多个动态参数可使用Spring Boot搜索,参数为96,可以为空


要使用Spring Boot搜索的多个动态参数,参数为96,可以为空 我正在使用Spring Boot应用程序处理React js,并且正在通过菜单过滤器传递一些搜索参数,我有96个要搜索的过滤器。 菜单截图:

enter image description here


    public Iterable<Closerfprfx> gettab1() {
        Iterable<Filter> filter = fi.findAll();
        String ChaineRfx = "";
        String ChaineRfp = "";
        String ChaineRfp_x = "";
        //String allclassification = "";
        String ChaineEu = "";
        String ChaineAmericas = "";
        String ChaineAae = "";
        String ChaineGer = "";
        String ChaineEu2 = "";
        String ChaineLatam = "";
        String ChaineEmpty = "";
        //String allregion = "";
        String ChaineIdm = "";
        String ChaineDig = "";
        String ChaineEps = "";
        String ChaineCo = "";
        String ChaineTec = "";
        String ChaineBds = "";
        String ChaineTts = "";
        // String allpractice = f.isAllpractice() ;
        String ChainBidinpo = "";
        String ChainBidrevision = "";
        String chaineCheckingability = "";
        String chainCheckingona = "";
        String Chainefeasabitlity = "";
        String ChaineClarificationmanager = "";
        String ChaineClarifictionByAtos = "";
        String ChaineClarificationCustomer = "";
        String chainclosedrvopen = "";
        String ChainClosed = "";
        String ChaineConfirmationonfabiltytosupply = "";
        String ChaineCustomerdesicionexcepted = "";
        String ChainErrors = "";
        String ChainInterviewPlanned = "";
        String ChainLastCallbidinborcess = "";
        String LastCallOffered = "";
        String ChaineLastCaloption = "";
        String ChaineMoreProfiloffered = "";
        String ChianeMOreProfilSearching = "";
        String ChainemoreProfilefoundChecking = "";
        String ChainNdaForsignature = "";
        String chainOfferejected = "";
        String Chaineoffererejectednooptionforlast = "";
        String Chainonholde = "";
        String ChaineProfilAcceted = "";
        String ChainePorfileFoundCheking = "";
        String CHAINePorfileOffered = "";
        String ChaineProfilrejected = "";
        String ChaineRequestdataincompleteinvalid = "";
        String Chaineseeidemandstatus = "";
        String ChaineWaitingforcustomerinformation = "";
        String cHAINEFOPO = "";
        String ChaineWaitingrequest = "";
        //String allworkflow = f.isAllworkflow();
        String Chainbpf = "";
        String Chaincarveout = "";
        String Chaincoeinfosec = "";
        String Chaincuother = "";
        String Chaingsbipsbss = "";
        String Chaingsitba = "";
        String Chaingsitbi = "";
        String Chaingsitbt = "";
        String Chaingsitcc = "";
        String Chaingsitccs = "";
        String Chaingsitcd = "";
        String Chaingsitcf = "";
        String Chaingsitcoe = "";
        String Chaingsitcrm = "";
        String Chaingsitct = "";
        String Chaingsitde = "";
        String Chaingsitdf = "";
        String Chaingsiteb = "";
        String Chaingsitecm = "";
        String Chaingsited = "";
        String Chaingsitem = "";
        String Chaingsiter = "";
        String Chaingsitg = "";
        String Chaingsithr = "";
        String Chaingsitin = "";
        String Chaingsitisec = "";
        String Chaingsitmo = "";
        String Chaingsitpd = "";
        String Chaingsitpg = "";
        String Chaingsitps = "";
        String Chaingsitr = "";
        String Chaingsitrc = "";
        String Chaingsitscm = "";
        String Chaingsitsfs = "";
        String Chaingsitsmc = "";
        String Chaingsitvit = "";
        String Chaingsitwp = "";
        String Chainhansecom = "";
        String Chainhcit = "";
        String Chainosram = "";
        String Chainsppallasit = "";
        String Chainsre = "";
        //String allunit = "";
        for (Filter f : filter) {

            // Classification
            String rfx = f.isRfx();
            if (rfx.equals("true")) {

                ChaineRfx = "RFX";
                System.out.println(" RFX : valeur"+" "+ChaineRfx);
            } else {
                ChaineRfx = "xxxx";
            String rfp = f.isRfp();
            if (rfp.equals("true")) {
                ChaineRfp = "rfp";
            } else {
                ChaineRfp = "xxxx";
            String rfp_x = f.isRfp_x();
            if (rfp_x.equals("true")) {
                ChaineRfp_x = "rfp_x";
            } else {
                ChaineRfp_x = "xxxx";
            // String allclassification = f.isAllclassification();
            // region
            String eu = f.isEu();

            if (eu.equals("true")) {
                ChaineEu = "eu";
            } else {
                ChaineEu = "xxxx";
            String americas = f.isAmericas();
            if (americas.equals("true")) {
                ChaineAmericas = "americas";
            } else {
                ChaineAmericas = "xxxx";
            String aae = f.isAae();
            if (aae.equals("true")) {
                ChaineAae = "aae";
            } else {
                ChaineAae = "xxxx";
            String ger = f.isGer();
            if (ger.equals("true")) {
                ChaineGer = "ger";

            } else {
                ChaineGer = "xxxx";
            String eu2 = f.isEu2();
            if (eu2.equals("true")) {
                ChaineEu2 = "eu2";
            } else {
                ChaineEu2 = "xxxx";
            String latam = f.isLatam();
            if (latam.equals("true")) {
                ChaineLatam = "latam";
            } else {
                ChaineLatam = "xxxx";
            String empty = f.isEmpty();
            if (empty.equals("true")) {
                ChaineEmpty = "empty";
            } else {
                ChaineEmpty = "xxxx";
            // String allregion =f.isAllregion();

            String idm = f.isIdm();

            if (idm.equals("true")) {
                ChaineIdm = "idm";
            } else {
                ChaineIdm = "xxxx";
            String dig = f.isDig();
            if (dig.equals("true")) {
                ChaineDig = "dig";
            } else {
                ChaineDig = "xxxx";
            String eps = f.isEps();
            if (eps.equals("true")) {
                ChaineEps = "eps";
            } else {
                ChaineEps = "xxxx";

            String co = f.isCo();
            if (co.equals("true")) {
                ChaineCo = "co";
            } else {
                ChaineCo = "xxxx";
            String tec = f.isTec();
            if (tec.equals("true")) {
                ChaineTec = "tec";
            } else {
                ChaineTec = "xxxx";
            String bds = f.isBds();
            if (bds.equals("true")) {
                ChaineBds = " bds";
            } else {
                ChaineBds = "xxxx";
            String tts = f.isTts();
            if (tts.equals("true")) {
                ChaineTts = "tts";
            } else {
                ChaineTts = "xxxx";
            // String allpractice = f.isAllpractice() ;

            // workflow
            String bidinprocess = f.isBidinprocess();
            if (bidinprocess.equals("true")) {
                ChainBidinpo = "Bid in process";
            } else {
                ChainBidinpo = "xxxx";

            String bidrevision = f.isBidrevision();
            if (bidrevision.equals("true")) {
                ChainBidrevision = "Bin revision";
            } else {
                ChainBidrevision = "xxxx";
            String checkingabilitytosupply = f.isCheckingabilitytosupply();
            if (checkingabilitytosupply.equals("true")) {
                chaineCheckingability = "Checking ability to supply";
            } else {
                chaineCheckingability = "xxxx";

            String checkingonavailability = f.isCheckingonavailability();
            if (checkingonavailability.equals("true")) {
                chainCheckingona = "Chechking on availability";
            } else {
                chainCheckingona = "xxxx";

            String checkingonfeasibility = f.isCheckingonfeasibility();
            if (checkingonfeasibility.equals("true")) {
                Chainefeasabitlity = "Checking on feasibility";

            } else {
                Chainefeasabitlity = "xxxx";
            String clarificationbyalliancemanager = f.isClarificationbyalliancemanager();
            if (clarificationbyalliancemanager.equals("true")) {
                ChaineClarificationmanager = "Clarification by alliance manager";
            } else {
                ChaineClarificationmanager = "xxxx";
            String clarificationbyatos = f.isClarificationbyatos();
            if (clarificationbyatos.equals("true")) {
                ChaineClarifictionByAtos = "Clarification by atos";
            } else {
                ChaineClarifictionByAtos = "xxxx";

            String clarificationbycustomer = f.isClarificationbycustomer();
            if (clarificationbycustomer.equals("true")) {
                ChaineClarificationCustomer = "Clarification by customer";
            } else {
                ChaineClarificationCustomer = "xxxx";
            String closedrvopen = f.isClosedrvopen();
            if (closedrvopen.equals("true")) {
                chainclosedrvopen = "Closed (RV open)";
            } else {
                chainclosedrvopen = "xxxx";
            String closed = f.isClosed();
            if (closed.equals("true")) {
                ChainClosed = "Closed";
            } else {
                ChainClosed = "xxxx";
            String confirmationofabilitytosupply = f.isConfirmationofabilitytosupply();
            if (confirmationofabilitytosupply.equals("true")) {
                ChaineConfirmationonfabiltytosupply = "Confirmati of ability to supply";
            } else {
                ChaineConfirmationonfabiltytosupply = "xxxx";
            String customerdecisionexpected = f.isCustomerdecisionexpected();
            if (customerdecisionexpected.equals("true")) {
                ChaineCustomerdesicionexcepted = "Customer decision expected";

            } else {
                ChaineCustomerdesicionexcepted = "xxxx";
            String errors = f.isErrors();
            if (errors.equals("true")) {
                ChainErrors = "errors";
            } else {
                ChainErrors = "xxxx";
            String interviewplanned = f.isInterviewplanned();
            if (interviewplanned.equals("true")) {
                ChainInterviewPlanned = "Interview planned";
            } else {
                ChainInterviewPlanned = "xxxx";
            String lastcallbidinbrocess = f.isLastcallbidinbrocess();
            if (lastcallbidinbrocess.equals("true")) {
                ChainLastCallbidinborcess = "Last Call - bid in brocess";
            } else {
                ChainLastCallbidinborcess = "xxxx";
            String lastcallofferrejected = f.isLastcallofferrejected();
            if (lastcallofferrejected.equals("true")) {
                LastCallOffered = "Last Call - offer rejected";
            } else {
                LastCallOffered = "xxxx";
            String lastcalloptionoffered = f.isLastcalloptionoffered();
            if (lastcalloptionoffered.equals("true")) {
                ChaineLastCaloption = "Last Call - option offered";
            } else {
                ChaineLastCaloption = "xxxx";
            String moreprofileoffered = f.isMoreprofileoffered();
            if (moreprofileoffered.equals("true")) {
                ChaineMoreProfiloffered = "More Profile offered";

            } else {
                ChaineMoreProfiloffered = "xxxx";
            String moreprofilesearching = f.isMoreprofilesearching();
            if (moreprofilesearching.equals("true")) {
                ChianeMOreProfilSearching = "More Profile searching";
            } else {
                ChianeMOreProfilSearching = "xxxx";
            String moreprofilefoundchecking = f.isMoreprofilefoundchecking();
            if (moreprofilefoundchecking.equals("true")) {
                ChainemoreProfilefoundChecking = "More Profiles found,checking";
            } else {
                ChainemoreProfilefoundChecking = "xxxx";
            String ndaforsignature = f.isNdaforsignature();

            if (ndaforsignature.equals("true")) {
                ChainNdaForsignature = "NDA for signature";

            } else {
                ChainNdaForsignature = "xxxx";
            String offerrejected = f.isOfferrejected();
            if (offerrejected.equals("true")) {
                chainOfferejected = "Offer rejected";
            } else {
                chainOfferejected = "xxxx";
            String offerrejectednooptionforlast = f.isOfferrejectednooptionforlast();
            if (offerrejectednooptionforlast.equals("true")) {
                Chaineoffererejectednooptionforlast = "Offer rejected -no option for last";
            } else {
                Chaineoffererejectednooptionforlast = "xxxx";
            String onhold = f.isOnhold();
            if (onhold.equals("true")) {
                Chainonholde = "On hold";
            } else {
                Chainonholde = "xxxx";
            String profileaccepted = f.isProfileaccepted();
            if (profileaccepted.equals("true")) {
                ChaineProfilAcceted = "Profil accepted";
            } else {
                ChaineProfilAcceted = "xxxx";
            String profilefoundchecking = f.isProfilefoundchecking();
            if (profilefoundchecking.equals("true")) {
                ChainePorfileFoundCheking = "Profile found,checking";
            } else {
                ChainePorfileFoundCheking = "xxxx";
            String profileoffered = f.isProfileoffered();
            if (profileoffered.equals("true")) {
                CHAINePorfileOffered = "Profile offered";
            } else {
                CHAINePorfileOffered = "xxxx";
            String profilerejected = f.isProfilerejected();
            if (profilerejected.equals("true")) {
                ChaineProfilrejected = "Profile rejected";
            } else {
                ChaineProfilrejected = "xxxx";
            String requestdataincompleteinvalid = f.isRequestdataincompleteinvalid();
            if (requestdataincompleteinvalid.equals("true")) {
                ChaineRequestdataincompleteinvalid = "Request data inomplete/invalid";
            } else {
                ChaineRequestdataincompleteinvalid = "xxxx";
            String seeidemandstatus = f.isSeeidemandstatus();
            if (seeidemandstatus.equals("true")) {
                Chaineseeidemandstatus = "see iDemand status";
            } else {
                Chaineseeidemandstatus = "xxxx";
            String waitingforcustomerinformation = f.isWaitingforcustomerinformation();
            if (waitingforcustomerinformation.equals("true")) {
                ChaineWaitingforcustomerinformation = "Waiting for customer information";
            } else {
                ChaineWaitingforcustomerinformation = "xxxx";
            String waitingfopo = f.isWaitingfopo();
            if (waitingfopo.equals("true")) {
                cHAINEFOPO = "Waiting fo P.O.";
            } else {
                cHAINEFOPO = "xxxx";
            String waitingforrequest = f.isWaitingforrequest();
            if (waitingforrequest.equals("true")) {
                ChaineWaitingrequest = "Waiting for Request";
            } else {
                ChaineWaitingrequest = "xxxx";
            // String allworkflow =f.isAllworkflow();

            // UNIT
            String bpf = f.isBpf();
            if (bpf.equals("true")) {
                Chainbpf = "BP F";
            } else {
                Chainbpf = "xxxx";

            String carveout = f.isCarveout();
            if (carveout.equals("true")) {
                Chaincarveout = "Carve-Out";
            } else {
                Chaincarveout = "xxxx";
            String coeinfosec = f.isCoeinfosec();

            if (coeinfosec.equals("true")) {
                Chaincoeinfosec = "COE INFO SEC";
            } else {
                Chaincoeinfosec = "xxxx";
            String cuother = f.isCuother();
            if (cuother.equals("true")) {
                Chaincuother = "CU Other";
            } else {
                Chaincuother = "xxxx";
            String gsbipsbss = f.isGsbipsbss();

            if (gsbipsbss.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsbipsbss = "GS BIPS BSS";
            } else {
                Chaingsbipsbss = "xxxx";
            String gsitba = f.isGsitba();
            if (gsitba.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitba = "GS IT BA";
            } else {
                Chaingsitba = "xxxx";
            String gsitbi = f.isGsitbi();
            if (gsitbi.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitbi = "GS IT BI";
            } else {
                Chaingsitbi = "xxxx";
            String gsitbt = f.isGsitbt();
            if (gsitbt.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitbt = "GS IT BT";
            } else {
                Chaingsitbt = "xxxx";
            String gsitcc = f.isGsitcc();
            if (gsitcc.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitcc = "GS IT CC";
            } else {
                Chaingsitcc = "xxxx";
            String gsitccs = f.isGsitccs();
            if (gsitccs.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitccs = "GS IT CCS";
            } else {
                Chaingsitccs = "xxxx";
            String gsitcd = f.isGsitcd();
            if (gsitcd.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitcd = "GS IT CD";
            } else {
                Chaingsitcd = "xxxx";
            String gsitcf = f.isGsitcf();
            if (gsitcf.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitcf = "GS IT CF";
            } else {
                Chaingsitcf = "xxxx";
            String gsitcoe = f.isGsitcoe();
            if (gsitcoe.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitcoe = "GS IT COE";
            } else {
                Chaingsitcoe = "xxxx";
            String gsitcrm = f.isGsitcrm();
            if (gsitcrm.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitcrm = "GS IT CRM";
            } else {
                Chaingsitcrm = "xxxx";
            String gsitct = f.isGsitct();
            if (gsitct.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitct = "GS IT TCT";
            } else {
                Chaingsitct = "xxxx";
            String gsitde = f.isGsitde();
            if (gsitde.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitde = "GS IT DE";
            } else {
                Chaingsitde = "xxxx";
            String gsitdf = f.isGsitdf();
            if (gsitdf.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitdf = "GS IT DF";
            } else {
                Chaingsitdf = "xxxx";
            String gsiteb = f.isGsiteb();
            if (gsiteb.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsiteb = "GS IT EB";
            } else {
                Chaingsiteb = "xxxx";
            String gsitecm = f.isGsitecm();
            if (gsitecm.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitecm = "GS IT ECM";
            } else {
                Chaingsitecm = "xxxx";
            String gsited = f.isGsited();
            if (gsited.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsited = "GS IT ED";
            } else {
                Chaingsited = "xxxx";
            String gsitem = f.isGsitem();
            if (gsitem.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitem = "GS IT EM";
            } else {
                Chaingsitem = "xxxx";
            String gsiter = f.isGsiter();
            if (gsiter.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsiter = "GS IT ER";
            } else {
                Chaingsiter = "";
            String gsitg = f.isGsitg();
            if (gsitg.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitg = "GS IT G";
            } else {
                Chaingsitg = "";

            String gsithr = f.isGsithr();
            if (gsithr.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsithr = "GS IT HR";
            } else {
                Chaingsithr = "xxxx";
            String gsitin = f.isGsitin();
            if (gsitin.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitin = "GS IT IN";
            } else {
                Chaingsitin = "xxxx";
            String gsitisec = f.isGsitisec();
            if (gsitisec.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitisec = "GS IT ISEC";
            } else {
                Chaingsitisec = "xxxx";
            String gsitmo = f.isGsitmo();
            if (gsitmo.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitmo = "GS IT MO";
            } else {
                Chaingsitmo = "xxxx";
            String gsitpd = f.isGsitpd();
            if (gsitpd.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitpd = "GS IT PD";
            } else {
                Chaingsitpd = "xxxx";
            String gsitpg = f.isGsitpg();
            if (gsitpg.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitpg = "GS IT PG";
            } else {
                Chaingsitpg = "xxxx";
            String gsitps = f.isGsitps();
            if (gsitps.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitps = "GS IT PS";
            } else {
                Chaingsitps = "xxxx";

            String gsitr = f.isGsitr();
            if (gsitr.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitr = "GS IT R";
            } else {
                Chaingsitr = "xxxx";
            String gsitrc = f.isGsitrc();
            if (gsitrc.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitrc = "GS IT RC";
            } else {
                Chaingsitrc = "xxxx";
            String gsitscm = f.isGsitscm();
            if (gsitscm.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitscm = "GS IT SCM";
            } else {
                Chaingsitscm = "xxxx";

            String gsitsfs = f.isGsitsfs();
            if (gsitsfs.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitsfs = "GS IT SFS";
            } else {
                Chaingsitsfs = "";
            String gsitsmc = f.isGsitsmc();
            if (gsitsmc.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitsmc = "GS IT SMC";
            } else {
                Chaingsitsmc = "";
            String gsitvit = f.isGsitvit();
            if (gsitvit.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitvit = "GS IT VIT";
            } else {
                Chaingsitvit = "";
            String gsitwp = f.isGsitwp();
            if (gsitwp.equals("true")) {
                Chaingsitwp = "GS IT WP";
            } else {
                Chaingsitwp = "";
            String hansecom = f.isHansecom();
            if (hansecom.equals("true")) {
                Chainhansecom = "HanseCom";
            } else {
                Chainhansecom = "";
            String hcit = f.isHcit();
            if (hcit.equals("true")) {
                Chainhcit = "HC IT";
            } else {
                Chainhcit = "xxxx";
            String osram = f.isOsram();
            if (osram.equals("true")) {
                Chainosram = "OSRAM";
            } else {
                Chainosram = "xxxx";
            String sppallasit = f.issppallasit();
            if (sppallasit.equals("true")) {
                Chainsppallasit = "SPPAL/ LAST IT";
            } else {
                Chainsppallasit = "xxxx";

            String sre = f.isSre();
            if (sre.equals("true")) {
                Chainsre = "SRE";
            } else {
                Chainsre = "xxxx";

            // String allunit = f.isAllunit();
        HashMap<String,String> tabFilter = new HashMap<String,String>();

        return null;





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