如何在Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise中编辑.RDL文件


我正在尝试编辑.RDL文件。我尝试的第一件事是在“ sql Server Report Builder 3.0”中打开文件。但是,该应用程序甚至不允许我做一些简单的事情,例如添加分页符

接下来我要尝试的是在“ Visual Studio Enterprise 2017”中打开文件。按照this之类的建议,我设法通过“ Visual Studio Installer”应用程序成功安装了“ sql Server数据工具”,但是当我尝试通过“扩展和更新”菜单中的“扩展和更新”菜单安装“ Microsoft Reporting Services项目”时, Visual Studio,我收到以下错误消息:

21/08/2020 10:00:18 - Microsoft VSIX Installer
21/08/2020 10:00:18 - -------------------------------------------
21/08/2020 10:00:21 - Initializing Install...
21/08/2020 10:00:21 - Extension Details...
21/08/2020 10:00:21 -   Identifier         : 717ad572-c4b7-435c-c166-c2969777f718
21/08/2020 10:00:21 -   Name               : Microsoft Reporting Services Projects
21/08/2020 10:00:21 -   Author             : Microsoft
21/08/2020 10:00:21 -   Version            : 2.6.7
21/08/2020 10:00:21 -   Description        : The Microsoft RDL report designer,projects and wizards for creating professional reports. This package provides support for the .rptproj type and is designed for the most recent versions of Microsoft Reporting Services.
21/08/2020 10:00:21 -   Locale             : en-US
21/08/2020 10:00:21 -   MoreInfoURL        : 
21/08/2020 10:00:21 -   InstalledByMSI     : False
21/08/2020 10:00:21 -   SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [0.0,2147483647.2147483647]
21/08/2020 10:00:21 - 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -   SignatureState     : ValidSignature
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -   SignedBy           : Microsoft Corporation
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -   Certificate Info   : 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       -------------------------------------------------------
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       [Subject]       : CN=Microsoft Corporation,OU=OPC,O=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       [Issuer]        : CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA 2010,C=US
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       [Serial Number] : 330000033C51C393599E34695900000000033C
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       [Not Before]    : 11/03/2020 18:06:39
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       [Not After]     : 05/03/2021 18:06:39
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       [Thumbprint]    : F9DFA92ED94D8DFD37D9465D89BBFA260B920287
21/08/2020 10:00:49 - 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -   Supported Products : 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -           Version : [15.0.28010,17.0)
21/08/2020 10:00:49 - 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -   References         : 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       -------------------------------------------------------
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       Identifier   : BAB64743-DA65-4501-B3A3-A73171C73D77
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       Name         : Microsoft BI Shared Components for Visual Studio
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       Version      : [5.0.0,6.99)
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       MoreInfoURL  : 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       nested       : Yes
21/08/2020 10:00:49 - 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -   Prerequisites      : 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       -------------------------------------------------------
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       Identifier   : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       Name         : Visual Studio core editor
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -       Version      : [15.0,17.0)
21/08/2020 10:00:49 - 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 - Signature Details...
21/08/2020 10:00:49 -   Extension is signed with a valid signature.
21/08/2020 10:00:49 - 
21/08/2020 10:00:49 - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
   at VSIXInstaller.App.GetInstallableData(String vsixPath,Boolean isRepairsupported,IEnumerable`1& skuData)
   at VSIXInstaller.App.Initialize(Boolean isRepairsupported)
   at VSIXInstaller.App.Initialize()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

插件支持Visual Studio社区版而不支持企业版,这似乎很奇怪。我不想仅为此一个插件安装社区版和企业版。企业版是否可以替代?





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