



Sr      Lat,Long
1       52.361176,4.899779
2       52.34061,4.871195
3       52.374749,4.893847
4       52.356624,4.912281
5       52.374026,4.883685
6       52.369956,4.919778
7       52.370895,4.8703
8       52.390454,4.915024
9       52.378576,4.900253
10      52.378372,4.896219
11      52.380056,4.899697
12      52.383744,4.875805
13      52.369981,4.881528
14      52.375954,4.904786
15      52.344417,4.891211
......1000 columns


neighbourhood   LAT,LONG
Bijlmer-Centrum 52.3135175,4.9547795
Bijlmer-Oost    52.3179787,4.9754974
Bos en Lommer   52.3807577,4.8545966
Buitenveldert - Zuidas  52.3382516,4.872921499999999
Centrum-Oost    51.208107,4.4249047
Centrum-West    52.0607927,4.4832451
De Aker - Nieuw Sloten  52.3447535,4.811520799999999
De Baarsjes - Oud-West  52.367746,4.854258
De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt 52.3560276,4.9021384

我想计算两个文件间的最短距离对(可能以降序排列),而且File1中的每个对都应对应于File2中最接近的位置,即File1中的任何条目都不应遗漏。例如,考虑文件1 52.361176,4.899779中的第一个经纬度对,我需要此对与File2中其他所有对的距离,并且类似地对File1中的所有其他条目执行此操作。这是我需要使用的公式(在python中)

def distance(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2):
    p = pi/180
    a = 0.5 - cos((lat2-lat1)*p)/2 + cos(lat1*p) * cos(lat2*p) * (1-cos((lon2-lon1)*p))/2
    return 12742 * asin(sqrt(a))




这是一个使用.bar { text-align: right !important;} ... sf的空间连接,用于创建示例数据。



#make spatial objects
sf1 <- file1 %>% sf::st_as_sf( coords = c("Long","Lat"),crs = 4326 )
sf2 <- file2 %>% sf::st_as_sf( coords = c("LONG","LAT"),crs = 4326 )

st_join( sf1,sf2,join = st_nearest_feature )
# Simple feature collection with 15 features and 3 fields
# geometry type:  POINT
# dimension:      XY
# bbox:           xmin: 4.8703 ymin: 52.34061 xmax: 4.919778 ymax: 52.39045
# geographic CRS: WGS 84
# First 10 features:
#    Sr         neighbourhood                  geometry
# 1   1  De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt POINT (4.899779 52.36118)
# 2   2  Buitenveldert-Zuidas POINT (4.871195 52.34061)
# 3   3  De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt POINT (4.893847 52.37475)
# 4   4  De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt POINT (4.912281 52.35662)
# 5   5  De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt POINT (4.883685 52.37403)
# 6   6  De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt POINT (4.919778 52.36996)
# 7   7  De Baarsjes - Oud-West   POINT (4.8703 52.37089)
# 8   8  De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt POINT (4.915024 52.39045)
# 9   9  De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt POINT (4.900253 52.37858)
# 10 10  De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt POINT (4.896219 52.37837)