



我看着这些线程和其他SO线程没有运气avoide loop dot product,matlabdot product subarrays without for loopmultiple numpy dot products without a loop


u1 =np.array([1,2,3])
u2 =np.array([2,3,4])

u1 =np.array([1,4])
(u1 * u2).sum()

u1 =np.array([1,4])
sum([x1*x2 for x1,x2 in zip (u1,u2)])

这是当前正在使用的get dot产品


def get_dot_product(self,courseid1,courseid2,unit_vectors):
    u1 = unit_vectors[courseid1]
    u2 = unit_vectors[courseid2]
    dot_product = 0.0
    for dimension in u1:
        if dimension in u2:
            dot_product += u1[dimension] * u2[dimension]
    return dot_product


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # coding: utf-8
    class SearchRecommendationSystem:
        def __init__(self):
    def get_bag_of_words(self,titles_lines):
        bag_of_words = {}
        for index,row in titles_lines.iterrows():
            courseid,course_bag_of_words = self.get_course_bag_of_words(row)
            for word in course_bag_of_words:
                word = str(word).strip()  # added
                if word not in bag_of_words:
                    bag_of_words[word] = course_bag_of_words[word]
                    bag_of_words[word] += course_bag_of_words[word]
        return bag_of_words

    def get_course_bag_of_words(self,line):
        course_bag_of_words = {}
        courseid = line['courseid']
        title = line['title'].lower()
        description = line['description'].lower()
        wordlist = title.split() + description.split()
        if len(wordlist) >= 10:
            for word in wordlist:
                word = str(word).strip()  # added
                if word not in course_bag_of_words:
                    course_bag_of_words[word] = 1
                    course_bag_of_words[word] += 1
        return courseid,course_bag_of_words

    def get_sorted_results(self,d):
        kv_list = d.items()
        vk_list = []
        for kv in kv_list:
            k,v = kv
            vk = v,k
        k_list = []
        for vk in vk_list[:10]:
            v,k = vk
        return k_list

    def get_keywords(self,titles_lines,bag_of_words):
        n = sum(bag_of_words.values())
        keywords = {}
        for index,course_bag_of_words = self.get_course_bag_of_words(row)
            term_importance = {}
            for word in course_bag_of_words:
                word = str(word).strip()  # extra
                tf_course = (float(course_bag_of_words[word]) / sum(course_bag_of_words.values()))
                tf_overall = float(bag_of_words[word]) / n
                term_importance[word] = tf_course / tf_overall
            keywords[str(courseid)] = self.get_sorted_results(term_importance)
        return keywords

    def get_inverted_index(self,keywords):
        inverted_index = {}
        for courseid in keywords:
            for keyword in keywords[courseid]:
                if keyword not in inverted_index:
                    keyword = str(keyword).strip()  # added
                    inverted_index[keyword] = []
        return inverted_index

    def get_search_results(self,query_terms,keywords,inverted_index):
        search_results = {}
        for term in query_terms:
            term = str(term).strip()
            if term in inverted_index:
                for courseid in inverted_index[term]:
                    if courseid not in search_results:
                        search_results[courseid] = 0.0
                    search_results[courseid] += (
                            1 / float(keywords[courseid].index(term) + 1) *
                            1 / float(query_terms.index(term) + 1)
        sorted_results = self.get_sorted_results(search_results)
        return sorted_results

    def get_titles(self,titles_lines):
        titles = {}
        for index,row in titles_lines.iterrows():
            titles[row['courseid']] = row['title'][:60]
        return titles
        def get_unit_vectors(self,categories_lines):
            norm = 1.884
            cat = {}
            subcat = {}
            for line in categories_lines[1:]:
                courseid_,category,subcategory = line.split('\t')
                cat[courseid_] = category.strip()
                subcat[courseid_] = subcategory.strip()
            unit_vectors = {}
            for courseid in keywords:
                u = {}
                if courseid in cat:
                    u[cat[courseid]] = 1 / norm
                    u[subcat[courseid]] = 1 / norm
                for keyword in keywords[courseid]:
                    u[keyword] = (1 / float(keywords[courseid].index(keyword) + 1) / norm)
                unit_vectors[courseid] = u
            return unit_vectors
        def get_dot_product(self,unit_vectors):
            u1 = unit_vectors[courseid1]
            u2 = unit_vectors[courseid2]
            dot_product = 0.0
            for dimension in u1:
                if dimension in u2:
                    dot_product += u1[dimension] * u2[dimension]
            return dot_product
        def get_recommendation_results(self,seed_courseid,inverted_index,unit_vectors):
            courseids = []
            seed_courseid = str(seed_courseid).strip()
            for keyword in keywords[seed_courseid]:
                for courseid in inverted_index[keyword]:
                    if courseid not in courseids and courseid != seed_courseid:
            dot_products = {}
            for courseid in courseids:
                dot_products[courseid] = self.get_dot_product(seed_courseid,courseid,unit_vectors)
            sorted_results = self.get_sorted_results(dot_products)
            return sorted_results
        def Final(self):
            print("Reading Title file.......")
            titles_lines = open('s2-titles.txt',encoding="utf8").readlines()
            print("Reading Category file.......")
            categories_lines = open('s2-categories.tsv',encoding = "utf8").readlines()
            print("Getting Supported Functions Data")
            bag_of_words = self.get_bag_of_words(titles_lines)
            keywords = self.get_keywords(titles_lines,bag_of_words)
            inverted_index = self.get_inverted_index(keywords)
            titles = self.get_titles(titles_lines)
            print("Getting Unit Vectors")
            unit_vectors = self.get_unit_vectors(keywords=keywords,categories_lines=categories_lines)
            #Search Part
            print("\n ############# Started Search Query System ############# \n")
            query = input('Input your search query: ')
            while query != '':
                query_terms = query.split()
                search_sorted_results = self.get_search_results(query_terms,inverted_index)
                print(f"==> search results for query: {query.split()}")
                for search_result in search_sorted_results:
                    print(f"{search_result.strip()} - {str(titles[search_result]).strip()}")
                #ask again for query or quit the while loop if no query is given
                query = input('Input your search query [hit return to finish]: ')
            print("\n ############# Started Recommendation Algorithm System ############# \n")
            # Recommendation ALgorithm Part
            seed_courseid = (input('Input your seed courseid: '))
            while seed_courseid != '':
                seed_courseid = str(seed_courseid).strip()
                recom_sorted_results = self.get_recommendation_results(seed_courseid,unit_vectors)
                print('==> recommendation results:')
                for rec_result in recom_sorted_results:
                    print(f"{rec_result.strip()} - {str(titles[rec_result]).strip()}")
                    get_dot_product_ = self.get_dot_product(seed_courseid,str(rec_result).strip(),unit_vectors)
                    print(f"Dot Product Value: {get_dot_product_}")
                seed_courseid = (input('Input seed courseid [hit return to finish]:'))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        obj = SearchRecommendationSystem()


    courseid    category    subcategory
    21526   Design  3D & Animation
    153082  Marketing   Advertising
    225436  Marketing   Affiliate Marketing
    19482   Office Productivity Apple
    33883   Office Productivity Apple
    59526   IT & Software   Operating Systems
    29219   Personal Development    Career Development
    35057   Personal Development    Career Development
    40751   Personal Development    Career Development
    65210   Personal Development    Career Development
    234414  Personal Development    Career Development


3586XXXYYYZZZLearning Tools for Mrs  B's Science Classes This is a series of lessons that will introduce students to the learning tools that will be utilized throughout the schoXXXYYYZZZThis is a series of lessons that will introduce students to the learning tools that will be utilized throughout the school year  The use of these tools serves multiple purposes       1  Allow the teacher to give immediate and meaningful feedback on work that is in progress    2  Allow students to have access to content and materials when outside the classroom    3  Provide a variety of methods for students to experience learning materials    4  Provide a variety of methods for students to demonstrate learning    5  Allow for more time sensitive correction  grading and reflections on concepts that are assessed  



def get_dot_product(self,courseid1,courseid2,unit_vectors):
    # u1 = unit_vectors[courseid1]
    # u2 = unit_vectors[courseid2]
    # dimensions = set(u1).intersection(set(u2))
    # dot_product = sum(u1[dimension] * u2.get(dimension,0) for dimension in dimensions)

    u1 = unit_vectors[courseid1]
    u2 = unit_vectors[courseid2]
    dot_product = sum(u1[dimension] * u2.get(dimension,0) for dimension in u2)
    return dot_product



for dimension in u1:
    if dimension in u2:
        dot_product += u1[dimension] * u2[dimension]


通常,dictkey访问,就像您在这里所做的那样。没有numpy风格的“向量化”。 vals = list(u1.values())获取所有值的列表,并且可以想象将其制成数组(如果元素正确)

 arr1 = np.array(list(u1.values()))





def foo(dd):
    x = 0
    u1 = dd['u1']
    u2 = dd['u2']
    for k in u1:
        if k in u2:
            x += u1[k]*u2[k]
    return x


In [30]: keys=list('abcde'); values=[1,2,3,4,5]
In [31]: adict = {k:v for k,v in zip(keys,values)}
In [32]: dd = {'u1':adict,'u2':adict}

In [41]: dd
{'u1': {'a': 1,'b': 2,'c': 3,'d': 4,'e': 5},'u2': {'a': 1,'e': 5}}
In [42]: foo(dd)
Out[42]: 55


In [43]: np.dot(values,values)
Out[43]: 55


In [44]: dd['u2'] = {'e':3,'f':4,'a':3}
In [45]: foo(dd)
Out[45]: 18



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