

本质上,我找不到如何确定我的TS表是否显示的最后一行。当A)表格显示所有可用项目(无更多页面可访问),或B)用户移至表格的最后一页时,我需要在表格下方显示添加客户端”按钮/ div



function loadTSTable(table2load){
  /* <table id="tableX"> tag to specify different tables to be threated by the Tablesorter */

  var $table1 = $('#' + table2load); 

   * main tablesorter config
  $table1.tablesorter( {
  theme : "bootstrap",widthFixed: true,/* click on column header a 3rd time to disable sorting,else need to ctrl+click */
  sortReset: false,// widget code contained in the jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js file
  // use the zebra stripe widget if you plan on hiding any rows (filter widget)
  // the uitheme widget is NOT required!
  // PROY: eventually also look at the Output Widget
  widgets : [ "filter","columnSelector","columns","zebra","mark"],widgetoptions : {
    // using the default zebra striping class name,so it actually isn't included in the theme variable above
    // this is ONLY needed for bootstrap theming if you are using the filter widget,because rows are hidden
    zebra : ["even","odd"],// class names added to columns (need 'columns' widget) when sorted
    columns: [ "primary","secondary","tertiary" ],/* -------------------------
     * -------------------------*/

    // class added to filtered rows (rows that are not showing); needed by pager plugin
    // proy is this needed !?
    filter_filteredRow   : 'filtered',// reset filter button
    filter_reset : ".reset",// auto-hide filter row,popup when moused-over
    filter_hideFilters: false,// GLOBAL SEARCH FACILITY
    // filter_anyMatch replaced! Instead use the filter_external option
    // Set to use a jQuery selector (or jQuery object) pointing to the
    // external filter (column specific or any match)
    filter_external : '.search',// add a default column filter type "~{query}" to make fuzzy searches default to the first name column
    //filter_defaultFilter: { 1 : '~{query}' },filter_defaultFilter: {},// include column filters
    filter_columnFilters: true,// save filter data,even if page is reloaded,they will still be there!
    filter_saveFilters : false,// ignore case in search
    filter_ignoreCase: true,// extra css class name (string or array) added to the filter element (input or select)
    //filter_cssFilter: "form-control form-control-sm p-1",// OR,to set specific css to specific columns:
      filter_cssFilter: [
        'form-control form-control-sm p-1','form-control form-control-sm p-1','form-control form-control-sm p-1'        
      ],// Add select Box to columns (zero-based index)
      // each option has an associated function that returns a boolean
      // function variables:
      // e = exact text from cell
      // n = normalized value returned by the column parser
      // f = search filter input value
      // i = column index (zero-based index)
      filter_functions : {
      },/* -------------------------
      * see: https://mottie.github.io/tablesorter/docs/example-widget-mark.html
      * -------------------------*/      
     // *** mark widget only settings
      mark_tsUpdate : 'markUpdate',mark_tsIgnore : {
        // don't highlight 'artistic' and 'status' columns
        //4: true,//6: true,},// *** default settings for non-regular expression searches only
      mark_accuracy: 'partially',mark_caseSensitive: false,mark_diacritics: true,mark_separatewordsearch: true,mark_synonyms: {},// *** settings that apply to regex & non-regular expression searches
      mark_acrossElements: false,mark_className: '',mark_debug: false,mark_element: 'mark',mark_exclude: [],mark_iframes: false,mark_log: console,// callback functions
      mark_done: function(totalMatches) {},mark_each: function(element) {},mark_filter: function(node,term,totalMatches,matches) {
        // "matches" parameter is not defined for regular expression searches
        return true;
      },mark_noMatch: function(termNotFound) {},}

   * setup Pager
  // target the pager markup - see the HTML block below
  container: $(".ts-pager-" + table2load),// target the pager page select dropdown - choose a page
  cssGoto  : ".pagenum-" + table2load,// target the page size selector
  csspageSize: '.pagesize-' + table2load,// remove rows from the table to speed up the sort of large tables.
  // setting this to false,only hides the non-visible rows; needed if you plan to add/remove rows with the pager enabled.
  removeRows: false,// output string - default is '{page}/{totalPages}';
  // possible variables: {page},{totalPages},{filteredPages},{startRow},{endRow},{filteredRows} and {totalRows}
  output: '{startRow} - {endRow} / {filteredRows} ({totalRows})'


   * show error message if no data
  $table1.on('filterEnd filterReset pagerComplete',function(e,table){
      var fr,table = this;
      if (table.config.pager) {
          $.tablesorter.showError(table); // remove all prior error rows from the table thead,if any
          fr = table.config.pager.filteredRows;
          if (fr === 0) {
            if(table2load == 'tblAllProducers'){
              msg = "No clients were found in this list.\nYou can request to add a new client below.";
              $('#addClient').addClass('d-block'); // show 'Add Client' button
            else {              
              msg = "No clients were found in this list. Try searching in all clients.";
            // hotfix: since error messages are placed in thead,force a different font-size then what defaults in thead for text-size! 




  if (fr === 0) {
  // show 'Add Client' button if we're on last page          
  else {
    // page variable is zero-indexed current page number;  totalPages is well,total pages! 
    if( (table.config.pager.totalPages - table.config.pager.page ) === 1)  {
      $('#addClient').addClass('d-block'); // show 'Add Client' button

新编辑:尝试实现“ tablesorter-initialized”方法,我还尝试使用以下方法使表在加载表的最后一页时显示DIV:

$table1.tablesorter( {

  // if we're already showing last page,show 'Add Client' button
  initialized : function(table) {
    console.warn(table.config.pager); // shows me 'undefined'
    console.warn(table.config); // shows me all config properties,and 'pager' IS in them!!?

    if( (table.config.pager.totalPages - table.config.pager.page ) === 1)  {
      $('#addClient').addClass('d-block'); // show 'Add Client' button

它不起作用。由于某些原因, table.config.pager 将为undefined,但是 table.config 输出似乎具有寻呼机属性!查看图片

enter image description here



  $table1.on('filterEnd filterReset pagerComplete pagerInitialized',table){
      var fr,table = this;
      if (table.config.pager) {
          $.tablesorter.showError(table); // remove all prior error rows from the table thead,if any
          fr = table.config.pager.filteredRows;
          if (fr === 0) {
            if(table2load == 'tblAllProducers'){
              msg = localejs.gettext("No clients were found in this list.\nYou can request to add a new client below.");
              $('#addClient').addClass('d-block'); // show 'Add Client' button if we've found no match through filter
            else {              
              msg = localejs.gettext("No clients were found in this list. Try searching in all clients.");
          // show 'Add Client' button if we're on last page          
          else {
            // page variable is zero-indexed current page number;  totalPages is well,total pages! 
            if( (table.config.pager.totalPages - table.config.pager.page ) === 1)  {
              $('#addClient').addClass('d-block'); // show 'Add Client' button


$table1.bind('pagerInitialized',function(event,options) {
  // page variable is zero-indexed current page number
  if( (options.totalPages - options.page ) == 1)  {
    $('#addClient').addClass('d-block'); // show 'Add Client' button





小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)