


    AnalyticsService,{ provide: COLLECTION_ENABLED,useValue: true },{ provide: DEBUG_MODE,useValue: !environment.production },{
      provide: APP_NAME,useFactory: (config: IConfig) => config.name + '-' + config.instance,deps: [APP_CONFIG]
      provide: APP_VERSION,useFactory: (config: IConfig) => config.version,{
      provide: CONFIG,useValue: {
        send_page_view: true,allow_ad_personalization_signals: false,anonymize_ip: true


  1. 哈希表中空元素的数量
  2. 最长链的长度

我尝试用我的#include<bits/stdc++.h> #include <algorithm> std::string fileName; std::fstream readFile; const int arraySize = 100; int storeFile[arraySize]; class Hash { std::list<int> *table; std::list<int>::iterator anItetator; public: int count = 0; int mod = 100; Hash(); Hash(int Value); void insertItem(int key); int hashFunction(int key) { return (key % mod); } void loopHash(); void displayHash(); }; Hash::Hash(){ } Hash::Hash(int b) { this->mod = b; table = new std::list<int>[mod]; } void Hash::insertItem(int key) { int index = hashFunction(key); table[index].push_back(key); } void Hash::displayHash() { for (int i = 0; i < mod; i++) { std::cout << i; for (auto x : table[i]) std::cout << " --> " << x; std::cout << std::endl; } } void Hash::loopHash() { for(anItetator = table->begin(); anItetator != table->end(); ++anItetator){ if(table->empty()==true) { count++; } std::cout << "Total number of empty entries is: " << count; std::cout << "The largest chain is: " << *std::max_element(table->begin(),table->end()); } } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int n = arraySize; Hash h(h.mod); std::cout << "Please enter the name of the file: " << std::endl; std::cin >> argv[0]; fileName = argv[0]; std::cout << "Attempting to read file " << fileName << std::endl; readFile.open(fileName); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { while (readFile >> storeFile[i]) { h.insertItem(storeFile[i]); } } //h.displayHash(); h.loopHash(); readFile.close(); return 0; } 做类似的事情,但是此函数不打印任何值。



for(anItetator = table->begin(); anItetator != table->end(); ++anItetator){遍历第一个std::list中的元素,因为table是指向list<>的指针(但是list应该指向第一个mod个这样的列表中的一个有效地组成了list个数组)。


int num_empty_buckets = 0;
int longest_chain = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < mod; ++index) {
    if (table[index].empty())
    longest_chain = std::max(table[index].size(),longest_chain);
// print 'em...


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