

这是Python中multi-dimensional integrators的相关问题中的一个狭窄问题。需要由scipy提供的具有可变积分限制的四重积分。但是,随着我们减少epsabs和epsrel,scipy受舍入误差(在多次或简单积分中)的约束。这个问题在多维积分中被夸大了,要求内部积分的epsrel不断减小。用户可以设置scipy使用的精度吗? Mpmath不提供四重集成。我是否缺少可以通过所需精度提高scipy集成性能的东西?

下面是previous question.中已经提供的代码的“调试”警告和摘录,该调试是在“行860”中由scipy引用显示的。

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "C:\Users\makis\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\python37-32\lib\site-packages\scipy\integrate\quadpack.py",line 860
IntegrationWarning: The occurrence of roundoff error is detected,which prevents 
  the requested tolerance from being achieved.  The error may be 

#For above,"degug: go to line 860" is displayed below:

# Author: Travis Oliphant 2001
# Author: Nathan Woods 2013 (nquad &c)
from __future__ import division,print_function,absolute_import

import sys
import warnings
from functools import partial

from . import _quadpack
import numpy
from numpy import Inf

__all__ = ['quad','dblquad','tplquad','nquad','quad_explain','IntegrationWarning']

error = _quadpack.error

class IntegrationWarning(UserWarning):
    Warning on issues during integration.

def quad_explain(output=sys.stdout):
    Print extra information about integrate.quad() parameters and returns.

    output : instance with "write" method,optional
        information about `quad` is passed to ``output.write()``.
        Default is ``sys.stdout``.



def quad(func,a,b,args=(),full_output=0,epsabs=1.49e-8,epsrel=1.49e-8,limit=50,points=None,weight=None,wvar=None,wopts=None,maxp1=50,limlst=50):
    Compute a definite integral.

    Integrate func from `a` to `b` (possibly infinite interval) using a
    technique from the Fortran library QUADPACK.

    func : {function,scipy.LowLevelCallable}
        A Python function or method to integrate.  If `func` takes many
        arguments,it is integrated along the axis corresponding to the
        first argument.

        If the user desires improved integration performance,then `f` may
        be a `scipy.LowLevelCallable` with one of the signatures::

            double func(double x)
            double func(double x,void *user_data)
            double func(int n,double *xx)
            double func(int n,double *xx,void *user_data)

        The ``user_data`` is the data contained in the `scipy.LowLevelCallable`.
        In the call forms with ``xx``,``n`` is the length of the ``xx``
        array which contains ``xx[0] == x`` and the rest of the items are
        numbers contained in the ``args`` argument of quad.

        In addition,certain ctypes call signatures are supported for
        backward compatibility,but those should not be used in new code.
    a : float
        Lower limit of integration (use -numpy.inf for -infinity).
    b : float
        Upper limit of integration (use numpy.inf for +infinity).
    args : tuple,optional
        Extra arguments to pass to `func`.
    full_output : int,optional
        Non-zero to return a dictionary of integration information.
        If non-zero,warning messages are also suppressed and the
        message is appended to the output tuple.

    y : float
        The integral of func from `a` to `b`.
    abserr : float
        An estimate of the absolute error in the result.
    infodict : dict
        A dictionary containing additional information.
        Run scipy.integrate.quad_explain() for more information.
        A convergence message.
        Appended only with 'cos' or 'sin' weighting and infinite
        integration limits,it contains an explanation of the codes in

    Other Parameters
    epsabs : float or int,optional
        Absolute error tolerance.
    epsrel : float or int,optional
        Relative error tolerance.
    limit : float or int,optional
        An upper bound on the number of subintervals used in the adaptive
    points : (sequence of floats,ints),optional
        A sequence of break points in the bounded integration interval
        where local difficulties of the integrand may occur (e.g.,singularities,discontinuities). The sequence does not have
        to be sorted.
    weight : float or int,optional
        String indicating weighting function. Full explanation for this
        and the remaining arguments can be found below.
    wvar : optional
        Variables for use with weighting functions.
    wopts : optional
        Optional input for reusing Chebyshev moments.
    maxp1 : float or int,optional
        An upper bound on the number of Chebyshev moments.
    limlst : int,optional
        Upper bound on the number of cycles (>=3) for use with a sinusoidal
        weighting and an infinite end-point.

    if not isinstance(args,tuple):
        args = (args,)

    # check the limits of integration: \int_a^b,expect a < b
    flip,b = b < a,min(a,b),max(a,b)

    if weight is None:
        retval = _quad(func,args,full_output,epsabs,epsrel,limit,points)
        retval = _quad_weight(func,limlst,maxp1,weight,wvar,wopts)

    if flip:
        retval = (-retval[0],) + retval[1:]

    ier = retval[-1]
    if ier == 0:
        return retval[:-1]

    msgs = {80: "A Python error occurred possibly while calling the function.",1: "The maximum number of subdivisions (%d) has been achieved.\n  If increasing the limit yields no improvement it is advised to analyze \n  the integrand in order to determine the difficulties.  If the position of a \n  local difficulty can be determined (singularity,discontinuity) one will \n  probably gain from splitting up the interval and calling the integrator \n  on the subranges.  Perhaps a special-purpose integrator should be used." % limit,2: "The occurrence of roundoff error is detected,which prevents \n  the requested tolerance from being achieved.  The error may be \n  underestimated.",3: "Extremely bad integrand behavior occurs at some points of the\n  integration interval.",4: "The algorithm does not converge.  Roundoff error is detected\n  in the extrapolation table.  It is assumed that the requested tolerance\n  cannot be achieved,and that the returned result (if full_output = 1) is \n  the best which can be obtained.",5: "The integral is probably divergent,or slowly convergent.",6: "The input is invalid.",7: "Abnormal termination of the routine.  The estimates for result\n  and error are less reliable.  It is assumed that the requested accuracy\n  has not been achieved.",'unkNown': "UnkNown error."}

    if weight in ['cos','sin'] and (b == Inf or a == -Inf):
        msgs[1] = "The maximum number of cycles allowed has been achieved.,e.e.\n  of subintervals (a+(k-1)c,a+kc) where c = (2*int(abs(omega)+1))\n  *pi/abs(omega),for k = 1,2,...,lst.  One can allow more cycles by increasing the value of limlst.  Look at info['ierlst'] with full_output=1."
        msgs[4] = "The extrapolation table constructed for convergence acceleration\n  of the series formed by the integral contributions over the cycles,\n  does not converge to within the requested accuracy.  Look at \n  info['ierlst'] with full_output=1."
        msgs[7] = "Bad integrand behavior occurs within one or more of the cycles.\n  Location and type of the difficulty involved can be determined from \n  the vector info['ierlist'] obtained with full_output=1."
        explain = {1: "The maximum number of subdivisions (= limit) has been \n  achieved on this cycle.",2: "The occurrence of roundoff error is detected and prevents\n  the tolerance imposed on this cycle from being achieved.",3: "Extremely bad integrand behavior occurs at some points of\n  this cycle.",4: "The integral over this cycle does not converge (to within the required accuracy) due to roundoff in the extrapolation procedure invoked on this cycle.  It is assumed that the result on this interval is the best which can be obtained.",5: "The integral over this cycle is probably divergent or slowly convergent."}

        msg = msgs[ier]
    except KeyError:
        msg = msgs['unkNown']

    if ier in [1,3,4,5,7]:
        if full_output:
            if weight in ['cos','sin'] and (b == Inf or a == Inf):
                return retval[:-1] + (msg,explain)
                return retval[:-1] + (msg,)
            return retval[:-1]

    elif ier == 6:  # Forensic decision tree when QUADPACK throws ier=6
        if epsabs <= 0:  # Small error tolerance - applies to all methods
            if epsrel < max(50 * sys.float_info.epsilon,5e-29):
                msg = ("If 'errabs'<=0,'epsrel' must be greater than both"
                       " 5e-29 and 50*(machine epsilon).")
            elif weight in ['sin','cos'] and (abs(a) + abs(b) == Inf):
                msg = ("Sine or cosine weighted intergals with infinite domain"
                       " must have 'epsabs'>0.")

        elif weight is None:
            if points is None:  # QAGSE/QAGIE
                msg = ("Invalid 'limit' argument. There must be"
                       " at least one subinterval")
            else:  # QAGPE
                if not (min(a,b) <= min(points) <= max(points) <= max(a,b)):
                    msg = ("All break points in 'points' must lie within the"
                           " integration limits.")
                elif len(points) >= limit:
                    msg = ("Number of break points ({:d})"
                           " must be less than subinterval"
                           " limit ({:d})").format(len(points),limit)

            if maxp1 < 1:
                msg = "Chebyshev moment limit maxp1 must be >=1."

            elif weight in ('cos','sin') and abs(a+b) == Inf:  # QAWFE
                msg = "Cycle limit limlst must be >=3."

            elif weight.startswith('alg'):  # QAWSE
                if min(wvar) < -1:
                    msg = "wvar parameters (alpha,beta) must both be >= -1."
                if b < a:
                    msg = "Integration limits a,b must satistfy a<b."

            elif weight == 'cauchy' and wvar in (a,b):
                msg = ("Parameter 'wvar' must not equal"
                       " integration limits 'a' or 'b'.")

    raise ValueError(msg)

def _quad(func,points):
    infbounds = 0
    if (b != Inf and a != -Inf):
        pass   # standard integration
    elif (b == Inf and a != -Inf):
        infbounds = 1
        bound = a
    elif (b == Inf and a == -Inf):
        infbounds = 2
        bound = 0     # ignored
    elif (b != Inf and a == -Inf):
        infbounds = -1
        bound = b
        raise RuntimeError("Infinity comparisons don't work for you.")

    if points is None:
        if infbounds == 0:
            return _quadpack._qagse(func,limit)
            return _quadpack._qagie(func,bound,infbounds,limit)
        if infbounds != 0:
            raise ValueError("Infinity inputs cannot be used with break points.")
            #Duplicates force function evaluation at sinular points
            the_points = numpy.unique(points)
            the_points = the_points[a < the_points]
            the_points = the_points[the_points < b]
            the_points = numpy.concatenate((the_points,(0.,0.)))
            return _quadpack._qagpe(func,the_points,limit)

def _quad_weight(func,wopts):
    if weight not in ['cos','sin','alg','alg-loga','alg-logb','alg-log','cauchy']:
        raise ValueError("%s not a recognized weighting function." % weight)

    strdict = {'cos':1,'sin':2,'alg':1,'alg-loga':2,'alg-logb':3,'alg-log':4}

    if weight in ['cos','sin']:
        integr = strdict[weight]
        if (b != Inf and a != -Inf):  # finite limits
            if wopts is None:         # no precomputed chebyshev moments
                return _quadpack._qawoe(func,integr,1)
            else:                     # precomputed chebyshev moments
                momcom = wopts[0]
                chebcom = wopts[1]
                return _quadpack._qawoe(func,momcom,chebcom)

        elif (b == Inf and a != -Inf):
            return _quadpack._qawfe(func,maxp1)
        elif (b != Inf and a == -Inf):  # remap function and interval
            if weight == 'cos':
                def thefunc(x,*myargs):
                    y = -x
                    func = myargs[0]
                    myargs = (y,) + myargs[1:]
                    return func(*myargs)
                def thefunc(x,) + myargs[1:]
                    return -func(*myargs)
            args = (func,) + args
            return _quadpack._qawfe(thefunc,-b,maxp1)
            raise ValueError("Cannot integrate with this weight from -Inf to +Inf.")
        if a in [-Inf,Inf] or b in [-Inf,Inf]:
            raise ValueError("Cannot integrate with this weight over an infinite interval.")

        if weight.startswith('alg'):
            integr = strdict[weight]
            return _quadpack._qawse(func,limit)
        else:  # weight == 'cauchy'
            return _quadpack._qawce(func,limit)

def dblquad(func,gfun,hfun,epsrel=1.49e-8):
    Compute a double integral.

    Return the double (definite) integral of ``func(y,x)`` from ``x = a..b``
    and ``y = gfun(x)..hfun(x)``.

    func : callable
        A Python function or method of at least two variables: y must be the
        first argument and x the second argument.
    a,b : float
        The limits of integration in x: `a` < `b`
    gfun : callable or float
        The lower boundary curve in y which is a function taking a single
        floating point argument (x) and returning a floating point result
        or a float indicating a constant boundary curve.
    hfun : callable or float
        The upper boundary curve in y (same requirements as `gfun`).
    args : sequence,optional
        Extra arguments to pass to `func`.
    epsabs : float,optional
        Absolute tolerance passed directly to the inner 1-D quadrature
        integration. Default is 1.49e-8.
    epsrel : float,optional
        Relative tolerance of the inner 1-D integrals. Default is 1.49e-8.

    y : float
        The resultant integral.
    abserr : float
        An estimate of the error.

    func : function
        A Python function or method of at least three variables in the
        order (z,y,x).
    a,b : float
        The limits of integration in x: `a` < `b`
    gfun : function or float
        The lower boundary curve in y which is a function taking a single
        floating point argument (x) and returning a floating point result
        or a float indicating a constant boundary curve.
    hfun : function or float
        The upper boundary curve in y (same requirements as `gfun`).
    qfun : function or float
        The lower boundary surface in z.  It must be a function that takes
        two floats in the order (x,y) and returns a float or a float
        indicating a constant boundary surface.
    rfun : function or float
        The upper boundary surface in z. (Same requirements as `qfun`.)
    args : tuple,optional
        Absolute tolerance passed directly to the innermost 1-D quadrature
        integration. Default is 1.49e-8.
    epsrel : float,optional
        Relative tolerance of the innermost 1-D integrals. Default is 1.49e-8.

    y : float
        The resultant integral.
    abserr : float
        An estimate of the error.

    def ranges0(*args):
        return [qfun(args[1],args[0]) if callable(qfun) else qfun,rfun(args[1],args[0]) if callable(rfun) else rfun]

    def ranges1(*args):
        return [gfun(args[0]) if callable(gfun) else gfun,hfun(args[0]) if callable(hfun) else hfun]

    ranges = [ranges0,ranges1,[a,b]]
    return nquad(func,ranges,args=args,opts={"epsabs": epsabs,"epsrel": epsrel})

def nquad(func,args=None,opts=None,full_output=False):
    Integration over multiple variables.

    Wraps `quad` to enable integration over multiple variables.
    VarIoUs options allow improved integration of discontinuous functions,as
    well as the use of weighted integration,and generally finer control of the
    integration process.

    func : {callable,scipy.LowLevelCallable}
        The function to be integrated. Has arguments of ``x0,... xn``,``t0,tm``,where integration is carried out over ``x0,which
        must be floats.  Function signature should be
        ``func(x0,x1,xn,t0,t1,tm)``.  Integration is carried out
        in order.  That is,integration over ``x0`` is the innermost integral,and ``xn`` is the outermost.

        If the user desires improved integration performance,then `f` may
        be a `scipy.LowLevelCallable` with one of the signatures::

            double func(int n,void *user_data)

        where ``n`` is the number of extra parameters and args is an array
        of doubles of the additional parameters,the ``xx`` array contains the
        coordinates. The ``user_data`` is the data contained in the
    ranges : iterable object
        Each element of ranges may be either a sequence  of 2 numbers,or else
        a callable that returns such a sequence.  ``ranges[0]`` corresponds to
        integration over x0,and so on.  If an element of ranges is a callable,then it will be called with all of the integration arguments available,as well as any parametric arguments. e.g. if
        ``func = f(x0,x2,t1)``,then ``ranges[0]`` may be defined as
        either ``(a,b)`` or else as ``(a,b) = range0(x1,t1)``.
    args : iterable object,optional
        Additional arguments ``t0,tn``,required by `func`,`ranges`,and
    opts : iterable object or dict,optional
        Options to be passed to `quad`.  May be empty,a dict,or
        a sequence of dicts or functions that return a dict.  If empty,the
        default options from scipy.integrate.quad are used.  If a dict,the same
        options are used for all levels of integraion.  If a sequence,then each
        element of the sequence corresponds to a particular integration. e.g.
        opts[0] corresponds to integration over x0,and so on. If a callable,the signature must be the same as for ``ranges``. The available
        options together with their default values are:

          - epsabs = 1.49e-08
          - epsrel = 1.49e-08
          - limit  = 50
          - points = None
          - weight = None
          - wvar   = None
          - wopts  = None

        For more information on these options,see `quad` and `quad_explain`.

    full_output : bool,optional
        Partial implementation of ``full_output`` from scipy.integrate.quad.
        The number of integrand function evaluations ``neval`` can be obtained
        by setting ``full_output=True`` when calling nquad.

    result : float
        The result of the integration.
    abserr : float
        The maximum of the estimates of the absolute error in the varIoUs
        integration results.
    out_dict : dict,optional
        A dict containing additional information on the integration.

    See Also
    quad : 1-dimensional numerical integration
    dblquad,tplquad : double and triple integrals
    fixed_quad : fixed-order Gaussian quadrature
    quadrature : adaptive Gaussian quadrature

    depth = len(ranges)
    ranges = [rng if callable(rng) else _RangeFunc(rng) for rng in ranges]
    if args is None:
        args = ()
    if opts is None:
        opts = [dict([])] * depth

    if isinstance(opts,dict):
        opts = [_OptFunc(opts)] * depth
        opts = [opt if callable(opt) else _OptFunc(opt) for opt in opts]
    return _NQuad(func,opts,full_output).integrate(*args)

class _RangeFunc(object):
    def __init__(self,range_):
        self.range_ = range_

    def __call__(self,*args):
        """Return stored value.

        *args needed because range_ can be float or func,and is called with
        variable number of parameters.
        return self.range_

class _OptFunc(object):
    def __init__(self,opt):
        self.opt = opt

    def __call__(self,*args):
        """Return stored dict."""
        return self.opt

class _NQuad(object):
    def __init__(self,func,full_output):
        self.abserr = 0
        self.func = func
        self.ranges = ranges
        self.opts = opts
        self.maxdepth = len(ranges)
        self.full_output = full_output
        if self.full_output:
            self.out_dict = {'neval': 0}

    def integrate(self,*args,**kwargs):
        depth = kwargs.pop('depth',0)
        if kwargs:
            raise ValueError('unexpected kwargs')

        # Get the integration range and options for this depth.
        ind = -(depth + 1)
        fn_range = self.ranges[ind]
        low,high = fn_range(*args)
        fn_opt = self.opts[ind]
        opt = dict(fn_opt(*args))

        if 'points' in opt:
            opt['points'] = [x for x in opt['points'] if low <= x <= high]
        if depth + 1 == self.maxdepth:
            f = self.func
            f = partial(self.integrate,depth=depth+1)
        quad_r = quad(f,low,high,full_output=self.full_output,**opt)
        value = quad_r[0]
        abserr = quad_r[1]
        if self.full_output:
            infodict = quad_r[2]
            # The 'neval' parameter in full_output returns the total
            # number of times the integrand function was evaluated.
            # Therefore,only the innermost integration loop counts.
            if depth + 1 == self.maxdepth:
                self.out_dict['neval'] += infodict['neval']
        self.abserr = max(self.abserr,abserr)
        if depth > 0:
            return value
            # Final result of n-D integration with error
            if self.full_output:
                return value,self.abserr,self.out_dict
                return value,self.abserr




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