c++ Stack Array实现及显示错误


因此,在我的作业中,我们应该创建一个 Stack 类,该类使用数组实现为 double 类型的值创建堆栈。


#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H

class Stack
        double *stackArray;             //Pointer to the Stack array.
        int stackSize;                  //The size of stack.
        int top;                        //The first "plate" on top of the stack/Holds the index of the first element in the stack
        void copy(const Stack &copy);  //The fxn the copy constructor calls. 
        void destroy();                 //The fxn the destructor calls.
        void resize();                  //Makes the array larger if capacity has been reached.
        Stack();                    //Default Constructor
        Stack(const Stack&);            //Copy Constructor 
        ~Stack();                          //Destructor 
        void push(double);              //Adds a 'plate' on top of the stack. 
        void pop();             //Removes 'plate' on top of stack. 
        bool isEmpty();           //Returns true if stack is empty,false otherwise.
        bool isFull();            //Returns true if stack is full,false otherwise.
        double peek();                  //Gets the top item of the stack without removing the item. 
        int getSize();                  //Makes the array larger if the capacity of the array is being reached. 
        void display() const;  //Displays the values in the stack.


#include "Stack.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

Stack::Stack()                    //The Constructor 
    stackSize = 1;
    stackArray = new double[stackSize];       //Dynamically allocate memory for an array of a stack variable.
    top = -1;                           //Set the top of the stack to -1. So its empty.

Stack::Stack(const Stack &obj)                     //The Copy constructor 
    copy(const Stack &copy);

Stack::~Stack()                         //The destructor 
    destroy();                          //Calls the destroy function to delete the array.

void Stack::push(double value)          //Adds a new 'plate' on the stack 
    if (isFull())
        resize();                       //Makes a new stack that is double the size of the current one 
                                       //While copying all values of the previous stack.
    top++;                                  //Increment top....
    stackArray[top] = value;                //...So we can make 'value' the new top in the array.

void Stack::pop()                 //Removes a 'plate' from the stack 
    if (isEmpty())
        cout << "The stack is empty.\n";
    else                                        //Otherwise...
        top--;                                  //Removes the current value of top from the stack. 

bool Stack::isEmpty() 
    bool status;                        //Tells the current status of the stack
    if (top == -1)                           //If theres nothing in the stack...
        status = true;                 //...status returns true. 
    else                              //Otherwise...
        status = false;              //...The stack MUST have something already in it.
    return status;                  

bool Stack::isFull() 
    bool status;                    
    if (top == stackSize - 1)               //Checks if the top of the stack is equal to the max stack size entered.
        status = true;                      //Returns true if stack is full.
        status = false;                     //Or false if not.
    return status;          

void Stack::destroy()
    delete [] stackArray;           //Delete the Stack Array.

double Stack::peek()            //Gets the top item of the stack without removing item 
    return stackArray[top];

int Stack::getSize()                                        //Determines the size of the stack
    return top + 1;

void Stack::resize()
    stackSize *= 2;                                         //Make the stackSize of the new array 
                                                            //AT LEAST TWICE as big as the previous one. 

   double *stackArray2nd = new double[stackSize];                     //Make new array
    for (int index = 0; index <= top; index++)
        stackArray2nd[index] = stackArray[index];          //Make the new stack array equal to the old stack array.
    stackArray = stackArray2nd;                         //Stack array no longer has a size associated with it 

void Stack::copy(const Stack &copy)    
    stackSize = copy.stackSize;                         //Copy the stackSize attribute.
    for (int index = 0; index < stackSize; index++)    //Copy the Stack's contents 
        stackArray[index] = copy.stackArray[index];    
    top = copy.top;                                   //Set the top of the stack.

void Stack::display() const                       //Prints out the stack 
    for (int index = 0; index <= top; index++)
        cout << stackArray[index] << " ";
    cout << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include "Stack.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    Stack stack1;
    cout << "Lets get the stack size!\n";           //Check to see if the getSize function works 
    cout << stack1.getSize();
    cout << "\nLets see if we can add a value on to the stack!\n";
    cout << "\nLets add another.\n";

    return 0;


Lets get the stack size!
Lets see if we can add a value to the stack!

Lets add another.
33.2 27.4 27.4

为什么要添加另一个 27.4?还有一个问题,我似乎无法将推入数组的值作为最左侧的第一个值打印出来。





小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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