如何使用Arduino理解D +和D-数据


有一个USB电缆鼠标,我打开它并剪断电缆,以便有4根线。 V,G,D-,D +。 我将V连接至Arduino上的5V,并将G连接至地面。然后,我将D +连接到A0,将D-连接到A1。 之后,我编写了以下脚本:

int D_plus  =A0;
int D_minus = A1;
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  // read the input on analog pin 0:
  int sensorValue = analogRead(D_minus);
  // print out the value you read:
  Serial.print("D- = ");
  sensorValue = analogRead(D_plus);
  // print out the value you read:
  Serial.print(",D+ = ");
  delay(1000);        // delay in between reads for stability
void decToBinary(int n) 
    // array to store binary number 
    int binaryNum[32]; 
    // counter for binary array 
    int i = 0; 
    while (n > 0) { 
        // storing remainder in binary array 
        binaryNum[i] = n % 2; 
        n = n / 2; 
    for(int k =i;k<=10;k++){Serial.print('0');}
    // printing binary array in reverse order 
    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) 


D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00010100001
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00011111110
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 01010110010
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 01010010111
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 00010111001
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00010100111
D- = 01010011001,D+ = 00011000000
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00100111100
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 01010110000
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 01000101100
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 00010010101
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00010011111
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00011001110
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00111010010
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 01010101101
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 00110111100
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00010011010
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00010100000
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00011100001
D- = 01010010000,D+ = 01000111011
D- = 01010101010,D+ = 01010100011
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00110010010
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00100011001
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00101111010
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 01001010010
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 01010100110
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 00101111001
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00010011101
D- = 01010010001,D+ = 00010011111
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 00011101000
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 01001000101
D- = 01010010010,D+ = 01010101100

问题是,我如何将其理解为更有意义的完整数据。例如,要知道何时按下鼠标左键等等?这有可能吗? 顺便说一句,它是没有屏蔽的arduino UNO。


USB是一个复杂的协议。我无法告诉您所有您需要知道的内容,但是您可以阅读USB 2.0 specification来了解它。



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