

我一直在尝试实现Silhouette库来为Angular前端提供一些基本的JWT身份验证,但是遇到了一些#+BEGIN_SRC julia function idealf(x::Array{Float64,2}) y = sort(x,dims=1); n = length(x); j = floor(Int64,n/4+5/12) # 25%ile is in [y[j],y[j+1]] k = n-j+1 # 75%ile is in [y[k],y[k-1]] g = n/4+5/12 - j # weighting for the two data surrounding quartiles. (1-g).*y[j]+g.*y[j+1],(1-g).*y[k]+g.*y[k-1] end function outBox(x::Array{Float64,2}; mBox::Bool=false,gval::Real=NaN,method::Bool=true) n = length(x); lower_quartile,upper_quartile = idealf(x) iqr = upper_quartile-lower_quartile cl = cu = 0.0 if mBox if isnan(gval) gval=(17.63*n-23.64)/(7.74*n-3.71) end cl = median(x) - gval*iqr cu = median(x) + gval*iqr elseif !mBox if isnan(gval) gval=1.5 end cl = lower_quartile - gval*iqr cu = upper_quartile + gval*iqr end flag = dropdims((x.<cl) .| (x.>cu),dims=2) vec = collect(1:n) outid = vec[flag] keepid = vec[.!flag] outval = x[flag] nout = length(outid) if method && !mBox METHOD = "Outlier detection method using \nthe ideal-fourths based Boxplot rule\n" elseif method && mBox METHOD = "Outlier detection method using \nthe ideal-fourths based Boxplot rule\n(using the modification suggested by Carling (2000))\n" else METHOD = nothing end return outid,keepid,outval,nout; end a=rand(20,1)*10; a[10]=1000.0;a[2]=2000.0; outBox(a) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: : ([2,10],[1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],[2000.0,1000.0],2) 错误的问题。为了提供一些上下文,我正在尝试验证仅由用户名和密码组成的管理员登录名。我正在使用它(为Silhouette添加No implementation for [...] was bound字段)充当Silhouette的LoginInfo身份验证存储库,而我的User也扩展了Silhouette的AdminService

我遵循了一些实现基本Silhouette环境的示例项目,但是我还没有克服guice编译器错误。在写完我的Identity Service本质上是这些示例项目中的内容之后(this是我可以找到的最新项目),尝试将SilhouetteModule注入我的控制器类中会导致一些结果guice CreationException找不到绑定的实现。这些错误发生在CredentialsProviderAuthInfoRepository上。





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