

我用猫鼬在MongoDB中存储了一些图像文件。图像是从HTML表单提交的,然后通过Express POST请求发送到MongoDB。然后,我想通过GET请求访问MongoDB中的那些图像文件,然后将它们发送到客户端。此代码如下所示:

app.get("/showallimages",(req,res) => {

    Image.find({}).exec((error,records) => { // Image is the database schema model. 

        var img1 = Buffer.from(records[0].img.data,"base64"); // First image coming from MongoDB.
        var img2 = Buffer.from(records[1].img.data,"base64"); // Second image coming from MongoDB.
        var images = [img1,img2];

            "Content-Type": "image/png",})

        var i = 0;
        for (i; i <= images.length; i++) {
            res.end(images[i]); // I am expecting this to send both images to the client side,but instead I am only getting the first image to be displayed. 



如果我用console.log“ images”,我会得到两个文件的二进制数据:


  <Buffer ff d8 ff e0 00 10 4a 46 49 46 00 01 02 00 00 64 00 64 00 00 ff ec 00 11 44 75 63 
6b 79 00 01 00 04 00 00 00 22 00 00 ff ee 00 0e 41 64 6f 62 65 00 64 ... 8728 more bytes>,<Buffer 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 05 39 00 00 03 84 08 06 00 
00 00 6a f3 35 f1 00 00 00 01 73 52 47 42 00 ae ce 1c e9 00 00 00 f2 ... 397757 more bytes>





您的代码有逻辑错误。调用res.end()时,express在第一个图像中结束响应过程,您的循环不会到达下一个迭代。 同样,您不能对一个请求有多个响应。但是您可以使用res.json(images)发送带有JSON表示形式的Buffer数组。


// server response
const images = response.map(buffer => {
  const rawBuffer = buffer.toString("base64");
  const imageSrc = "data:image/png;base64," + rawBuffer;
  const image = document.createElemment("img");
  image.src = imageSrc;
  return image;

In this method you can control how you will show the images in the client 
(to test,just append to any div)


app.get("/showallimages",(req,res) => {

    Image.find({}).exec((error,records) => { // Image is the database schema model. 

        var img1 = Buffer.from(records[0].img.data,"base64"); // First image coming from MongoDB.
        var img2 = Buffer.from(records[1].img.data,"base64"); // Second image coming from MongoDB.
        var images = [img1,img2];

        const formatedImages = images.map(buffer => {
          return `<img src="data:image/png;base64,${buffer.toString("base64")}"/>`

