在Interop.Word上Find.Execute的正确语法是什么? 方法1:方法2:方法2b:方法3:


我正在四处检查如何在Interop Word上使用Find.Execute,因为它需要通过Object-我不知道这样做的正确方法是什么,我发现与众不同探索这个问题的方法。

using msWord = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;

msWord.Document doc = msWord.Application.ActiveDocument; // sets the document

Range range = doc.StoryRanges[WdStoryType.wdMainTextStory]; // sets the range as the main text

string textToFind = "ABC";    // the text to be found
string textToReplace = "123"; // the text to replace with
bool useWildCards = false;    // whether to use wildcards on search
bool makeBold = true;         // whether to change the font format to bold or non-bold




private void FindAndReplaceWithFormating(Range range,string textToFind,string textToReplace,bool useWildCards,bool makeBold)
range.Find.Replacement.Font.Bold = makeBold; // the format design must come like this.

// here comes the rest of the code according to the chosen method...



range.Find.Text = textToFind;
range.Find.Replacement.Text = textToReplace;
range.Find.MatchWildcards = useWildCards;
range.Find.Forward = true;
range.Find.Format = true;
range.Find.Wrap = msWord.WdFindWrap.wdFindContinue;
object replaceAll = msWord.WdReplace.wdReplaceAll;
object missing = Missing.Value; // using System.Reflection;

// all ref are missing. only replaceAll ref is sent
range.Find.Execute(ref missing,ref missing,ref replaceAll,ref missing);


object missing = Missing.Value;
object FindText = textToFind;
object MatchCase = missing;
object MatchWholeWord = missing;
object MatchWildcards = useWildCards;
object MatchSoundsLike = missing;
object MatchAllWordForms = missing;
object Forward = true;
object Wrap = msWord.WdFindWrap.wdFindContinue;
object Format = true;
object ReplaceWith = textToReplace;
object Replace = msWord.WdReplace.wdReplaceAll;
object MatchKashida = missing;
object MatchDiacritics = missing;
object MatchAlefHamza = missing;
object MatchControl = missing;

// all are sent as object.
find.Execute(ref FindText,ref MatchCase,ref MatchWholeWord,ref MatchWildcards,ref MatchSoundsLike,ref MatchAllWordForms,ref Forward,ref Wrap,ref Format,ref ReplaceWith,ref Replace,ref MatchKashida,ref MatchDiacritics,ref MatchAlefHamza,ref MatchControl);


// same as above just objects are sent without ref
// ...




由于@Yosef Bernal,我再次检查了一下,发现所有方法都是正确的。但是似乎有一个最优选的方法,因为它很清楚地是声明所有属性,并以“可读”的方式排列它,如下所示:

FindText: "ABC",// The text to be searched for.
ReplaceWith: "123",// The replacment text.

MatchWildcards: false,// Determines if the text to find contains wildcards.

Forward: true,// Determines if the find operation searches forward through the document.
Format: false,// Determine if formatting is included in the find operation.
Wrap: WdFindWrap.wdFindContinue,// What happens if the search begins at a point other than the beginning of the document and the end of the document is reached (or vice versa if Forward is set to False) or if the search text isn't found in the specified selection or range.
Replace: WdReplace.wdReplaceAll,// Specifies how many replacements to be made: one,none or all.

MatchCase: false,// Determines if the find operation is case-sensitive.
MatchWholeWord: false,// Determines if the find operation locates only entire words and not text that's part of a larger word.
MatchSoundsLike: false,// Determines if words that sound similar to the text to find are returned by the find operation.
MatchAllWordForms: false,// Determines if all forms of the text to find are found by the find operation (for instance,if the text to find is "sit," "sat" and "sitting" are found as well).

MatchKashida: false,// Match text with matching kashidas in an Arabic language document.
MatchDiacritics: false,// Matching diacritics in a right-to-left language document.
MatchAlefHamza: false,// Match text with matching alef hamzas in an Arabic language document.
MatchControl: false                 // Matching bidirectional control characters in a right-to-left language document.

编辑: 在将Interop.WordUndoRecord结合使用时,请注意一个ReplaceAll错误-请参阅herehere


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