OAI PGW网络接口无法访问互联网


执行./run_mme./run_hss./run_spgw之后,它创建了一个虚拟网络接口gtp0,但是,当我测试ping请求ping -I gtp0时,结果在100% packet loss中。 这是SGW中的PGW/usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf配置:

S-GW :
        # S-GW binded interface for S11 communication (GTPV2-C),if none selected the ITTI message interface is used
        SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S11              = "lo";                         # STRING,interface name,YOUR NETWORK CONfig HERE
        SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S11                = "";               # STRING,CIDR,YOUR NETWORK CONfig HERE

        # S-GW binded interface for S1-U communication (GTPV1-U) can be ethernet interface,virtual ethernet interface,we don't advise wireless interfaces
        SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP    = "ens38";                       # STRING,YOUR NETWORK CONfig HERE,USE "lo" if S-GW run on eNB host
        SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP      = "";           # STRING,YOUR NETWORK CONfig HERE
        SGW_IPV4_PORT_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP         = 2152;                         # INTEGER,port number,PREFER NOT CHANGE UNLESS YOU KNow WHAT YOU ARE DOING

        # S-GW binded interface for S5 or S8 communication,not implemented,so leave it to none
        SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8_UP         = "none";                       # STRING,DO NOT CHANGE (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
        SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8_UP           = "";                 # STRING,DO NOT CHANGE (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
P-GW =
        # P-GW binded interface for S5 or S8 communication,so leave it to none
        PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8          = "none";                         # STRING,DO NOT CHANGE (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)

        # P-GW binded interface for sgi (egress/ingress internet traffic)
        PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_sgi            = "ens33";                         # STRING,YOUR NETWORK CONfig HERE
        PGW_MASQUERADE_sgi                    = "yes";                           # STRING,{"yes","no"}. YOUR NETWORK CONfig HERE,will do NAT for you if you put "yes".
        UE_TCP_MSS_CLAMPING                   = "no";                           # STRING,"no"}.

    # Pool of UE assigned IP addresses
    # Do not make IP pools overlap
    # first IPv4 address X.Y.Z.1 is reserved for GTP network device on SPGW
    # normally no more than 16 pools allowed,but since recent GTP kernel module use,only one pool allowed (Todo).
        IPV4_LIST = (
                      ""                                           # STRING,YOUR NETWORK CONfig HERE.

    # DNS address communicated to UEs
    DEFAULT_DNS_IPV4_ADDRESS     = "";                                   # YOUR NETWORK CONfig HERE
    DEFAULT_DNS_SEC_IPV4_ADDRESS = "";                                   # YOUR NETWORK CONfig HERE

    # Non standard feature,normally should be set to "no",but you may need to set to yes for UE that do not explicitly request a PDN address through NAS signalling
    FORCE_PUSH_PROTOCOL_CONfigURATION_OPTIONS = "no";                           # STRING,"no"}.
    UE_MTU                                    = 1500                            # INTEGER


此外,我认为MME和HSS之间没有问题 HSS

Initializing s6a layer
09/03/20,21:31:29.996928  NOTI   libfdproto '1.2.0' initialized.
09/03/20,21:31:29.997116  NOTI   libgnutls '3.4.10' initialized.
09/03/20,21:31:30.009608   DBG   Core state: 0 -> 1
09/03/20,21:31:30.009669  NOTI   libfdcore '1.2.0' initialized.
09/03/20,21:31:30.072841   DBG   Generating fresh Diffie-Hellman parameters of size 1024 (this takes some time)... 
09/03/20,21:31:30.209262   DBG   Loading : /usr/lib/freeDiameter/acl_wl.fdx
09/03/20,21:31:30.225164  NOTI   Extension ACL_wl initialized with configuration: '/usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/acl.conf'
09/03/20,21:31:30.225220   DBG   Loading : /usr/lib/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx
09/03/20,21:31:30.231577   DBG   Dictionary Extension 'MIPv6 NAS-to-HAAA Interaction' initialized
09/03/20,21:31:30.231717   DBG   Loading : /usr/lib/freeDiameter/dict_s6a.fdx
09/03/20,21:31:30.236166  NOTI   Dictionary Extension 'S6A from 3GPP standard v.10.5' initialized
09/03/20,21:31:30.236249  NOTI   All extensions loaded.
09/03/20,21:31:30.236289  NOTI   freeDiameter configuration:
09/03/20,21:31:30.236299  NOTI     Default trace level .... : +1
09/03/20,21:31:30.236308  NOTI     Configuration file ..... : /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/hss_fd.conf
09/03/20,21:31:30.236317  NOTI     Diameter Identity ...... : hss.openair4G.eur (l:17)
09/03/20,21:31:30.236324  NOTI     Diameter Realm ......... : openair4G.eur (l:13)
09/03/20,21:31:30.236332  NOTI     Tc Timer ............... : 30
09/03/20,21:31:30.236339  NOTI     Tw Timer ............... : 30
09/03/20,21:31:30.236347  NOTI     Local port ............. : 3868
09/03/20,21:31:30.236354  NOTI     Local secure port ...... : 5868
09/03/20,21:31:30.236361  NOTI     Number of SCTP streams . : 3
09/03/20,21:31:30.236368  NOTI     Number of clients thr .. : 5
09/03/20,21:31:30.236375  NOTI     Number of app threads .. : 4
09/03/20,21:31:30.236383  NOTI     Local endpoints ........ : Default (use all available)
09/03/20,21:31:30.236391  NOTI     Local applications ..... : (none)
09/03/20,21:31:30.236398  NOTI     Flags : - IP ........... : Enabled
09/03/20,21:31:30.236405  NOTI             - IPv6 ......... : disABLED
09/03/20,21:31:30.236413  NOTI             - Relay app .... : disABLED
09/03/20,21:31:30.236420  NOTI             - TCP .......... : Enabled
09/03/20,21:31:30.236427  NOTI             - SCTP ......... : disABLED
09/03/20,21:31:30.236434  NOTI             - Pref. proto .. : TCP
09/03/20,21:31:30.236441  NOTI             - TLS method ... : Separate port
09/03/20,21:31:30.236448  NOTI     TLS :   - Certificate .. : /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/hss.cert.pem
09/03/20,21:31:30.236456  NOTI             - Private key .. : /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/hss.key.pem
09/03/20,21:31:30.236463  NOTI             - CA (trust) ... : /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/hss.cacert.pem (1 certs)
09/03/20,21:31:30.236470  NOTI             - CRL .......... : (none)
09/03/20,21:31:30.236478  NOTI             - Priority ..... : (default: 'norMAL')
09/03/20,21:31:30.236485  NOTI             - DH bits ...... : 1024
09/03/20,21:31:30.236492  NOTI     Origin-State-Id ........ : 1599193889
09/03/20,21:31:30.236505  NOTI   Loaded extensions: '/usr/lib/freeDiameter/acl_wl.fdx'[/usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/acl.conf],loaded
09/03/20,21:31:30.236514  NOTI   Loaded extensions: '/usr/lib/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx'[(no config file)],21:31:30.236522  NOTI   Loaded extensions: '/usr/lib/freeDiameter/dict_s6a.fdx'[(no config file)],21:31:30.236547   DBG   Core state: 1 -> 2
09/03/20,21:31:30.239873  NOTI   Local server address(es):{---L-}{---L-}
09/03/20,21:31:30.239980   DBG   Core state: 2 -> 3
Initializing s6a layer: DONE


connection attempt 1 / 8
000207 00002:471478 7F8352FF5700 DEBUG S6A    ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_peer.c:0163    Peer hss.openair4G.eur is Now connected...
000208 00011:246927 7F8398FF9700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0033    ======================================= STATISTICS ============================================

000209 00011:246939 7F8398FF9700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0034                   |   Current Status| Added since last display|  Removed since last display |
000210 00011:246944 7F8398FF9700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0036    Connected eNBs |          0      |              0              |             0               |
000211 00011:246950 7F8398FF9700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0038    Attached UEs   |          0      |              0              |             0               |
000212 00011:246954 7F8398FF9700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0040    Connected UEs  |          0      |              0              |             0               |
000213 00011:246959 7F8398FF9700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0042    Default Bearers|          0      |              0              |             0               |
000214 00011:246964 7F8398FF9700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0044    S1-U Bearers   |          0      |              0              |             0               |




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