tidyr相当于reshape2 :: melt的向量的深层嵌套列表



# generate nested list of depth 3 with 2 branches at each level
n_l <- purrr::array_tree(

m_n_l <- reshape2::melt(n_l)

# this provides a df of values where original list position is labelled using 
# [n_dimensions] columns each with [n_branches] values. yay! that's what I want

#    value L3 L2 L1
# 1      1  1  1  1
# 2      5  2  1  1
# 3      3  1  2  1
# 4      7  2  2  1
# 5      2  1  1  2
#        ...

# [reshape2::melt() also handles the case where leaf node vectors have 
# arbitrary number of elements]
reshape2::melt(rapply(n_l,function(x) x * 1:sample(1:3,1)))





Reduce(rbind,rrapply(n_l,f = function(x,.xpos) c(.xpos,x),how = "flatten"))

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
init    1    1    1    1
        1    1    2    5
        1    2    1    3
        1    2    2    7
        2    1    1    2
        2    1    2    6
        2    2    1    4
        2    2    2    8


enframe(n_l) %>%
 mutate(value = map(value,~ enframe(.,name = "name2"))) %>%
 unnest(value) %>%
 mutate(value = map(value,name = "name3"))) %>%
 unnest(value) %>%
 mutate(value = unlist(value))

   name name2 name3 value
  <int> <int> <int> <int>
1     1     1     1     1
2     1     1     2     5
3     1     2     1     3
4     1     2     2     7
5     2     1     1     2
6     2     1     2     6
7     2     2     1     4
8     2     2     2     8