

我已经编写了自己的TypeScript ORM,其中用于sql INSERT的模型类与从数据库中选择现有行时使用的模型类是分开的。原因是我所有的模型都是不可变的...

  • INSERT模型具有可选属性,例如数据库将在插入期间使用认值/ sql TRIGGER自动填充的字段。
  • SELECT模型没有任何可选属性,总会有标量值或null(但永远不会有undefined)。


class Insert_user {
    readonly id:string;
    readonly username:string;
    readonly joined_at?:string; // Optional because: sql will set a default value of Now() during INSERT

    constructor(props:Insert_user) { Object.assign(this,props); Object.freeze(this); }
class Select_user {
    readonly id:string;
    readonly username:string;
    readonly joined_at:string; // we kNow it will always be there when pulling an existing record out

    constructor(props:Select_user) { Object.assign(this,props); Object.freeze(this); }

class Insert_blog {
    readonly id:string;
    readonly blog_title:string;
    readonly view_count?:number; // Optional because: sql will set a default value of 0 during INSERT

    constructor(props:Insert_blog) { Object.assign(this,props); Object.freeze(this); }
class Select_blog {
    readonly id:string;
    readonly blog_title:string;
    readonly view_count:number;  // we kNow it will always be there when pulling an existing record out

    constructor(props:Select_blog) { Object.assign(this,props); Object.freeze(this); }



type AnyInsertModel = Insert_user | Insert_blog;
type AnySelectModel = Select_user | Select_blog;

function takeAnInsertModelButReturnItsSelectModel(insertModel:AnyInsertModel) {
    // data from insert model is INSERTed into sql database
    // after the INSERT is done,the data is then SELECTed from the 
    const selectModel = {/* data that we pulled using SELECT */} as Select_???;

 * I want the type for the output variable below to be Select_user
const selectedUser = takeAnInsertModelButReturnItsSelectModel(new Insert_user({id: 'd110ec70-9a16-4ad0-a73b-82e241a054eb',username: 'Neo'}));

 * I want the type for the output variable below to be Select_blog
const selectedBlog = takeAnInsertModelButReturnItsSelectModel(new Insert_blog({id: '2068bc9d-f19d-4043-a13a-6af4b2207be2',blog_title: 'I liek milk'}));




在编写此方法时尝试了一堆方法时,我遇到了"conditional types",它似乎恰好适合于此:

type InsertToSelect<T extends AnyInsertModel> =
         T extends Insert_user ? Select_user :
         T extends Insert_blog ? Select_blog :

function takeAnInsertModelButReturnItsSelectModel<InputGeneric extends AnyInsertModel>(insertArg: InputGeneric): InsertToSelect<InputGeneric> {
    const selectedModel = someCodeThatInsertsAndThenSelects();
    return selectedModel as InsertToSelect<InputGeneric>;



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