使用numba.cuda在GPU上运行Sympy lambdify函数


我正在尝试使用numba.cuda在GPU上运行任意sympy lambdify函数。到目前为止,由于numba.jit允许函数返回值,但是numba.cuda.jit不允许这样做(numba.cuda.jit内核无法返回值),因此我在每个步骤中都遇到了错误。这可能是由于我对numba的工作方式有一个基本的误解,但是文档中的示例有些稀疏,因此我尝试对每个给定的示例进行变异,以尝试做我不希望的事情。


非CUDA jit功能(有效)

import sympy
from sympy.abc import y
import numba

f = sympy.lambdify(y,sympy.sin(y),'math')
g = numba.jit(f)
g(1) #returns 0.8414709848078965

相同代码的CUDA jit示例

import sympy
from sympy.abc import y
from numba import cuda

f = sympy.lambdify(y,'math')
g = cuda.jit(f)
g(1) #error


TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: nopython frontend)
No conversion from float64 to none for '$8return_value.3',defined at None
File "<lambdifygenerated-5>",line 2:
def _lambdifygenerated(y):
    return (sin(y))

During: typing of assignment at <lambdifygenerated-5> (2)

File "<lambdifygenerated-5>",line 2:
def _lambdifygenerated(y):
    return (sin(y))




import sympy
import numpy
from sympy.abc import y
from numba import cuda

f = sympy.lambdify(y,'math')

def increment_by_one(an_array):
    # Thread id in a 1D block
    tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
    # Block id in a 1D grid
    ty = cuda.blockIdx.x
    # Block width,i.e. number of threads per block
    bw = cuda.blockDim.x
    # Compute flattened index inside the array
    pos = tx + ty * bw
    if pos < an_array.size:  # Check array boundaries
        an_array[pos] += 1
array = numpy.arange(3.)
print(array) #returns [0. 1. 2.]
blockspergrid = 2
threadsperblock = 32
print(array) #returns [1. 2. 3.]


import sympy
import numpy
from sympy.abc import y
from numba import cuda

f = sympy.lambdify(y,'math')

def cuda_f(an_array):
    # Thread id in a 1D block
    tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
    # Block id in a 1D grid
    ty = cuda.blockIdx.x
    # Block width,i.e. number of threads per block
    bw = cuda.blockDim.x
    # Compute flattened index inside the array
    pos = tx + ty * bw
    if pos < an_array.size:  # Check array boundaries
        an_array[pos] = f(an_array[pos])
array = numpy.arange(3.)
print(array) #returns [0. 1. 2.]
blockspergrid = 2
threadsperblock = 32
cuda_f[blockspergrid,threadsperblock](array) #error


TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: nopython frontend)
Untyped global name 'f': cannot determine Numba type of <class 'function'>

File "<ipython-input-7-9ef7fd8543d7>",line 19:
def cuda_f(an_array):
    <source elided>
    if pos < an_array.size:  # Check array boundaries
        an_array[pos] += f(an_array[pos])

此错误(“无法确定类的Numba类型”)似乎在我进行GPU验证该功能的所有其他尝试中都普遍存在,包括基于此处所有代码段的尝试:{{ 3}}。

很明显,这意味着我在执行此操作方面做错了。可以做到这一点(使用numba.cuda在GPU上并行运行sympy lambdify函数)吗?

编辑:通过将sympy lambdify函数转换为numba.jit函数,然后在cuda内核中运行它,我取得了一些成功。我使用了以下代码:

import sympy
import numpy
from sympy.abc import y
from numba import cuda
import numba

f = sympy.lambdify(y,'math')
g = numba.jit(f)

def sympy_kernel(x,out):
    startx = cuda.grid(1)    
    stridex = cuda.gridsize(1) 

    for i in range(startx,x.shape[0],stridex):
        out[i] = g(x[i])

def sympy_cpu(x,out):
    for i in range(len(out)):
        out[i] = g(x[i])
array = numpy.arange(100000000.)
array_device = cuda.to_device(array)
out = numpy.arange(100000000.)
out_device = cuda.to_device(out)
blockspergrid = 64
threadsperblock = 64
%timeit -n5 sympy_kernel[blockspergrid,threadsperblock](array_device,out_device); cuda.synchronize()
%timeit -n5 sympy_cpu(array,out)
out_host = out_device.copy_to_host()


26.9 ms ± 15.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs,5 loops each)
958 ms ± 16.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs,5 loops each)
[ 0.          0.84147098  0.90929743 ... -0.87103474 -0.05727351


我正在尝试使用numba.cuda在GPU上运行任意sympy lambdify函数

在当前的开发状态下,Numba尚不支持并且无法做到这一点。 Numba在GPU上仅支持Python语言功能的骨架,如果您不能直接将功能降级为受支持的math函数,那么GPU上将不支持任何外部功能。


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