如何将一系列值初始化为变量例如80至100 = A和75至79 = B等



using namespace std;
#define newline '\n';
int main()
    int studentno;
    string name;
    float marks[8];
    float sum=0;
    double average;

    cout<<"Please enter your full names"<<newline;

    cout<<"Please enter your student number :"<<newline;

    for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)
        cout<<"Please enter the marks of the student :";
        sum += marks[i];

    average = sum/8;

    #So from this point,I have subdivided the sections into different ranges whereby if a person has an average of 85 then its an A,and if an average of 76 then its an A-. The problem is it doesn't work since it keeps printing an A for all averages.  

    if(80.0<= average <=100)
      cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is A "<<endl;

    else if(75.0<= average <=79.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is A- "<<endl;

    else if(70.0<= average <=74.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is B+ "<<endl;

    else if(65.0<= average <=69.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is B "<<endl;

    else if(60.0<= average <=64.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is B- "<<endl;

    else if(55.0<= average <=59.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is C+ "<<endl;

    else if(50.0<= average <=54.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is C "<<endl;

    else if(45.0<= average <=49.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is C- "<<endl;

    else if(40.0<= average <=44.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is D+ "<<endl;

    else if(35.0<= average <=39.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is D "<<endl;

    else if(31.0<= average <=34.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is D- "<<endl;

    else if(0.0<= average <=30.9)
        cout<<"Your average is :"<<average<<" and your grade is E "<<endl;

        cout<<"Invalid marks input please check again and correct where you went wrong"<<endl;

    return 0;


Please enter your full names
James Bond
Please enter your student number :
Please enter the marks of the student :12
Please enter the marks of the student :20
Please enter the marks of the student :30
Please enter the marks of the student :23
Please enter the marks of the student :24
Please enter the marks of the student :21
Please enter the marks of the student :7
Please enter the marks of the student :13
Your average is :18.75 and your grade is A




if(80.0<= average <=100)


相反,条件的计算结果为if((80.0<= average) <=100),结果为if(0 <=100)if(1 <=100),两者始终为真,因此您总是得到平均成绩为{ {1}}。
