如何使这个Double Deep Q网络收敛到最佳策略?





该网络使用Keras的Functional API进行构建:深度为2个隐藏层,第一个具有ReLU激活功能,第二个隐藏层具有softmax激活,而输出层使用线性激活。我尝试了许多奖励信号:价格,投资组合价值的变化,采取每项操作后的利润/亏损(包括绝对值和百分比),但是收敛问题仍然存在(我考虑过使用反向RL /模仿学习,但我不能只能在截止日期之前开始进入)。我使用Epsilon-Greedy框架,并在每个时间步长逐步将勘探速率退火为0。我也使用Double DQN框架(但没有体验重播)。每个观察值(最后一个动作和1 / -1对)分别馈入网络(无小批量),估算奖励,并使用SGD最小化目标Q值和估算Q之间的成本(Huber) -value(从每10次迭代冻结的目标网络计算)。然后从时间序列的下一个点进行的下一个观察将通过,依此类推。




# Simulated sine price:
price = []
for i in range(-100,101):
df = pd.DataFrame(price)
df.columns = ['Close']

# Store Closing price separately for later use:
dt = df

# Computing the price variation (Day-over-Day return):
df['DoD return']= float
for i in range(1,len(df)):
    df['DoD return'][i] = ((df['Close'][i]-df['Close'][i-1] ) / df['Close'][i-1])*100 

# Replacing first missing value with the mean of the two next values:
df['DoD return'][0] = np.mean(df['DoD return'][1:3])

# Creating the next-day's "perfect" predictor:
df['Next U/D'] = int
for i in range(1,len(df)):
    if df['DoD return'][i] >= 0:
        df['Next U/D'][i-1] = 1
        df['Next U/D'][i-1] = -1
df['Next U/D'][len(df)-1] = -1 # filling last missing value

# Drop DoD from dataframe:
df = df.drop('DoD return',axis=1)

class Environment:
    def __init__(self):
    @staticmethod  # takes in 0,1,2 OR 3 for (buy,hold,close or cash) and outputs the next possible actions given that last action:
    def action_space(action):   
        return [1,2] if action in [0,1] else [0,3]
    # inputs dataframe index as self and outputs the current state for that index for each trading day
    def current_state(self):
        return list(df.iloc[self]) 
    # Outputs next state given current state by taking current state's index as self:
    def next_state(self):
        return list(df.iloc[self + 1])

    # takes in an action and a state index (line inputs in the dataframe) and calculates the difference 
    in the portfolio after the action:
    def reward2(action,state_id):
        global current_equity,old_equity
        if action in [0,3]: # buying or staying in cash won't make any immediate effect so equity stays the same
            return 0
        elif action in [1,2]: # hold,close
            for _ in range(state_id,-1,-1): # finding the entry price
                if orders[_] == 0:  # hold buy / buy entry
                    entry_price = dt['Close'][_] # store entry price
                    current_price = dt['Close'][state_id]
                    p_l = (current_price - entry_price)*current_equity*fraction_invested # Profit/Loss
                    old_equity = current_equity
                    current_equity += p_l
                    return current_equity - old_equity

epsilon = 1.0 # exploration probability
decay = 0.999 # factor by which to decay epsilon with each timestep
min_epsilon = 0.01 # decay epsilon to the limit of 1% (so it doesn't go all the way to 0)

last_action = 3 # initially we start with being in cash (action #3)
gamma = 0.5 # discount rate
alpha = 0.01 # learning rate

# Values that will be updated by the algorithm:
current_equity = 10 # current monetary units available to trade
old_equity = 10 # to be later updated
fraction_invested = 0.1 # invest 10% of account at each order

# Building the DQN architecture:
def DQN():
    inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(2,),dtype='float64')
    hidd_layer1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(20,activation=tf.nn.relu dtype='float64',use_bias=True )(inputs)  # 1st hidden layer with 10 neurons
    hidd_layer2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(20,activation=tf.nn.softmax,dtype='float64',use_bias=True )(hidd_layer1)
    outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4,activation = None,kernel_initializer = 'zeros',bias_initializer = 'zeros',use_bias=True)(hidd_layer2) # output layer with 4 outputs for each of the 4 actions
    return tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs,outputs=outputs)

# Store built Network
model = DQN()

# Make a copy of it for the Target Network (Double DQN)
target_dqn = DQN()

# Optimizer:
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate = alpha)

# Choose Loss Function:
loss_function = keras.losses.Huber()

# Main training loop:
while cumulative_reward < 100:
    last_action = 3  # initial state: being in cash
    states_history = []
    actions_history = []
    rewards_history = []
    Losses = []
    orders = []
    cumulative_reward = 0
    cumul_reward = []
    current_equity = 10
    old_equity = 10
    # This is the second input to the network: last action taken
    # will be added to the original dataframe as the actions are being taken

    df['Last action'] = int 
    df['Last action'][0] = 3 # we start by being inc cash

    for state_index in range(0,len(df)): # iterate over all time-steps (states)
        # get current state from the Environment:
        state = np.matrix(Environment.current_state(state_index))
        # epsilon-greedy:
        epsilon = max(epsilon,min_epsilon) # decay epsilon to the limit of 10%
        if epsilon >= np.random.rand(1)[0]:
            action = np.random.choice(Environment.action_space(last_action))  # pick a random action from action space
        # else take Max Q-value action (best action):
            state_tensor = tf.expand_dims(tf.convert_to_tensor(state),axis=0)
            action_probs = model(state_tensor[0],training=False)  # input state into DQN to make a Q value prediction
            # Take best action (highest Q-value):
            for i in Environment.action_space(last_action): # loop to find action that maximizes the estimated Q value
                reduced_space = [np.array(action_probs)[0][i] for i in Environment.action_space(last_action)]
            # make an array that has only the available actions given last action
            # Since it's a reduced space,the indices of this list do not represent our original actions
            # So we write these 2 loops to find the original index which gives us the max action
            for i in range(len(reduced_space)): 
                if reduced_space[i] == max(reduced_space):
                    Max = reduced_space[i]
            for i in range(4):
                if np.array(action_probs)[0][i] == Max:
                    action = i
        # Log orders:
        df['Last action'][state_index+1] = action
        # Apply the sampled action in our environment
        # Reward of taken action:
        action_reward = Environment.reward2(action,state_index)
        # Next state given current state index:
        next_state = np.array(Environment.next_state(state_index))
        # Store states,actions and rewards:

        # Estimate future rewards of next state:
        future_rewards = target_dqn.predict(tf.expand_dims(next_state,axis=0))
        # Updating target Q-value: Q(s,a) = reward + gamma * max Q(s',a')
        target_q_value = action_reward + gamma * tf.reduce_max(future_rewards,axis=1)
        # create one-hot encoding filter with 4 columns (one for each action)
        Filter = tf.one_hot(actions_history,depth=4,dtype='float64')
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            # NN-predicted Q-value 
            pred_q_values = model(states_history)
            # Multiplying the predicted Q-values to the mask will give us a matrix that has the Q-value for each action taken
            q_action = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(pred_q_values,Filter))
            # Calculate loss between target Q-value annd predicted Q-value
            loss = loss_function(target_q_value,q_action)  
        # Backpropagation:
        grads = tape.gradient(loss,model.trainable_variables)
        # Update the weights:
        weights = model.get_weights()
        # Update the Target Network every 10 iterations:
        if state_index%10 == 0:
        # Update last action taken
        last_action = action
        # Decay epsilon:
        epsilon = epsilon*decay
        # Update running reward:
        cumulative_reward += action_reward
        # Empty history lists
        states_history = []
        actions_history = []
        # Log loss:
        # Log cumulative rewards:
        # Log current equity:
        # Show iteration,loss and exploration rate:
        print("- Iteration number:",state_index)
        print("- Loss is equal to:",np.array(loss))
        print("- Exploration probability is:",epsilon)




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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