


我正在MacBook Air上运行MacOSX 10.15.6(Catalina)。我的最终目的是获取一个.pages文件(或其他兼容文件类型)文件夹,并通过使用Pages打开然后将其导出到与新文件类型相同的文件夹中,批量转换为.pdf(或其他)。我已经设置了一个包含以下内容的Automator脚本: 一世。获取指定的查找器项目-定义包含文件文件夹 ii。获取文件内容-列出文件夹中的所有文档 iii。 AppleScript打开每个文档并导出为PDF

即使在到达“导出”位之前(在下面的位中,我已经注释掉了导出命令),当我尝试获取包含该文件的目录的路径时,AppleScript也会引发错误。 AppleScript看起来像:

on run {input,parameters}
    repeat with theFile in input
        tell application "Pages"
            set theDoc to open theFile
            set theDocName to name of theDoc
            set theName to (characters 1 thru -7 of theDocName) as text
            set thePDFPath to ((path to theFile as text) & theName & ".pdf") as text
            -- export theDoc to thePDFPath as PDF
            close theDoc
        end tell
    end repeat
end run


“运行AppleScript”操作遇到错误:“页面上有一个 错误:无法将别名“ path:to:directory:test.pages”设置为类型 恒定。”



path to仅返回应用程序或脚本或文件系统中某些位置(例如home folderdocuments folder)的路径。不过,您不需要使用任何东西来获取路径,因为theFile已经是输入中对某项的引用-您可以将其强制为文本。此外,一旦您建立了文件路径,Pages就会期望导出文件的说明符。


on run {input,parameters}
   repeat with theFile in input
      set {folderPath,fileName,extension} to getNamePieces from theFile
      tell application "Pages"
         set theDoc to open theFile
         set theDocName to name of theDoc
         set theName to (characters 1 thru -7 of theDocName)
         set thePDFPath to (folderPath & fileName & theName & ".pdf")
         export theDoc to file thePDFPath as PDF
         close theDoc
      end tell
   end repeat
end run

to getNamePieces from someItem
   tell application "System Events" to tell disk item (someItem as text)
      set theContainer to the path of container
      set {theName,theExtension} to {name,name extension}
   end tell
   if theExtension is not "" then
      set theName to text 1 thru -((count theExtension) + 2) of theName
      set theExtension to "." & theExtension
   end if
   return {theContainer,theName,theExtension}
end getNamePieces


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