我的陀螺仪MPU6050 GY521的Z轴偏航未正确输出经过Kalman滤波的数据


为什么我的陀螺仪mpu6050 GY521的Z轴(偏航)不能正确输出经过Kalman滤波的数据?我从库中获取了此草图,并对其进行了调整以添加过滤后的Z数据,因为原始数据只有X和Y轴。


#include <Wire.h>
#include <Kalman.h> // Source: https://github.com/TKJElectronics/KalmanFilter


Kalman kalmanX; // Create the Kalman instances
Kalman kalmanY;
Kalman kalmanZ;

/* IMU Data */
double accX,accY,accZ;
double gyroX,gyroY,gyroZ;
int16_t tempRaw;

double gyroXangle,gyroYangle,gyroZangle; // Angle calculate using the gyro only
double compAngleX,compAngleY,compAngleZ; // Calculated angle using a complementary filter
double kalAngleX,kalAngleY,kalAngleZ; // Calculated angle using a Kalman filter

uint32_t timer;
uint8_t i2cData[14]; // Buffer for I2C data

int XPin=A0;
int YPin=A1;
int SPin=2;
int XVal,YVal,SVal;
int Jx,Jy,Js;

// Todo: Make calibration routine

void setup() {
#if ARDUINO >= 157
  Wire.setClock(400000UL); // Set I2C frequency to 400kHz
  TWBR = ((F_cpu / 400000UL) - 16) / 2; // Set I2C frequency to 400kHz

  i2cData[0] = 7; // Set the sample rate to 1000Hz - 8kHz/(7+1) = 1000Hz
  i2cData[1] = 0x00; // disable FSYNC and set 260 Hz Acc filtering,256 Hz Gyro filtering,8 KHz sampling
  i2cData[2] = 0x00; // Set Gyro Full Scale Range to ±250deg/s
  i2cData[3] = 0x00; // Set Accelerometer Full Scale Range to ±2g
  while (i2cWrite(0x19,i2cData,4,false)); // Write to all four registers at once
  while (i2cWrite(0x6B,0x01,true)); // PLL with X axis gyroscope reference and disable sleep mode

  while (i2cRead(0x75,1));
  if (i2cData[0] != 0x68) { // Read "WHO_AM_I" register
    Serial.print(F("Error reading sensor"));
    while (1);

  delay(100); // Wait for sensor to stabilize

  /* Set kalman and gyro starting angle */
  while (i2cRead(0x3B,6));
  accX = (int16_t)((i2cData[0] << 8) | i2cData[1]);
  accY = (int16_t)((i2cData[2] << 8) | i2cData[3]);
  accZ = (int16_t)((i2cData[4] << 8) | i2cData[5]);

  // Source: http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN3461.pdf eq. 25 and eq. 26
  // atan2 outputs the value of -π to π (radians) - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/atan2
  // It is then converted from radians to degrees
#ifdef RESTRICT_PITCH // Eq. 25 and 26
  double roll  = atan2(accY,accZ) * RAD_TO_DEG;
  double pitch = atan(-accX / sqrt(accY * accY + accZ * accZ)) * RAD_TO_DEG;
  double yaw = atan2(accX,accY) * RAD_TO_DEG;
#else // Eq. 28 and 29
  double roll  = atan(accY / sqrt(accX * accX + accZ * accZ)) * RAD_TO_DEG;
  double pitch = atan2(-accX,accZ) * RAD_TO_DEG;
  double yaw = atan2(-accX,accY) * RAD_TO_DEG;

  kalmanX.setAngle(roll); // Set starting angle
  gyroXangle = roll;
  gyroYangle = pitch;
  gyroZangle = yaw;
  compAngleX = roll;
  compAngleY = pitch;
  compAngleZ = yaw;

  timer = micros();

void loop() {

   // joystickread();
  /* Update all the values */
  while (i2cRead(0x3B,14));
  accX = (int16_t)((i2cData[0] << 8) | i2cData[1]);
  accY = (int16_t)((i2cData[2] << 8) | i2cData[3]);
  accZ = (int16_t)((i2cData[4] << 8) | i2cData[5]);
  tempRaw = (int16_t)((i2cData[6] << 8) | i2cData[7]);
  gyroX = (int16_t)((i2cData[8] << 8) | i2cData[9]);
  gyroY = (int16_t)((i2cData[10] << 8) | i2cData[11]);
  gyroZ = (int16_t)((i2cData[12] << 8) | i2cData[13]);;

  double dt = (double)(micros() - timer) / 1000000; // Calculate delta time
  timer = micros();

  // Source: http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN3461.pdf eq. 25 and eq. 26
  // atan2 outputs the value of -π to π (radians) - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/atan2
  // It is then converted from radians to degrees
#ifdef RESTRICT_PITCH // Eq. 25 and 26
  double roll  = atan2(accY,accZ) * RAD_TO_DEG;
  double pitch = atan(-accX / sqrt(accY * accY + accZ * accZ)) * RAD_TO_DEG;
  double yaw = atan2(-accX,accY) * RAD_TO_DEG;

  double gyroXrate = gyroX / 131.0; // Convert to deg/s
  double gyroYrate = gyroY / 131.0; // Convert to deg/s
  double gyroZrate = gyroZ / 131.0;

  // This fixes the transition problem when the accelerometer angle jumps between -180 and 180 degrees
  if ((roll < -90 && kalAngleX > 90) || (roll > 90 && kalAngleX < -90)) {
    compAngleX = roll;
    kalAngleX = roll;
    gyroXangle = roll;
  } else
    kalAngleX = kalmanX.getAngle(roll,gyroXrate,dt); // Calculate the angle using a Kalman filter

  if (abs(kalAngleX) > 90)
    gyroYrate = -gyroYrate; // Invert rate,so it fits the restriced accelerometer reading
  kalAngleY = kalmanY.getAngle(pitch,gyroYrate,dt);

  if (abs(kalAngleZ) > 90)
    gyroZrate = -gyroZrate; // Invert rate,so it fits the restriced accelerometer reading
  kalAngleZ = kalmanZ.getAngle(yaw,gyroZrate,dt);
  // This fixes the transition problem when the accelerometer angle jumps between -180 and 180 degrees
  if ((pitch < -90 && kalAngleY > 90) || (pitch > 90 && kalAngleY < -90)) {
    compAngleY = pitch;
    kalAngleY = pitch;
    gyroYangle = pitch;
  } else
    kalAngleY = kalmanY.getAngle(pitch,dt); // Calculate the angle using a Kalman filter

  if (abs(kalAngleY) > 90)
    gyroXrate = -gyroXrate; // Invert rate,so it fits the restriced accelerometer reading
  kalAngleX = kalmanX.getAngle(roll,dt); // Calculate the angle using a Kalman filter

    if (abs(kalAngleZ) > 90)
    gyroZrate = -gyroZrate; // Invert rate,dt); // Calculate the angle using a Kalman filter

  gyroXangle += gyroXrate * dt; // Calculate gyro angle without any filter
  gyroYangle += gyroYrate * dt;
  gyroZangle += gyroZrate * dt;
  //gyroXangle += kalmanX.getRate() * dt; // Calculate gyro angle using the unbiased rate
  //gyroYangle += kalmanY.getRate() * dt;

  compAngleX = 0.93 * (compAngleX + gyroXrate * dt) + 0.07 * roll; // Calculate the angle using a Complimentary filter
  compAngleY = 0.93 * (compAngleY + gyroYrate * dt) + 0.07 * pitch;
  compAngleZ = 0.93 * (compAngleZ + gyroZrate * dt) + 0.07 * yaw;

  // Reset the gyro angle when it has drifted too much
  if (gyroXangle < -180 || gyroXangle > 180)
    gyroXangle = kalAngleX;
  if (gyroYangle < -180 || gyroYangle > 180)
    gyroYangle = kalAngleY;
  if (gyroZangle < -180 || gyroZangle > 180)
    gyroZangle = kalAngleZ;

  /* Print Data */
#if 0 // Set to 1 to activate
  Serial.print(accX); Serial.print("\t");
  Serial.print(accY); Serial.print("\t");
  Serial.print(accZ); Serial.print("\t");

  Serial.print(gyroX); Serial.print("\t");
  Serial.print(gyroY); Serial.print("\t");
  Serial.print(gyroZ); Serial.print("\t");


Serial.print("Ax: "); Serial.println(accX);
Serial.print("Ay: "); Serial.println(accY);
Serial.print("Az: "); Serial.println(accZ);

//  Serial.print(roll); Serial.print("\t");
//  Serial.print(gyroXangle); Serial.print("\t");
//  Serial.print(compAngleX); Serial.print("\t");
  Serial.print("X: "); Serial.println(kalAngleX); //Serial.print("\t");

//  Serial.print("\t");

//  Serial.print(pitch); Serial.print("\t");
//  Serial.print(gyroYangle); Serial.print("\t");
//  Serial.print(compAngleY); Serial.print("\t");
  Serial.print("Y: "); Serial.println(kalAngleY); //Serial.print("\t");

  Serial.print("Z: "); Serial.println(kalAngleZ); 

#if 0 // Set to 1 to print the temperature

  double temperature = (double)tempRaw / 340.0 + 36.53;
  Serial.print(temperature); Serial.print("\t");





小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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