

我有一个winform应用程序(.NET C#)。 从此应用程序,我开始了另一个过程(notepad.exe),并将其停靠在我的窗口中-类似于此处的操作:Docking Window inside another Window

现在我的问题是,如何捕捉/处理在此停靠的应用程序上发生的鼠标事件? 我尝试过的:

  • 在停靠面板上创建一个透明面板。当我无法通过“无形面板”单击(或做其他任何事情)时出现了问题
  • 全局鼠标钩。我不喜欢这种解决方案,因为我只对表单中的鼠标位置感兴趣。另外,我需要鼠标相对于窗口的位置。


ToolTip trackTip;
public Form1
  trackTip = new ToolTip();
  transparentPanel1.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler((object s,System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) => trackTip.Hide(this));
  transparentPanel1.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(TransparentPanel1_MouseLeave);

void TransparentPanel1_MouseMove(object sender,System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
  String tipText = String.Format("({0},{1})",e.X,e.Y);

我找到了viable solution,但是我非常想避免向过程中注入代码,并且我觉得似乎必须为我的特定问题提供更好的解决方案。




Getting mouse position in c#

How to get window's position?


首先,基本上是上述答案的副本,其中引入了Windows API以获取窗口和鼠标的位置:

    public struct POINT
        public int X;
        public int Y;

        public static implicit operator Point(POINT point)
            return new Point(point.X,point.Y);

    public static extern bool GetCursorPos(out POINT lpPoint);

    public static Point GetCursorPosition()
        POINT lpPoint;
        GetCursorPos(out lpPoint);

        return lpPoint;

    [DllImport("user32.dll",CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string strClassName,string strWindowName);

    public static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hwnd,ref Rect rectangle);

    public struct Rect
        public int Left { get; set; }
        public int Top { get; set; }
        public int Right { get; set; }
        public int Bottom { get; set; }


    public Point GetRelativeMousePosition(IntPtr windowPtr)
        Rect windowPostion = new Rect();
        GetWindowRect(windowPtr,ref windowPostion);
        var mousePosition = GetCursorPosition();

        var result = new Point();
        result.X = mousePosition.X - windowPostion.Left;
        result.Y = mousePosition.Y - windowPostion.Top;

        // set some boundaries so we can't go outside.
        if (result.X < 0)
            result.X = 0;

        var maxWidth = windowPostion.Right - windowPostion.Left;
        if (result.X > maxWidth)
            result.X = maxWidth;

        if (result.Y < 0)
            result.Y = 0;

        var maxHeight = windowPostion.Bottom - windowPostion.Top;
        if (result.Y > maxHeight)
            result.Y = maxHeight;

        return result;


    private void Sample()
        Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad");
        Process lol = processes[0];
        var ptr = lol.MainWindowHandle; // getting this reference is expensive. Better to store and reuse if possible.
        var relativePoint = GetRelativeMousePosition(ptr);
        Console.WriteLine($"relative mouse x:{relativePoint.X} y:{relativePoint.Y}");