

我要处理的情况是,在第一列中有一张表格,其中有帐号,在第五列中有金额,在第七列中有“ F”或“ P”。帐号与第一列中另一个工作簿上的帐号匹配。如果在表的第七列中(在源工作簿中有一个“ F”,则应将值复制,匹配并粘贴到目标工作簿的第四列中的同一行上。如果有“ P,”的值应匹配并粘贴到目标工作簿的第五列的同一行上。该代码可以工作,但不会区分F或P,而是将所有值粘贴到两个列中。

import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

const Navigation = (props) => {
  function toggleBurgerMenu() {

  return (
    <nav className="navbar" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation">
      <div className="navbar-brand">
        <Link to="/" className="navbar-item">React App</Link>

        <a role="button" className="navbar-burger burger" aria-label="menu" aria-expanded="false" data-target="navbarBasic"
          <span aria-hidden="true"></span>
          <span aria-hidden="true"></span>
          <span aria-hidden="true"></span>

      <div id="navbarBasic" className="navbar-menu">
        <div className="navbar-start">
          <Link to="/about" className="navbar-item" onClick={toggleBurgerMenu}>About</Link>
          <Link to="/contact" className="navbar-item" onClick={toggleBurgerMenu}>Contact</Link>
          <Link to="/notes" className="navbar-item" onClick={toggleBurgerMenu}>Notes</Link>

export default Navigation;




'compare text (ignore case)
option compare text 

dim source_wb as workbook
dim dest_wb as workbook

dim source_ws as worksheet
dim dest_ws as worksheet

'set workbooks/sheets
set source_wb = workbooks("HF Pricing Template1")
set source_ws = source_wb.worksheets("Table")

set dest_wb = workbooks("Book1")
set dest_ws = dest_wb.worksheets("Sheet1")

dim source_lr as integer
dim dest_lr as integer

'get last row of data in each sheet for column 1 (the account numbers)
'checks for account number list in column "a" change where applicable
source_lr = source_ws.cells(rows.count,"M").end(xlup).row
dest_lr = dest_ws.cells(rows.count,"A").end(xlup).row

'this starts checking for account numbers at row 2 change where applicable
for source_row = 2 to source_lr
    ''this start checking for account numbers at row 2 change where applicable
    for dest_row = 2 to dest_lr
        'check if account numbers match
        ' change column as applicable 
        if source_ws.cells(source_row,"M") = dest_ws.cells(dest_row,"A") then
            'if column 7  in source contains p then copy to column 4 in dest ws
            'change column where applicable
            if source_ws.cells(source_row,"S") = "p" then
                dest_ws.cells(dest_row,"D") = source_ws.cells(source_row,"R")
                exit for
            'if column 7  in source contains f then copy to column 5 in dest ws
            ' change column where applicable
            elseif source_ws.cells(source_row,"S") = "f" then
                dest_ws.cells(dest_row,"E") = source_ws.cells(source_row,"R")
                exit for
            end if
        end if
    next dest_row
next source_row


Dim source_wb As Workbook
Dim dest_wb As Workbook

Dim source_ws As Worksheet
Dim dest_ws As Worksheet

'set workbooks/sheets
Set source_wb = Workbooks("HF Pricing Template1")
Set source_ws = source_wb.Worksheets("Tables")

Set dest_wb = Workbooks("Book1")
Set dest_ws = dest_wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")

Dim source_lr As Integer
Dim dest_lr As Integer

'get last row of data in each sheet for column 1 (the account numbers)
'checks for account number list in column "a" change where applicable
source_lr = source_ws.Cells(Rows.Count,"M").End(xlUp).Row
dest_lr = dest_ws.Cells(Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).Row

'this starts checking for account numbers at row 2 change where applicable
For source_row = 5 To source_lr
''this start checking for account numbers at row 2 change where applicable
For dest_row = 2 To dest_lr
    'check if account numbers match
    ' change column as applicable
    If source_ws.Cells(source_row,"M") = dest_ws.Cells(dest_row,"A") Then
        'if column 7  in source contains p then copy to column 4 in dest ws
        'change column where applicable
        If source_ws.Cells(source_row,"S") = "P" Then
            dest_ws.Cells(dest_row,"D") = source_ws.Cells(source_row,"M")
            Exit For
        'if column 7  in source contains f then copy to column 5 in dest ws
        ' change column where applicable
        ElseIf source_ws.Cells(source_row,"S") = "F" Then
            dest_ws.Cells(dest_row,"E") = source_ws.Cells(source_row,"M")
            Exit For

        End If
     End If


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错误1:private field ‘xxx‘ is never assigned 按Alt...
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