Pkg REPL模式[选择]?


在哪里可以找到命令选项列表及其用于程序包模式或程序包管理的文档? cmd [opts] [args] 例如: st -m图GR 在哪里可以看到有关该选项的信息:​​-m 以及每个命令的可能选项



julia> # type ] to enter package mode
(@v1.5) pkg> help st
  [st|status] [-d|--diff] [pkgs...]
  [st|status] [-d|--diff] [-p|--project] [pkgs...]
  [st|status] [-d|--diff] [-m|--manifest] [pkgs...]

  Show the status of the current environment. In --project mode (default),the status of the project file is summarized. In --manifest mode the
  output also includes the recursive dependencies of added packages given
  in the manifest. If there are any packages listed as arguments the
  output will be limited to those packages. The --diff option will,if the
  environment is in a git repository,limit the output to the difference
  as compared to the last git commit.

  │ Julia 1.1
  │  pkg> status with package arguments requires at least Julia 1.1.

  │ Julia 1.3
  │  The --diff option requires Julia 1.3. In earlier versions --diff is
  |  the default for environments in git repositories.

除此之外,Pkg.jl's documentation
