实施try-catch-finally语法时如何解决野牛偏移/减少? 注释



另一件事是,受Scala grammar的启发,try-catch-finally中的项目最终是一个表达式,而不是一个块语句。


%code top {
#include <cstdio>

%union {
    int n;
    Ast *ast;

%code requires {
class Ast;
int yylex(void);
void yyerror(const char *msg);

%token<n> NUM
%token<n> PLUS '+'
%token<n> MINUS '-'
%token<n> TIMES '*'
%token<n> DIVIDE '/'
%token<n> SEMICOLON ';'
%token<n> NEWLINE '\n'
%token<n> IF "if"
%token<n> ELSE "else"
%token<n> TRY "try"
%token<n> CATCH "catch"
%token<n> FINALLY "finally"
%token<n> LPAREN '('
%token<n> RPAREN ')'

%type<ast> prog expr primaryExpr

/* grammar precedence */
%nonassoc "try_catch" /* lower than finally */
%nonassoc "try_catch_finally"

/* operator precedence is higher than grammar precedence (try-catch-finally) */

%start prog


prog : expr

expr : "try" expr "catch" expr %prec "try_catch" { $$ = nullptr; }
     | "try" expr "catch" expr "finally" expr %prec "try_catch_finally" { $$ = nullptr; }
     | primaryExpr

primaryExpr : NUM { $$ = nullptr; }
            | primaryExpr '+' NUM { $$ = nullptr; }
            | primaryExpr '-' NUM { $$ = nullptr; }
            | primaryExpr '*' NUM { $$ = nullptr; }
            | primaryExpr '/' NUM { $$ = nullptr; }


void yyerror(const char *msg) {

生成文件bison --debug --verbose -Wcounterexamples -o grammar.tab.cpp --defines=grammar.tab.h grammar.y,我们有一个grammar.output文件,具有移位/减少冲突:

Terminals unused in grammar


State 17 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce


    0 $accept: prog $end

    1 prog: expr

    2 expr: "try" expr "catch" expr
    3     | "try" expr "catch" expr "finally" expr
    4     | primaryExpr

    5 primaryExpr: NUM
    6            | primaryExpr '+' NUM
    7            | primaryExpr '-' NUM
    8            | primaryExpr '*' NUM
    9            | primaryExpr '/' NUM

Terminals,with rules where they appear

    $end (0) 0
    '\n' <n> (10)
    '(' <n> (40)
    ')' <n> (41)
    '*' <n> (42) 8
    '+' <n> (43) 6
    '-' <n> (45) 7
    '/' <n> (47) 9
    ';' <n> (59)
    error (256)
    NUM <n> (258) 5 6 7 8 9
    PLUS <n> (259)
    MINUS <n> (260)
    TIMES <n> (261)
    DIVIDE <n> (262)
    SEMICOLON <n> (263)
    NEWLINE <n> (264)
    "if" <n> (265)
    "else" <n> (266)
    "try" <n> (267) 2 3
    "catch" <n> (268) 2 3
    "finally" <n> (269) 3
    LPAREN <n> (270)
    RPAREN <n> (271)
    "try_catch" (272)
    "try_catch_finally" (273)

Nonterminals,with rules where they appear

    $accept (27)
        on left: 0
    prog <ast> (28)
        on left: 1
        on right: 0
    expr <ast> (29)
        on left: 2 3 4
        on right: 1 2 3
    primaryExpr <ast> (30)
        on left: 5 6 7 8 9
        on right: 4 6 7 8 9

State 0

    0 $accept: • prog $end

    NUM    shift,and go to state 1
    "try"  shift,and go to state 2

    prog         go to state 3
    expr         go to state 4
    primaryExpr  go to state 5

State 1

    5 primaryExpr: NUM •

    $default  reduce using rule 5 (primaryExpr)

State 2

    2 expr: "try" • expr "catch" expr
    3     | "try" • expr "catch" expr "finally" expr

    NUM    shift,and go to state 2

    expr         go to state 6
    primaryExpr  go to state 5

State 3

    0 $accept: prog • $end

    $end  shift,and go to state 7

State 4

    1 prog: expr •

    $default  reduce using rule 1 (prog)

State 5

    4 expr: primaryExpr •
    6 primaryExpr: primaryExpr • '+' NUM
    7            | primaryExpr • '-' NUM
    8            | primaryExpr • '*' NUM
    9            | primaryExpr • '/' NUM

    '+'  shift,and go to state 8
    '-'  shift,and go to state 9
    '*'  shift,and go to state 10
    '/'  shift,and go to state 11

    $default  reduce using rule 4 (expr)

State 6

    2 expr: "try" expr • "catch" expr
    3     | "try" expr • "catch" expr "finally" expr

    "catch"  shift,and go to state 12

State 7

    0 $accept: prog $end •

    $default  accept

State 8

    6 primaryExpr: primaryExpr '+' • NUM

    NUM  shift,and go to state 13

State 9

    7 primaryExpr: primaryExpr '-' • NUM

    NUM  shift,and go to state 14

State 10

    8 primaryExpr: primaryExpr '*' • NUM

    NUM  shift,and go to state 15

State 11

    9 primaryExpr: primaryExpr '/' • NUM

    NUM  shift,and go to state 16

State 12

    2 expr: "try" expr "catch" • expr
    3     | "try" expr "catch" • expr "finally" expr

    NUM    shift,and go to state 2

    expr         go to state 17
    primaryExpr  go to state 5

State 13

    6 primaryExpr: primaryExpr '+' NUM •

    $default  reduce using rule 6 (primaryExpr)

State 14

    7 primaryExpr: primaryExpr '-' NUM •

    $default  reduce using rule 7 (primaryExpr)

State 15

    8 primaryExpr: primaryExpr '*' NUM •

    $default  reduce using rule 8 (primaryExpr)

State 16

    9 primaryExpr: primaryExpr '/' NUM •

    $default  reduce using rule 9 (primaryExpr)

State 17

    2 expr: "try" expr "catch" expr •
    3     | "try" expr "catch" expr • "finally" expr

    "finally"  shift,and go to state 18

    "finally"  [reduce using rule 2 (expr)]
    $default   reduce using rule 2 (expr)

    shift/reduce conflict on token "finally":
        2 expr: "try" expr "catch" expr •
        3 expr: "try" expr "catch" expr • "finally" expr
      Example: "try" expr "catch" "try" expr "catch" expr • "finally" expr
      Shift derivation
        ↳ "try" expr "catch" expr
                             ↳ "try" expr "catch" expr • "finally" expr
      Reduce derivation
        ↳ "try" expr "catch" expr                        "finally" expr
                             ↳ "try" expr "catch" expr •

State 18

    3 expr: "try" expr "catch" expr "finally" • expr

    NUM    shift,and go to state 2

    expr         go to state 19
    primaryExpr  go to state 5

State 19

    3 expr: "try" expr "catch" expr "finally" expr •

    $default  reduce using rule 3 (expr)


State 17

    2 expr: "try" expr "catch" expr •
    3     | "try" expr "catch" expr • "finally" expr

    "finally"  shift,and go to state 18

    "finally"  [reduce using rule 2 (expr)]
    $default   reduce using rule 2 (expr)

    shift/reduce conflict on token "finally":
        2 expr: "try" expr "catch" expr •
        3 expr: "try" expr "catch" expr • "finally" expr
      Example: "try" expr "catch" "try" expr "catch" expr • "finally" expr
      Shift derivation
        ↳ "try" expr "catch" expr
                             ↳ "try" expr "catch" expr • "finally" expr
      Reduce derivation
        ↳ "try" expr "catch" expr                        "finally" expr
                             ↳ "try" expr "catch" expr •

对于"try" expr "catch" "try" expr "catch" expr "finally" expr,在认的reduce中,"finally"绑定到第一个"try"而不是第二个"try"。我认为与Java / Scala行为并不相同。




如注释中所示,finally语句中的可选try – catch – finally子句所产生的移位减少冲突与{{1}中的可选else子句完全相同}}声明,即所谓的“悬而未决”。


if – then – else

将这些标记(因此,最后一个终端是这些标记之一的生产)声明为%right "if" "else" "catch" "finally" 意味着,当涉及这些标记之一的冲突发生时, shift 操作应被选中。由于这是野牛的默认冲突解决方案(请参见注释2),因此优先级声明的唯一作用是抑制有关冲突的警告消息。

在编辑过的问题中,过度设计的解决方案也将起作用,尽管我提醒您不要不必要地使用%right。 [注1]但是,添加评论还不够:



%nonassoc "try_catch" /* lower than finally */

上面显示的优先级解决方案具有以下优点:它是独立的。它不仅不依赖于其他优先级声明,还不依赖于%right finally 声明,这也很容易被意外省略。




  1. "finally" shift,and go to state 18 "finally" [reduce using rule 2 (expr)] $default reduce using rule 2 (expr) 为超前标记时, 移动 超前标记并进入状态18。

  2. 针对超前令牌"finally"的操作也存在冲突: 减少 "finally"使用规则2。此操作已消除通过冲突解决算法[注2]。 (野牛将操作放在括号中(expr表示该操作已通过解决冲突消除了。)

  3. 对于所有其他先行标记([reduce using rule 2 (expr)]),使用规则2将 减少 减少为$default



  1. 如果要在不指定关联性的情况下声明优先级关系,请使用expr。与%precedence不同,它不会默默地隐藏语法错误。

  2. 默认的冲突解决算法是:

    • 如果有换档操作,请使用它。 (最多只能有一个转变。)
    • 如果没有移位动作,请使用规则编号最小的减少动作;也就是说,在语法文件中排在第一位的那个。