

感谢@trincot的codes,我可以修改Dijkstra以获得给定源节点和目标节点之间的最短路径。 而且,我尝试执行Dijkstra来找到最短路径时对跳数进行计数,当跳数超过预定义的Max_hop时,Dijkstra将终止,但失败了。



from heapq import heappop,heappush
def dijkstra(adjList,source,sink):
    n = len(adjList)   
    parent = [None]*n  
    heap = [(0,0)]
    hop_count = 0
    Max_hop = 8    
    while heap:
        distance,current,came_from = heappop(heap)
        if parent[current] is not None:  # skip if already visited
        parent[current] = came_from  # this also marks the node as visited
        if sink and current == sink:  # only correct place to have terminating condition
            # build path
            path = [current]

            while current != source:
                current = parent[current]
            hop_count -=1
            print("Hop count is ",hop_count)
            return 1,distance,path
        for (neighbor,cost) in adjList[current]:
            if parent[neighbor] is None:  # not yet visited
                heappush(heap,(distance + cost,neighbor,current))
                hop_count = hop_count + 1
                if hop_count > Max_hop:
adjList =[


flag,dist,path = dijkstra(adjList,1,15)

print("found shortest path {},which has a distance of {}".format(path,dist))


enter image description here

我知道这是不正确的,因为当Dijkstra迭代邻居时,我使hop_cout + 1代表探索的节点数而不是hop_count。


  1. 确定了parent_node和neighbor_node之间的最短距离后,可以将hop_count加1。但是,Dijkstra通过迭代邻居节点来找到最短路径,并且在路径搜索期间逐渐更新了存储最短距离的数组。 。 How to determine Dijkstra has already found the shortest distance between a parent_node and a neighbor_node?
  2. 仅条件1是不够的,即使我们可以知道何时Dijkstra找到了两个节点之间的最短距离,但是如何知道邻居节点是否将包含在给定源与目的地之间的最短路径中?

总而言之,如果我们想知道Dijkstra运行时的当前跳数,则需要设置hop_count +1,当确定了从parent_node到neighbor_node的最短路径,并将neighbor_node包括到从源到目标节点的最短路径。

为了更好地定义问题,如图所示,红线是node 1node 15之间的最短路径,最短路径是1 ->5 ->8 ->7 ->10 ->13 ->15

  1. 探索node 2时,node 1node 2被确定为3,hop_count不能加1,因为 node 2不在1到15之间的最短路径中。
  2. 探索node 5时,node 1node 5被确定为5,hop_count 应加1 ,因为 node 5包含在1到15之间的最短路径中。





from heapq import heappop,heappush

def dijkstra(adjList,source,sink,max_hop=8):  # make max_hop a parameter
    n = len(adjList)   
    parent = [None]*n  
    heap = [(0,0)]  # added hop_count as 4th value
    hop_count = 0
    while heap:
        distance,current,came_from,hop_count = heappop(heap)  # get hop_count also
        if parent[current] is not None:
        parent[current] = came_from
        if sink and current == sink:
            path = [current]
            while current != source:
                current = parent[current]
            print("Hop count is ",hop_count)
            return 1,distance,path
        if hop_count >= max_hop:  # no recursion beyond max_hop
        for (neighbor,cost) in adjList[current]:
            if parent[neighbor] is None:
                # increase hop_count on this particular path
                heappush(heap,(distance + cost,neighbor,hop_count + 1))



这是if循环中的for所检测到的:如果该节点已经被访问过,则意味着它已经在堆上获得了优先级,并在先前的迭代中被从该节点中拉出。主while循环,因此我们已经有了到该节点的最短路径。 if阻止我们在堆上推送无用的“替代”路径。



一方面,您可以通过在算法完成后获取路径的长度来计算最短路径的跳数(尽管这似乎不是您想要的)。其次,您还可以跟踪在任意迭代中从源到任何给定节点X需要多少跳,只需跟踪从s到顶点X的当前路径的长度并更新路径长度放松步骤的邻居。 @trincot答案也提供了代码。


引理3:如果最短的是s-> ...-> u-> v那么,当u被访问并且邻居的距离被更新时,距离d(s,v)将保持不变。


  1. 当节点X标记为已访问时,则d(s,x)最小,路径s-> x的长度将保持不变(引理1起)
  2. 直到节点X被标记为已访问d(s,x)是一个估计,并且路径s-> x的长度是当前路径的长度。这两个值都可能改变。 (引自Lemma 2)
  3. 您不能保证长度为N的路径是最短路径,也不能保证最短路径的长度为


  • 路径长度为N,但是还有另一条长度为N的路径,距离较短。
  • 路径长度为N,还有另一条路径长度较短且距离较短。




#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#define limit 15

using namespace std;

int cost[20001];
vector<int> plist[20001];

const int MaxVal = -1;

vector< vector< pair<int,int> > > arr;

struct node {
    pair<int,int> info;
    vector<int> path;

bool operator < (node a,node b) {
    return a.info.first > b.info.first;

int main() {
    int i,j,k;
    int n,m;
    int s;
    int a,b,c;
    cin >> n >> m;
    cin >> s;
    //arr.reserve(n + 1);
    arr.resize(n + 1);

    for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
        cin >> a >> b >> c;
        arr[a].push_back({ b,c });

    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        cost[i] = MaxVal;

    priority_queue<node,vector<node>> mh;
    mh.push(node{ { 0,s },{ } });
    while (mh.size() > 0) {
        int current = mh.top().info.second;
        int val = mh.top().info.first;
        auto path = mh.top().path;
        if (cost[current] != MaxVal) continue;//All path would be sorted in prioirty queue. And the path that got out late can't be the shorter path.
        cost[current] = val;
            if(path.size() > limit) {
                //limit exceeded!! 
                cout << "limitation exceeded!!";
        plist[current] = path;
        for (auto it : arr[current]) {
            if (cost[it.first] != MaxVal) continue;
            mh.push({ { it.second + val,it.first },path });

    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        cout << "path to " << i << " costs ";
        if (cost[i] == MaxVal) {
            cout << "INF\n";
        else {
            cout << cost[i] << "\n";
        for (auto p : plist[i]) {
            cout << p << " ";
        cout << endl << endl;

    return 0;

//test case
15 55
1 //Starting Node Number
1 2 3
1 4 11
1 5 5
2 1 3
2 3 5
2 5 11
2 6 7
3 2 5
3 6 3
4 1 11
4 5 15
4 7 9
5 1 5
5 2 11
5 6 3
5 7 6
5 8 3
5 9 9
6 2 7
6 3 3
6 5 3
6 9 10
7 4 9
7 5 6
7 8 1
7 10 11
7 11 8
8 5 3
8 7 1
8 9 9
8 11 11
9 5 9
9 6 10
9 8 9
9 11 3
9 12 8
10 7 11
10 13 7
10 14 3
11 7 8
11 8 11
11 9 3
11 12 8
11 14 6
12 9 8
12 11 8
12 15 11
13 10 7
13 15 3
14 10 3
14 11 6
14 15 9
15 12 11
15 13 3
15 14 9

path to 1 costs 0

path to 2 costs 3
1 2

path to 3 costs 8
1 2 3

path to 4 costs 11
1 4

path to 5 costs 5
1 5

path to 6 costs 8
1 5 6

path to 7 costs 9
1 5 8 7

path to 8 costs 8
1 5 8

path to 9 costs 14
1 5 9

path to 10 costs 20
1 5 8 7 10

path to 11 costs 17
1 5 8 7 11

path to 12 costs 22
1 5 9 12

path to 13 costs 27
1 5 8 7 10 13

path to 14 costs 23
1 5 8 7 11 14

path to 15 costs 30
1 5 8 7 10 13 15


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