


这可能是一个愚蠢的语法错误,但由于on conflict (..) update子句无法识别错误tsrc.stock的{​​{1}},我正在努力解析此函数

ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table "tsrc"

即使使用create or replace function move_stock_to_another_warehouse ( _src_warehouse_id int,_dst_warehouse_id int,_supply_id int ) returns int volatile language sql as $$ -- try to insert a new row into table warehouse_supply for the destination warehouse insert into warehouse_supply as tdst ( warehouse_id,supply_id,stock ) select _dst_warehouse_id,_supply_id,stock from warehouse_supply as tsrc where warehouse_id = _src_warehouse_id and supply_id = _supply_id on conflict (warehouse_id,supply_id) do update -- a row in table warehouse_supply existed for the destination warehouse,just increase the stock set stock = tdst.stock + tsrc.stock; -- zero the stocks in the source warehouse update warehouse_supply as tnew set stock = 0 from warehouse_supply as told where tnew.warehouse_id = _src_warehouse_id and tnew.supply_id = _supply_id and told.id = tnew.id returning coalesce(told.stock,0); -- returns 0 even if the supply did not exist in the source warehouse $$; ,我也尝试了多种方法,但是找不到找到第一个with子句的源数据是update的子句的方法




on conflict (warehouse_id,supply_id) do update
set stock = tdst.stock + excluded.stock