


fruit   count
------  -------
apple   10
orange  8
banana  5
melon   3
pears   1

总数为27。我需要将其分为三个部分。因此,计数的前1/3,即1到9是1,10到18是第二,而19到27是第三。 我想我需要做一些滑动窗口的事情。

fruit   count    zone
------  ------- --------
apple   10      one
orange  8       two
banana  5       three
melon   3       three
pears   1       three




select *,(
sum(count)  over (partition by 1 order by count desc) /*<---this line for return running totals*/
/(sum(count) over (partition by 1) /3) /*<-- divided total count into 3 group. In your case this is 9 for each zone value.*/
) /*<--using running totals divided by zone value*/
+ /*<-- 11 / 9 = 1 ... 2  You must plus 1 with quotient to let 11 in the right zone.Thus,I use this + operator  */
case when 
sum(count)  over (partition by 1 order by count desc)
%(sum(count) over (partition by 1) /3) /*<--calculate remainder */
) >1 then 1 else 0 end /*<--if remainder>1 then the zone must +1*/
)  as zone
from yourtable