



// This is a sample program that asks users for some basic data and prints it on 
// the screen in order to show what was entered
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char topping[24];
    int slices;
    int month,day,year;
    float cost;

    // The first scanf will look for a floating-point variable,the cost of the pizza
    // If the user doesn't enter a $ before the cost,it Could cause problems

    printf("How much does a pizza cost in your area?");
    printf("enter as $XX.XX)\n");
    scanf(" $%f",&cost);

    // The pizza topping is a string,so your scanf doesn't need an &

    printf("What is your favorite one-word pizza topping?\n");
    scanf(" %s",topping);

    printf("How many slices of %s pizza",topping);
    printf("can you eat in one sitting?\n");

    printf("What is today's date (enter it in XX/XX/XX format).\n");
    scanf(" %i/%i/%i",&month,&day,&year);

    printf("\n\nWhy not treat yourself to dinner on %i/%i/%i",month,year);
    printf("\nand have %i slices of %s pizza!\n",slices,topping);
    printf("It will only cost you $%.2f!\n\n\n",cost);



How much does a pizza cost in your area?enter as $XX.XX)
What is your favorite one-word pizza topping?
How many slices of 15.00 pizzacan you eat in one sitting?


scanf失败时,有问题的输入将留在输入流中,并可能导致后续扫描失败或行为异常。 fgets将从输入流中读取并删除最大缓冲区的大小。
解析输入可以通过许多功能来完成。这里使用sscanfstrcspn,但还有许多其他可用的。 strspnstrtodstrtolstrchrstrstrstrpbrkstrtokstrsep等。
do{}while();允许重复输入,直到可接受的结果为止。解析 这里有限制,但可以改进。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char line[100] = "";
    char topping[100] = "";
    int result = 0;
    int slices = 0;
    int month = 0;
    int day = 0;
    int year = 0;
    float cost;

    do {
        printf ( "How much does a pizza cost in your area?");
        printf ( "enter as $XX.XX)\n");
        if ( ! fgets ( line,sizeof line,stdin)) {
            fprintf ( stderr,"fgets EOF\n");
            return 1;
        result = sscanf ( line," $%f",&cost);
        if ( 0 == result) {
            printf ( "be sure to use a $\n");
    } while ( 1 != result);

    printf ( "What are your favorite pizza toppings?\n");
    if ( ! fgets ( topping,sizeof topping,stdin)) {
        fprintf ( stderr,"fgets EOF\n");
        return 1;
    topping[strcspn ( topping,"\n")] = 0;//remove newline

    do {
        printf ( "How many slices of %s pizza",topping);
        printf ( " can you eat in one sitting?\n");
        if ( ! fgets ( line,"%d",&slices);
        if ( 0 == result) {
            printf ( "enter a number\n");
    } while ( 1 != result);

    do {
        printf ( "What is today's date (enter it in XX/XX/XX format).\n");
        if ( ! fgets ( line,"%d /%d /%d",&month,&day,&year);
        if ( 3 != result) {
            printf ( "be sure to use a / between numbers\n");
    } while ( 3 != result);

    printf ( "\n\nWhy not treat yourself to dinner on %i/%i/%i",month,day,year);
    printf ( "\nand have %i slices of %s pizza!\n",slices,topping);
    printf ( "It will only cost you $%.2f!\n\n\n",cost);
