如何将“ bound”用于非单子?


我正在尝试使用bound package用一种简单的逻辑语言来表示术语和命题。这是我到目前为止的内容

import Bound

data Term a = V a
            | Func String [Term a]
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)

data Prop a = And (Prop a) (Prop a)
            | Relation String [Term a]
            | Forall (Scope () Prop a)
            deriving (Functor,Traversable)

特别是,有些术语要么是变量,要么是应用于某些术语的函数,还有一些命题是:两个命题的结合,应用于某些术语的关系以及对另一个命题中变量的量化。 但是,当我尝试创建一个函数来构造“ Forall”时,按照软件包文档中的示例,我被告知Prop不是monad:

forall' :: Eq a => a -> Prop a -> Prop a
forall' v b = Forall (abstract1 v b)

这是预料之中的,因为我没有定义Monad Prop。但是pure中没有明智的return(或Prop),那么如何使用bound支持这种语言?



data Exp a
  = V a
  | Func String [Exp a]
  | And (Exp a) (Exp a)
  | Relation String [Exp a]
  | Forall (Scope () Prop a)

如果我理解正确,那么Applicative想要的Monad / abstract1结构应该有pure注入一个变量,而>>=做替换。这样,您的ApplicativeMonad实例可以直接遵循文档:

instance Applicative Exp where
  pure = V
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad Exp where
  return = V
  V a           >>= f = f a
  And x y       >>= f = And (x >>= f) (y >>= f)
  Relation r xs >>= f = Relation r (fmap (>>= f) xs)  -- (I think.)
  Forall e      >>= f = Forall (e >>>= f)             -- NB: bound’s ‘>>>=’.


  • Prop中添加一个构造函数,以包装单个Term

    data Prop a
      = And (Prop a) (Prop a)
      | Relation String [Term a]
      | Forall (Scope () Prop a)
      | Term (Term a)
  • 使Exp等于TermProp,并为此实现ApplicativeMonad

    data Exp a
      = Term (Term a)
      | Prop (Prop a)
  • 使Exp的GADT通过原子或通用命题编制索引:

    {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds,GADTs,KindSignatures #-}
    data Class = Atomic | Compound
    data Exp (c :: Class) a where
      V        :: a                  -> Term a
      Func     :: String -> [Term a] -> Term a
      And      :: Prop a -> Prop a   -> Prop a
      Relation :: String -> [Term a] -> Prop a
      Forall   :: Scope () Prop a    -> Prop a
    type Term a = Exp 'Atomic a
    type Prop a = Exp 'Compound a
  • 如果有时只需要区分它们,则为newtype的“子类型”使用智能构造函数构造Exp包装器:

    newtype Term a = Term (Exp a)
    newtype Prop a = Prop (Exp a)
    term :: Exp a -> Maybe (Term a)
    term t = case t of
      V{}    -> yes
      Func{} -> yes
      _      -> no
        yes = Just (Term t)
        no  = Nothing
    prop :: Exp a -> Maybe (Prop a)
    prop t = case t of

但是无论哪种方式,您都需要在其中V来表达“命题可以成为变量”或“表达式可以是命题或变量”。实际上,我认为您可以可以使用伪关系pure a = Relation "" [V a]原样表达您的类型,但其他形式之一可能更简洁。