
    //print output from cpu and gpu sections
    printf("native output = %lf\n",cpu_out);
    printf("cublas output = %lf\n",blas_out);



native output = 343590.437500
cublas output = 343596.062500
Press any key to continue . . .


native output = 0.102960
cublas output = 0.102960
Press any key to continue . . .


您将遇到float精度的限制。确实不应期望它的精度超过5个小数位,并且某些计算模式可能会导致其精度不如此。实际上, CUBLAS结果在数值上比您的CPU实现更接近正确的舍入结果。这很容易证明。我们需要做的就是使用double执行主机求和操作,我们会看到不同的结果:

$ cat t1784.cu
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cublas_v2.h>
#define HANDLE_ERROR(x) x
void creatematrix(float *out,int nx,int ny)
    float ctr = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) {
            out[j * nx + i] = ctr/1E+5;
            ctr = ctr + 1;

float add_arr_val(float *im,int N)
    float tmp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        tmp += im[i];

    float out = tmp;
    return out;

double add_arr_val_dbl(float *im,int N)
    double tmp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        tmp += (double)(im[i]);

    return tmp;

__global__ void init_ones(float *d_in,int N)
    int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    if (i < N)
        d_in[i] = 1.0;

int main()
    // Define matrix size (using flattened array for most operations)
    int nx = 512;       // row size
    int ny = 512;       // column size
    int N = nx * ny;    // total size of flattened array

    // CPU section ========================================
    float *M; M = (float*)malloc(N * sizeof(float));    // create array pointer and allocate memory
    creatematrix(M,nx,ny);                            // create a test matrix of size nx * ny
    float cpu_out = add_arr_val(M,N);                  // CPU function
    double cpu_dbl_out = add_arr_val_dbl(M,N);
    // GPU and cuBLAS section ==============================
    float *d_M;
    HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc(&d_M,N * sizeof(float)));
    HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(d_M,M,N * sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));    // copy original array M to device as d_M

    // create array of all ones,size N for dot product
    float *d_ones;
    cudaMalloc(&d_ones,N * sizeof(float));

    // Max potential blocksize
    int minGridSize,blockSize,gridSize;
    gridSize = (N + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;
    init_ones << <gridSize,blockSize >> > (d_ones,N);     // kernel launch to generate array of all 1's

    float blas_out;                                                         // output on host variable
    cublasHandle_t handle;  cublasCreate(&handle);                          // initialize CUBLAS context
    cublasSdot(handle,N,d_M,1,d_ones,&blas_out);                    // Perform cublas single-precision dot product of (d_M . d_ones)

    //print output from cpu and gpu sections
    printf("native output = %f\n",cpu_out);
    printf("native double output = %f\n",cpu_dbl_out);
    printf("cublas output = %f\n",blas_out);

$ nvcc -o t1784 t1784.cu -lcublas
$ ./t1784
native output        = 343590.437500
native double output = 343596.072960
cublas output        = 343596.062500


作为旁注,无需将l%f printf格式说明符一起使用。已经设计出可以正确处理doublefloat两种格式。

要详细了解求和中错误的产生方式,您可能希望阅读this paper,尤其是从p238开始的“求和错误”。
