


   id   empid   question            type    rownum
  1      75     How old are you     SSS       1
  2      75     NULL                LLL       2
  3      88     How old are you     SSS       1
  4      88     NULL                LLL       2
  5      99     How old are you     SSS       1
  6      99     How old are you     LLL       1
  7      99     NULL                LLL       2

我想要的输出是,如果有一个同时具有SSS和LLL类型的Empid,但LLL问题为空,则仅返回SSS记录。在某些情况下,一个Empid既可以带有问题的SSS和LLL类型,又可以包含带有空问题的第二个LLL类型。最后,我只会带回rownum = 1的那些记录。

    declare @t table(id int,empid int,question varchar(250),type char(3))
    insert into @t values( 1,75,'How old are you','SSS'),(2,NULL,'LLL'),(3,88,(4,(5,99,(6,(7,'LLL')

我写了下面的查询,它很接近,但是我无法得到我想要的确切结果,因为它正在为empid = 99的两种'LLL'类型分配rownum = 2。

   select *,rank()over(partition by empid order by type desc,case when question is not null and type = 'LLL' then 1 else 2 end desc) as rownum
   from @t



     select *,dense_rank()over(partition by empid,case when question is not null and type = 
     'LLL' then 1 else 2 end order by type desc
      ) as rownum
       from @t