


 df1 = data.frame(a=c(rep("a",8),rep("b",5),rep("c",7),rep("d",10)),b=rnorm(30,6,2),c=rnorm(30,12,3.5),d=rnorm(30,8,3)
 df2 = data.frame(b= 1.5,c= 13,d= 0.34
 df1_z <- df1 %>%
   group_by(a) %>%
   mutate(across(b:d,list(zscore = ~as.numeric(scale(.))))) %>%
   ungroup %>%
   mutate(total = rowSums(select(.,ends_with('zscore'))))

这正是我当时想要的,但是现在我希望有所不同。在df1_z中,我希望该值是_zscore列中的值与{{ 1}},因此:b_zscore x 1.5 + c_zscore x 13 + d_zscore x 0.34。

例如,第一个值将是0.6971403 x 1.5 + 0.100595417 x 13 + 0.01790090 x 0.34 = 2.359537177。新的df2列的预期结果:


如何修改以上代码以在 total 2.359537177 16.04147765 13.64141872 9.146152274 -3.380574542 -5.55439223 etc... 的新“总计”列中获得此结果?



df1 %>%
     group_by(a) %>%
     mutate(across(b:d,list(zscore = ~as.numeric(scale(.))))) %>%
     ungroup %>%
     mutate(total = c(crossprod(t(select(.,ends_with('zscore'))),t(df2))))
# A tibble: 30 x 8
   a         b     c     d b_zscore c_zscore d_zscore   total
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 a      7.17 14.8   8.45    0.697   0.101    0.0179   2.36 
 2 a      7.42 19.7   3.97    0.841   1.17    -1.14    16.0  
 3 a      5.78 19.2   9.66   -0.108   1.05     0.332   13.6  
 4 a      5.09 17.7  12.8    -0.508   0.732    1.14     9.15 
 5 a      7.21 12.9   6.24    0.721  -0.329   -0.555   -3.38 
 6 a      2.36 13.7   2.50   -2.09   -0.146   -1.52    -5.55 
 7 a      7.26 10.9  10.7     0.749  -0.774    0.593   -8.74 
 8 a      5.45  6.18 12.8    -0.302  -1.80     1.14   -23.5  
 9 b      5.43 18.2   9.55   -0.445   1.12     1.34    14.4  
10 b      4.16 12.1   4.11   -1.06    0.0776  -1.02    -0.933
# ... with 20 more rows



df1 %>%
  group_by(a) %>%
  mutate(across(b:d,list(zscore = ~as.numeric(scale(.))))) %>%
  ungroup %>%
  mutate(total = rowSums(map2_dfc(select(.,contains('zscore')),df2,`*`)))


# A tibble: 30 x 8
   a         b     c     d b_zscore c_zscore d_zscore   total
   <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 a      7.17 14.8   8.45    0.697   0.101    0.0179   2.36 
 2 a      7.42 19.7   3.97    0.841   1.17    -1.14    16.0  
 3 a      5.78 19.2   9.66   -0.108   1.05     0.332   13.6  
 4 a      5.09 17.7  12.8    -0.508   0.732    1.14     9.15 
 5 a      7.21 12.9   6.24    0.721  -0.329   -0.555   -3.38 
 6 a      2.36 13.7   2.50   -2.09   -0.146   -1.52    -5.55 
 7 a      7.26 10.9  10.7     0.749  -0.774    0.593   -8.74 
 8 a      5.45  6.18 12.8    -0.302  -1.80     1.14   -23.5  
 9 b      5.43 18.2   9.55   -0.445   1.12     1.34    14.4  
10 b      4.16 12.1   4.11   -1.06    0.0776  -1.02    -0.933
# ... with 20 more rows


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