PHP中的2向字符串加密-哪个更安全? 关于#3的快速注释:





我非常喜欢#1,因为iv实际上附加到返回的加密字符串上。这样,我们不需要就不必将iv存储为常量,并且每次调用函数时都可以生成一个新常量。与每次使用相同的keyiv相比,这对我来说似乎更安全。 是真的吗?如果是这样,我是否出于某种原因而不是痛苦的显而易见?。我不喜欢的是我认为ivkey与可以找到的字符/字符串(在这种情况下为::)连接在一起在其他潜在的密文或iv中自然出现的问题变得很棘手。使用这种方法,在尝试对7000多个电子邮件地址进行加密时,其中超过一半的地址以解码字符串中的这些奇怪字符(���6CTΣ等)结尾,从而将其破坏。

#2很棒,因为它有效!!我还没有找到一个可以打破它的字符串...尤其是在我的电子邮件列表中。如上所述,这是 But ivkey 始终是相同的值,并存储在某个位置的变量中。这似乎是1个微小维护问题,但更多是安全问题。

所以我做了一些阅读/思考,然后with this working example-这是代码


// generate key with base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32);
// and save it in a constant.

function encrypt_decrypt($action,$string) {
    $output = false;

    $encrypt_method = "AES-256-CBC";
    $key = ENCRYPT_KEY_1;
    $ivLen = openssl_cipher_iv_length($encrypt_method);

     * the key was generated with 32 pseudo-bytes and then base64Encod()-ed.
     * Not sure of the reason for encoding - just decoding in case it's necessary.
     * Thoughts?
     * **/
    $key = base64_decode($key);

    if ( $action == 'encrypt' ) {
        * "AES-256-CBC" expects a 16-byte string - create an 8-byte string to be 
        * converted to a 16-byte hex before being used as the initialization vector
        * TLDR" in order to end up with 16-bytes to Feed to openssl_random_pseudo_bytes,* divide initial length in half as the hex value will double it
        * */
        $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($ivLen/2);
        $iv = bin2hex($iv);
        $tmp_data_str_in = openssl_encrypt($string,$encrypt_method,$key,$iv);
        $output = base64_encode($tmp_data_str_in . $iv);
    } else if( $action == 'decrypt' ) {
        $data_str_in = base64_decode($string);
        // This time,rather than generating one,we get the iv (converted to hex)
        // by grabbing the last 16 characters of the concatenation of the 2 that happened
        // during encryption.
        $iv = substr($data_str_in,-$ivLen);
        // And Now we just grab everything BUT the last 16 characters. We'll
        // run openssl_decrypt and return a copy of the original input
        $encrypted_txt_str = substr($data_str_in,strlen($data_str_in)-$ivLen); 

        // Notice we are returning the encrypted value of a string consisting of
        // encoded versions of the input text and a random `IV` - we'll grab the `IV`
        // from it later in order to decrypt later. 
        $output = openssl_decrypt($encrypted_txt_str,$iv);

    return $output;

$plain_txt = "";
echo "Plain Text = " .$plain_txt. "\n";  

$encrypted_txt = encrypt_decrypt('encrypt',$plain_txt);
echo "Encrypted Text = " .$encrypted_txt. "\n";

$decrypted_txt = encrypt_decrypt('decrypt',$encrypted_txt);
echo "Decrypted Text = " .$decrypted_txt. "\n";

if ( $plain_txt === $decrypted_txt ) echo "SUCCESS";
else echo "Failed";

echo "\n";


  1. 我是否正确地认为,使用在执行函数生成的动态iv解决方案比预先定义好静态iv并用于每次加密的解决方案更安全?如果没有,我想念什么?
  2. (可能成功的)攻击有哪些开放空间,以便这些方法中的任何/所有方法都能暴露出来?如何修复或修改它们以减轻风险
  3. 显示用户PII的网站上的生产环境中是否可以接受这些方法中的任何一种(希望我将它们放在一起)?本质上没有银行或超级秘密信息,并且允许他进行更新?它正在PHP中使用,外观类似于:print "<li>Email: " . encrypt_decrypt('decrypt',my_sanitize_fxn($_GET['ue']) . "</li">;


我猜想 FAR 最好加密IS N'T PII的某些内容(例如数据库用户的唯一ID)以通过查询字符串发送,然后解密该值并使用它来通过数据库查询查找他的电子邮件地址。尽管最后我可能会这样说,但请说一下目前正在发挥作用的一些因素(对此进行解释会使该问题偏离主题),这使得它甚至无法遥不可及可行的选择。




很抱歉懒于在代码中采用我的示例,但是它应该没有那么复杂,因为以下代码是一个完整示例, 带有随机IV的AES GCM 256字符串加密。 IV和标记被放在密文之前,然后进行Base64编码。



Sample AES GCM 256 string encryption
Please note that this code does not have any error handling and is for educational purpose only
Do NOT use static keys for encryption !

plaintext: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
encrypt: jemvFuwhIaUYx49d1nap6uKz8wMIorvQuRD/PGt+SYhFt8iaK1fiqAf8CjWtVNYqFZATStgq2XQuUAhbnhMtpzHDPN7oUFo=
decrypt: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


function encrypt($encryptionKey,$data) {
    $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length('aes-256-gcm'));
    $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($data,'aes-256-gcm',$encryptionKey,OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,$iv,$tag);
    return base64_encode($iv . $tag . $encrypted);

function decrypt($encryptionKey,$data) {
    $c = base64_decode($data);
    $ivlen = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher="AES-256-GCM");
    $iv = substr($c,$ivlen);
    $tag = substr($c,$ivlen,$taglen=16);
    $ciphertext_raw = substr($c,$ivlen+$taglen);
    return openssl_decrypt($ciphertext_raw,$tag);

echo 'Sample AES GCM 256 string encryption' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Please note that this code does not have any error handling and is for educational purpose only' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Do NOT use static keys for encryption !'. PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

$plaintext = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$key = '12345678901234567890123456789012'; // 32 bytes = 256 bit key
echo 'plaintext: ' . $plaintext .PHP_EOL;
$encrypt = encrypt($key,$plaintext);
echo 'encrypt: ' . $encrypt . PHP_EOL;
$decrypt = decrypt($key,$encrypt);
echo 'decrypt: ' . $decrypt . PHP_EOL;


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