Scalastyle Linter扩展不适用于Sublime TextLinux


最近,我已经安装了Ubuntu 20.04,并且试图将Sublime Text 3.2.2设置为可与Scala一起使用。我已经安装了SublimeLinter软件包,并使用SublimeLinter注释测试了它是否可以正常工作。

然后我安装了SublimeLinter-contrib-scalastyle,并按照this guide进行了设置。


scalastyle 1.0.0
Usage: scalastyle [options] <source directory>
 -c,--config FILE               configuration file (required)
 -v,--verbose true|false        verbose output
 -q,--quiet true|false          be quiet
     --xmlOutput FILE            write checkstyle format output to this file
     --xmlEncoding STRING        encoding to use for the xml file
     --inputEncoding STRING      encoding for the source files
 -w,--warnings true|false       fail if there are warnings
 -e,--externalJar FILE          jar containing custom rules
 -x,--excludedFiles STRING      regular expressions to exclude file paths (delimited by semicolons)


SublimeLinter: ERROR:

scalastyle: Defining 'cls.Syntax' has no effect anymore. Use instead.

SublimeLinter: ERROR:

scalastyle disabled. 'selector' is mandatory in 'cls.defaults'.

但是,在我的配置中情况并非如此。 这是我的高级linter配置,其中删除了“语法”并添加了“选择器”:

    // Set to true to print extra information in the console.
    "debug": true,// When in the "background" lint mode,this value determines
    // the minimum delay before a request is send to the linter
    "delay": 0.1,// Available gutter themes:
    // - BlueBerry Cross
    // - BlueBerry Round
    // - Circle
    // - Danish Royalty
    // - Default
    // - Hands
    // - Knob
    // - Knob Symbol
    // - Koloria
    // - ProjectIcons
    // Note that you may need to change the "icon" property in "styles"
    // to an icon in the theme (they usually include "warning" and "error")
    "gutter_theme": "Default",// Demote the visibility of a class off errors while you're editing.
    // The errors will re-appear after `time_to_idle` and immediately on save.
    // - ws_only: erroneous regions that contain only whitespace
    // - some_ws: erroneous regions that contain *some* whitespace
    // - multilines: multiline errors
    // - warnings: errors of the "warning" type
    // - all: demote all the things
    // - none: disable this feature
    "highlights.demote_while_editing": "none",// Apply a color (via scope) to the demoted errors.
    // E.g. "" will hide the errors,"comment" is usually a subtle color.
    "highlights.demote_scope": "",// How long to wait before showing the demoted errors again.
    // Tip: A big value like 3600 will essentially hide the regions until
    // you save the buffer.
    "highlights.time_to_idle": 1.5,// Set to true to start the highlights hidden. Use the command
    // "SublimeLinter: Toggle Highlights" to toggle the highlights
    "highlights.start_hidden": false,// Send a "terminate" signal to old lint processes,if their result would
    // be thrown away. If false we fire-and-forget processes instead.
    "kill_old_processes": true,// Lint Mode determines when the linter is run.
    // - background: asynchronously on every change
    // - load_save: when a file is opened and every time it's saved
    // - manual: only when calling the Lint This View command
    // - save: only when a file is saved
    "lint_mode": "background",// Linter specific settings.
    // More info:
    // Linter specific settings except for 'styles' can also be changed
    // in sublime-project settings.
    // What settings are available is documented in the readme of the
    // specific linter plugin.
    // Example:
    "linters": {
        // The name of the linter you installed
        "scalastyle": {
            // disables the linter. The default here is 'not set'
            "disable": false,// Additional arguments for the command line. Either a string
            // or an array. If set to a string,we 'shlex.split' it*.
            // E.g. '--ignore D112' or ['--config','./.config/foo.ini']
            // * Note: Use proper quoting around paths esp. on Windows!
            "args": [],// Path to the executable to be used. Either a string or an
            // array. E.g. ['nvm','exec','8.6','eslint']
            "executable": "scalastyle",// A modified runtime environment for the lint job. Settings here
            // override the default,inherited ENV.
            "env": {},// Exclude files that match the given pattern(s).
            "excludes": [],// Suppress errors that match the the given pattern(s).
            // Either a 'string' or an 'array'. Each input string is handled as
            // a case-insensitive regex pattern and matched against the
            // error_type,code,and message. If it matches,the error will be
            // thrown away.
            // E.g. ["warning: ","W3\d\d: ","missing <!DOCTYPE> declaration"]
            "filter_errors": [],// Lint mode determines when the linter is run. The linter setting
            // will take precedence over the global setting.
            "lint_mode": "manual",// Determines for which views this linter will run.
            "selector": "source.scala",// A list of additional style deFinition blocks.
            "styles": [
                    // Instead of 'types' you can specify error 'codes' for
                    // a style deFinition block
                    "codes": [""]
            ],// The current working dir the lint job will run in.
            "working_dir": "",// **Only valid for PythonLinter**
            // Specify which python to use. Either a number or full path
            // to a python binary. SL will then basically use 'python -m'
            // to run the linter.
            "python": 3,// **Only valid for NodeLinter**
            // If true,will *not* use a globally installed binary
            "disable_if_not_dependency": false
    },// Determines what happens when a linter reports a problem without column.
    // By default,a mark is put in the gutter and the first character is highlighted.
    // If this setting is true,the entire line is also highlighted.
    "no_column_highlights_line": false,// Provide extra paths to be searched when locating system executables.
    "paths": {
        "linux": [],"osx": [],"windows": []
    },// Show a report for problems on a line by hovering over the gutter.
    "show_hover_line_report": true,// Show a report for problems on a region by hovering over it.
    "show_hover_region_report": true,// Highlight problems in the minimap.
    "show_marks_in_minimap": true,// Show the output panel on save if there are problems.
    // - window: check if the window has problems.
    // - view: only check the current file.
    // - never: disable this feature.
    "show_panel_on_save": "never",// DEPRECATED: Not in use! Remove the setting from your User settings
    // to avoid future warnings.
    "statusbar.counters_template": "",// Show the messages for problems at your cursor position.
    // - {message} will be replaced by the actual messages.
    // - {linter} will be replaced by the linter reporting the error.
    // - {type} will be replaced by either warning or error.
    // - {code} will be replaced by the error code.
    // Set to "" to display nothing
    "statusbar.messages_template": "{message}","statusbar.show_active_linters": true,// Global styles for all linters.
    // Note: Styles can also be specified per linter! See above.
    // Only for linter-styles,there is one more setting:
    // - codes:
    //   An array which can contain error codes provided by a linter.
    //   Only valid as linter style in the "linters" section
    // The styles list form a stack evaluated top-down. We call each object
    // herein a style deFinition. A style deFinition must match a specific
    // linter error,either its code or its error type,to take any effect.
    // The default styles cannot be overriden per se,you extend them
    // in your user settings. The defaults can be read as "All linter problems
    // are red,outline,dots,but warnings are yellow."
    "styles": [
            // Used to determine the color. E.g. region.<colorish>,with one of
            // redish,orangish,yellowish,greenish,bluish,purplish,pinkish.
            "scope": "region.yellowish markup.warning.sublime_linter",// The error type this style deFinition will match for.
            // An array which can contain "warning" and/or "error".
            // If omitted will match both.
            "types": ["warning"]
            // Determines,for overlapping errors,which one is visualised.
            "priority": 1,// The icon displayed in the gutter area
            // - "circle","dot" or "bookmark"
            // - "none" to remove the icon
            // - A path to an icon file like
            //   "Packages/SublimeLinter/gutter-themes/BlueBerry Cross/error.png"
            // - One provided by a gutter theme (e.g. "warning" or "error").
            //   In theme Default: warning,error,cog,x,//   and diamond,heart,pointer,square,star,triangle,which all
            //   also have an -outline variant.
            "icon": "dot",// The highlight style:
            // - "none"
            // - "fill","outline",// - "solid_underline","squiggly_underline","stippled_underline"
            // In ST < 4074 the underline styles are replaced with outlines when
            // there is whitespace in the problem region (ST issue #137).
            // In newer versions underlines are replaced with outlines when
            // there are newlines in the problem region for readability.
            "mark_style": "outline","scope": "region.redish markup.error.sublime_linter"

什么会导致Sublime Linter在scalastyle插件上失败?




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