


use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

on run
    set patchFile to (choose file with prompt "Select patch file...")
    set assetsFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select recipe assets folder...")
    set dumpFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select dump folder...")
end run

on makePatches(patchFile,targetFolder,dumpFolder)
    tell application "Finder"
        set recipeCount to count (files in folder (targetFolder) whose name ends with ".recipe")
        if (recipeCount > 0) then
            set recipeFiles to files in folder (targetFolder) whose name ends with ".recipe"
            repeat with eachFile in recipeFiles
                set recipePatch to duplicate patchFile to folder dumpFolder
                set recipePatch's name to eachFile's name & ".patch"
            end repeat
        end if
        set folderCount to (folders in folder (targetFolder) whose visible is true)
        if (folderCount > 0) then
            set subFolders to folders in folder (targetFolder)
            repeat with eachFolder in subFolders
                set newName to folder eachFolder's name
                set newFolder to make new folder at folder dumpFolder
                set newFolder's name to newName
                my makePatches(patchFile,eachFolder,newFolder)
            end repeat
        end if
    end tell
end makePatches




on run
    set patchFile to (choose file with prompt "Select patch file...")
    set assetsFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select recipe assets folder...")
    set dumpFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select dump folder...")
end run

on makePatches(patchFile,targetFolder,dumpFolder)
    tell application "Finder"
        set recipeFiles to files of targetFolder whose name ends with ".recipe"
        repeat with eachFile in recipeFiles
            set recipePatch to duplicate patchFile to dumpFolder
            set recipePatch's name to eachFile's name & ".patch"
        end repeat
    end tell
    tell application "Finder" to set theseSubFolders to folders of targetFolder
    repeat with tSubF in theseSubFolders
        set newName to tSubF's name
        tell application "Finder" to set newFolder to (make new folder at dumpFolder with properties {name:newName})
        my makePatches(patchFile,tSubF,newFolder)
    end repeat
end makePatches