

我实际上正在使用此插件:https://github.com/dtuite/jquery.populate/blob/master/jquery.populate.js 这是一种填充表单值的方法,以便在我们从页面移至另一页面时保持它们的值。 实际上,我对此插件有问题,我无法从一个输入中填充多个值,我想保存所有选择的选定选项。如果我查看了LocalStorage,便拥有了所有选定的数据,但是当我模式切换到另一页面时,如果您有任何想法,则每个输入只能得到一个数据,如果您有任何想法的话,那会很棒。谢谢


<select id="form_Periode" name="form[Periode]" multiple="" data-placeholder="" class="select2 form- 
control select2-hidden-accessible" data-parsley-multiple="form[Periode]" data-select2- 
id="form_Periode" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" data-parsley-id="15">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="2018">2018</option>
<option value="2019" data-select2-id="16">2019</option>
<option value="2020">2020</option>


jQuery.fn.populate = function(obj,options) {

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // JSON conversion function

  // convert
  function parseJSON(obj,path) {
    // prepare
    path = path || '';

    // iteration (objects / arrays)
    if(obj == undefined) {
      // do nothing
    } else if(obj.constructor == Object) {
      for(var prop in obj) {
        var name    = path + (path == '' ? prop : '[' +prop+ ']');

    else if(obj.constructor == Array) {
      for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
        var index   = options.useIndices ? i : '';
        index       = options.phpNaming ? '[' +index+']' : index;
        var name    = path + index;
      // assignment (values)
    } else {
      // if the element name hasn't yet been defined,create it as a single value
      if(arr[path] == undefined) {
        arr[path] = obj;
        // if the element name HAS been defined,but it's a single value,convert to an array and add the new value
      } else if(arr[path].constructor != Array) {
        arr[path] = [arr[path],obj];
        // if the element name HAS been defined,and is already an array,push the single value on the end of the stack
      } else {

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // population functions

  function debug(str) {
    if(window.console && console.log) {

  // To get an escape selector (see http://learn.jquery.com/using-jquery-core/faq/how-do-i-select-an-element-by-an-id-that-has-characters-used-in-css-notation/)
  function jq( myid ) {
        return "#" + myid.replace(/(:|\[|\]|\.)/g,"\\$1");

  function getElementName(name) {
    if (!options.phpNaming) {
      name = name.replace(/\[\]$/,'');
    return name;

  function populateElement(parentElement,name,value) {
    var selector    = options.identifier == 'id' ? '#' + name : '[' +options.identifier+ '="' +name+ '"]';
    var element     = jQuery(selector,parentElement);
    value           = value.toString();
    value           = value == 'null' ? '' : value;

  function populateFormElement(form,value) {
    // check that the named element exists in the form
    var name    = getElementName(name); // handle non-php naming
    var element = form[name];

    // if the form element doesn't exist,check if there is a tag with that id
    if(element == undefined) {
      // look for the element
      element = jQuery(jq(name),form);
      if(element && element.length != 0) {
        return true;

      // nope,so exit
      if(options.debug) {
        debug('No such element as ' + name);
      return false;

    // debug options
    if(options.debug) {

    // now,place any single elements in an array.
    // this is so that the next bit of code (a loop) can treat them the
    // same as any array-elements passed,ie radiobutton or checkox arrays,// and the code will just work
    elements = element.type == undefined && element.length ? element : [element];

    // populate the element correctly
    for(var e = 0; e < elements.length; e++) {
      // grab the element
      var element = elements[e];
      // skip undefined elements or function objects (IE only)
      if(!element || typeof element == 'undefined' ||
          typeof element == 'function') {

      // anything else,process
      switch(element.type || element.tagName) {
        case 'radio':
          // use the single value to check the radio button
          element.checked = (element.value != '' && value.toString() == element.value);

        case 'checkbox':
          // depends on the value.
          // if it's an array,perform a sub loop
          // if it's a value,just do the check

          var values = value.constructor == Array ? value : [value];
          for(var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
            element.checked |= element.value == values[j];

          //element.checked = (element.value != '' && value.toString().toLowerCase() == element.value.toLowerCase());

        case 'select-multiple':
          var values = value.constructor == Array ? value : [value];
          for(var i = 0; i < element.options.length; i++) {
            for(var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
              element.options[i].selected |= element.options[i].value == values[j];

        case 'select':
        case 'select-one':
          // if the select box has been replaced by this
          // selectbox plugin: https://gist.github.com/1139558
          if ($('#' + element.id + '_container').length > 0) {
            // Click the correct li to set the select box.
            $('li#' + element.id + '_input_' + value).click()
          // Otherwise just let it work the usual way.
          } else {
            element.value = value.toString() || value;

        case 'text':
        case 'button':
        case 'textarea':
        case 'submit':
          value         = value == null ? '' : value;
          element.value = value;




  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // options & setup

  // exit if no data object supplied
  if (obj === undefined) {
    return this;

  // options
  var options = jQuery.extend({
    phpNaming:          true,phpIndices:           false,resetForm:            true,identifier:           'id',debug:                false

  if(options.phpIndices) {
    options.phpNaming = true;

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // convert hierarchical JSON to flat array

  var arr   = [];

  if(options.debug) {
    _populate = {
      arr:      arr,obj:      obj,elements: []

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // main process function

    // variables
    var tagName = this.tagName.toLowerCase();
    var method  = tagName == 'form' ? populateFormElement : populateElement;

    // reset form?
    if(tagName == 'form' && options.resetForm) {

    // update elements
    for(var i in arr) {
      if (arr.hasOwnProperty(i)) {

  return this;




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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