





    #Example of a string I am turning into a list
Meta_thingys_str = "TagExampleA(omit if: Data Example 1),TagExampleA(include if: Data Example 2),TagExampleB(include if: any),TagExampleC(include if: any),TagExampleC(omit if: Data Example 3)"

#Split the string based on ',' into a list
Meta_thingys = Meta_thingys_str.split(",")

#Useful for later,to see if the list items are laid out in a manner my code can read.
obligatory_characters = (' if: ' and ')' and '(') 

#Let's loop through our "thingys"
for thingy in Meta_thingys:

    #A silly example - I have a lot more if-statements in my actual code but
    #ObvIoUsly `elif` won't run without an `if` statement.
    if ("include" in thingy) and ("any" not in thingy):

    #This checks to see if the layout and characters of the list items are 
    #roughly correct
    elif (obligatory_characters not in thingy):
        print("'" + thingy + "' not recognised as a valid input (Type A Error)\n")

    #This is *supposed to* check whether either the key word 'omit' or 'include'
    #is present within each list item. Seemingly,it fails.
    elif ('omit' not in thingy) or ('include' not in thingy):
        print("\n'" + thingy + "' not recognised as a valid input (Type B Error)\n")


'TagExampleA(omit if: Data Example 1)' not recognised as a valid input (Type B Error)


'TagExampleB(include if: any)' not recognised as a valid input (Type B Error)

'TagExampleC(include if: any)' not recognised as a valid input (Type B Error)

'TagExampleC(omit if: Data Example 3)' not recognised as a valid input (Type B Error)


#Useful for later,to see if the list (derived from a user input) contains the
#proper information
obligatory_characters = (' if: ' and ')' and '(')
#!>>> note the change here <<<!
variable_characters = ('omit' or 'include')

#Let's loop through our "thingys"
for thingy in Meta_thingys:
#A silly example I have a lot more if-statements in my actual code
if ("include" in thingy) and ("any" not in thingy):

#This checks to see if the layout and characters of the list items are
#roughly correct
elif (obligatory_characters not in thingy):
    print("'" + thingy + "' not recognised as a valid input (Type A Error)\n")

#This is *supposed to* check whether either the key word 'omit' or 'include'
#is present within each list item. Seemingly,it fails.
#!>>> and corresponding change here <<<!
elif (variable_characters not in thingy):
    print("\n'" + thingy + "' not recognised as a valid input (Type B Error)\n") 



'TagExampleB(include if: any)' not recognised as a valid input (Type B Error)

'TagExampleC(include if: any)' not recognised as a valid input (Type B Error)



elif ('omit' not in thingy) or ('include' not in thingy):



obligatory_characters = (' if: ' and ')' and '(')
# '('


must_exist = ['a','b','c']
for to_match in must_exist:
    if to_match not in search_string:
        return False
return True