



  error: azure:network/applicationGateway:ApplicationGateway resource 'appgateway' has a problem: "probe.0.id": this field cannot be set
    error: azure:network/applicationGateway:ApplicationGateway resource 'appgateway' has a problem: "probe.1.id": this field cannot be set
    error: azure:network/applicationGateway:ApplicationGateway resource 'appgateway' has a problem: "probe.2.id": this field cannot be set
    error: azure:network/applicationGateway:ApplicationGateway resource 'appgateway' has a problem: "probe.3.id": this field cannot be set
    error: azure:network/applicationGateway:ApplicationGateway resource 'appgateway' has a problem: "probe.4.id": this field cannot be set
    error: azure:network/applicationGateway:ApplicationGateway resource 'appgateway' has a problem: "probe.5.id": this field cannot be set
    error: azure:network/applicationGateway:ApplicationGateway resource 'appgateway' has a problem: "probe.6.id": this field cannot be set
    error: azure:network/applicationGateway:ApplicationGateway resource 'appgateway' has a problem: backend_address_pool.0.fqdns: attribute supports 1 item as a minimum,config has 0 declared
    error: azure:network/applicationGateway:ApplicationGateway resource 'appgateway' has a problem: backend_address_pool.0.ip_addresses: attribute supports 1 item as a minimum,config has 0 declared

最受关注的行位于ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas").getContext("2d"); function drawTri(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); ctx.lineTo(x2,y2); ctx.lineTo(x3,y3); ctx.fill(); } class Render_3D_Object { draw() { } } class PhysicsObject { constructor(x,y) { this.velx = 0; this.vely = 0; this.accx = 0; this.accy = 0; this.accz = 0; this.x = x; this.y = y; } tick() { this.x += this.velx; this.y += this.vely; if (this.velx > 0) { this.velx *= 0.85; } this.accy -= 0.35; this.velx += this.accx; this.vely += this.accy; if (this.y >= 750) { if (this.vely/Math.abs(this.vely) == -1){ this.accy *= -0.85; this.vely *= -0.85; } } } draw() { ctx.fillRect(this.x,-1 * this.y,this.width,this.height); } } class Box extends PhysicsObject { constructor(color,x,y,w,h) { super(x,y); this.width = w; this.height = h; this.color = color; } draw() { ctx.fillStyle = this.color; ctx.fillRect(this.x,this.height); ctx.fillStyle = "black"; } } let physicsobjs = []; let player = new Box("green",20,20); physicsobjs.push(player); physicsobjs.push(new Box("black",20)) let movex = 0; let movey = 0; let triangle1 = new Render_3D_Object(); function frame() { ctx.clearRect(0,1000,1000); player.velx += movex; player.vely += movey; for (let obj of physicsobjs) { triangle1.draw(); obj.tick(); obj.draw(); } } setInterval(frame,15); document.addEventListener("keydown",(ev) => { if (ev.key == "w") movey += 0.75 // up if (ev.key == "s") movey += -0.75; // down if (ev.key == "a") movex += -0.75; // left if (ev.key == "d") movex += 0.75; // right }); document.addEventListener("keyup",(ev) => { if (ev.key == "w") movey *= 0.75; if (ev.key == "s") movey *= 0.75; if (ev.key == "a") movex *= 0.75; if (ev.key == "d") movex *= 0.75; }); 中,起始于tick(),结束于if语句的末尾。





小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


错误1:Request method ‘DELETE‘ not supported 错误还原:...
错误1:启动docker镜像时报错:Error response from daemon:...
错误1:private field ‘xxx‘ is never assigned 按Alt...
报错如下,通过源不能下载,最后警告pip需升级版本 Requirem...