Excel VBA:将DateTime字符串转换为德语DateTime格式恒定字符串长度


为了使我的Excel / VBA脚本再次工作,我必须将DateTime字符串转换恒定长度的旧(德语)时间格式。

Problematic Format      =>  Wanted Format
"12/28/2019 9:37:49 PM" => "28.12.2019 21:37:49"
"1/2/2020 10:15:20 AM" =>  "02.01.2020 10:15:20"
"2/1/2020 7:10:15 AM" =>   "01.02.2020 07:10:15"
"2/13/2020 7:10:15 AM" =>  "13.02.2020 07:10:15"

我面临的一个问题是“问题格式”的字符串长度可变。这意味着我无法使用LEFT / MID / RIGHT在此字符串中提取特定位置。 是否可以轻松地将此字符串转换无循环的旧格式?


ProblematicFormat$ = "2/1/2020 7:10:15 AM"
MyDate = CDate(ProblematicFormat$)
NewDateTime$ = Format(MyDate,"dd.MM.yyyy H:nn:ss")
MsgBox NewDateTime$


"2/1/2020 7:10:15 AM" =>   "02.01.2020 07:10:15" (wrong)
"2/13/2020 7:10:15 AM" =>  "13.02.2020 07:10:15" (correct)



Sub testDateFormatLocale()
Dim ProblematicFormat$,replacement$,toReplace$,MyDate As Date,NewDateTime$,CorrectDateTime$
  'Debug.Print Now,Format(Now,"dd\/mm\/yyyy hh:nn:ss")
  ProblematicFormat$ = "2/13/2020 7:10:15 AM"
  MyDate = CDate(ProblematicFormat$) 'm/dd/yyyy
  NewDateTime$ = Format(MyDate,"dd.MM.yyyy H:nn:ss")
  Debug.Print NewDateTime$
  replacement = Split(NewDateTime,".",3)(1) & "." & Split(NewDateTime,3)(0)
  toReplace = Split(NewDateTime,3)(0) & "." & Split(NewDateTime,3)(1)
  CorrectDateTime$ = Replace(NewDateTime$,toReplace,replacement)
  Debug.Print CorrectDateTime$
End Sub


Debug.Print Application.International(xlCountrySetting)

解决方案在于区域和语言设置。在格式标签中,将格式更改为美国( mm / dd / yyyy )。如果您不想更改区域设置,则必须使用Split/Dateserial处理上述日期,然后您将获得所需的内容。像这样...

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim oldDateString As String
    Dim newDateString As String
    Dim d As Integer
    Dim m As Integer
    Dim y As Integer
    Dim MyDate As Date
    oldDateString = "2/1/2020 7:10:15 AM"
    oldDateString = Split(oldDateString)(0)
    d = Val(Split(oldDateString,"/")(1))
    m = Val(Split(oldDateString,"/")(0))
    y = Val(Split(oldDateString,"/")(2))
    MyDate = DateSerial(y,m,d)
    Debug.Print MyDate
    newDateString = Format(MyDate,"dd.MM.yyyy H:nn:ss")
    Debug.Print newDateString
End Sub


Private Declare Function GetLocaleInfo Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"GetLocaleInfoA" (ByVal Locale As Long,ByVal LCType As Long,_
ByVal lpLCData As String,ByVal cchData As Long) As Long

Private Const LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT = &H400

Private Sub Sample()
    Dim LocaleValue As String
    Dim RetValue As Long
    LocaleValue = Space(255)
    '~~> Get short date format
    LocaleValue = Ucase(Trim(Left(LocaleValue,RetValue - 1)))

    If Left(LocaleValue,1) = "M" Then 'M/d/yyyy ???
        '~~> Use your original code
    ElseIf Left(LocaleValue,1) = "D" Then 
        '~~> Use the code that I gave
    End If
End Sub




' Converts a US formatted date/time string to a date value.
' Examples:
'   7/6/2016 7:00 PM    -> 2016-07-06 19:00:00
'   7/6 7:00 PM         -> 2018-07-06 19:00:00  ' Current year is 2018.
'   7/6/46 7:00 PM      -> 1946-07-06 19:00:00
'   8/9-1982 9:33       -> 1982-08-09 09:33:00
'   2/29 14:21:56       -> 2039-02-01 14:21:56  ' Month/year.
'   2/39 14:21:56       -> 1939-02-01 14:21:56  ' Month/year.
'   7/6/46 7            -> 1946-07-06 00:00:00  ' Cannot read time.
'   7:32                -> 1899-12-30 07:32:00  ' Time value only.
'   7:32 PM             -> 1899-12-30 19:32:00  ' Time value only.
'   7.32 PM             -> 1899-12-30 19:32:00  ' Time value only.
'   14:21:56            -> 1899-12-30 14:21:56  ' Time value only.
' 2018-03-31. Gustav Brock. Cactus Data ApS,CPH.
Public Function CDateUs( _
    ByVal Expression As String) _
    As Date
    Const PartSeparator As String = " "
    Const DateSeparator As String = "/"
    Const DashSeparator As String = "-"
    Const MaxPartCount  As Integer = 2

    Dim Parts           As Variant
    Dim DateParts       As Variant
    Dim DatePart        As Date
    Dim TimePart        As Date
    Dim Result          As Date
    ' Split expression into maximum two parts.
    Parts = Split(Expression,PartSeparator,MaxPartCount)
    If IsDate(Parts(0)) Then
        ' A date or time part is found.
        ' Replace dashes with slashes.
        Parts(0) = Replace(Parts(0),DashSeparator,DateSeparator)
        If InStr(1,Parts(0),DateSeparator) > 1 Then
            ' A date part is found.
            DateParts = Split(Parts(0),DateSeparator)
            If UBound(DateParts) = 2 Then
                ' The date includes year.
                DatePart = DateSerial(DateParts(2),DateParts(0),DateParts(1))
                If IsDate(CStr(Year(Date)) & DateSeparator & Join(DateParts,DateSeparator)) Then
                    ' Use current year.
                    DatePart = DateSerial(Year(Date),DateParts(1))
                    ' Expression contains month/year.
                    DatePart = CDate(Join(DateParts,DateSeparator))
                End If
            End If
            If UBound(Parts) = 1 Then
                If IsDate(Parts(1)) Then
                    ' A time part is found.
                    TimePart = CDate(Parts(1))
                End If
            End If
            ' A time part it must be.
            ' Concatenate an AM/PM part if present.
            TimePart = CDate(Join(Parts,PartSeparator))
        End If
    End If
    Result = DatePart + TimePart
    CDateUs = Result

End Function


? Format(CDateUS("1/2/2020 10:15:20 AM"),"dd.mm.yyyy hh:nn:ss")
02.01.2020 10:15:20