如何通过OpenLdap使用Python ldap3验证用户和密码?



我可以使用用户的uid id访问用户的完整信息,但是找不到如何验证密码。


select datum,feiertag
bulk collect into tab_feiertage
from (
    /* calculate moveable feast */
    with hol as ( 
      select calc_holidays(TO_NUMBER(in_year1)) as ostern
      from   dual ) 

    /* Static holidays */
    select to_date('01.01.'||in_year1,'DD.MM.YYYY') as datum,'Neujahr'   as feiertag from hol union all
    select to_date('06.01.'||in_year1,'3kings'    as feiertag from hol union all
    select to_date('08.03.'||in_year1,'Fraut'     as feiertag from hol union all
    select to_date('01.05.'||in_year1,'Arbeit'    as feiertag from hol union all
    select to_date('15.08.'||in_year1,'Himmel'    as feiertag from hol union all
    select to_date('03.10.'||in_year1,'Deu'       as feiertag from hol union all
    select to_date('31.10.'||in_year1,'Refo'      as feiertag from hol union all
    select to_date('01.11.'||in_year1,'Aller'     as feiertag from hol union all
    select to_date('25.12.'||in_year1,'Wh1'       as feiertag from hol union all
    select to_date('26.12.'||in_year1,'Wh2'       as feiertag from hol union all
    /* Changing holidays */
    select ostern,'Ostern'   as feiertag from hol union all
    select ostern - INTERVAL  '2' DAY as datum,'Karf'     as feiertag from hol union all
    select ostern - INTERVAL  '3' DAY as datum,'Gruen'    as feiertag from hol union all
    select ostern + INTERVAL  '1' DAY as datum,'Osterm'   as feiertag from hol union all
    select ostern + INTERVAL '39' DAY as datum,'Chimmel'  as feiertag from hol union all
    select ostern + INTERVAL '49' DAY as datum,'Pfingsts' as feiertag from hol union all
    select ostern + INTERVAL '50' DAY as datum,'Pfingstm' as feiertag from hol union all
    select ostern + INTERVAL '60' DAY as datum,'Fronlei'  as feiertag from hol



import ldap3
from ldap3.core.exceptions import LDAPException

def _ldap_login(username,password):
        with ldap3.Connection('enter_server',user=username,password=password) as conn:
            print(conn.result["description"]) # "success" if bind is ok
            return True
    except LDAPException:
        print('Unable to connect to LDAP server')
        return False


以下是用于展示如何使用 ldap330 code examplesTutorial: Introduction to ldap3


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