


enter image description here


class Service {
    fileprivate var baseURL: String?
    init(baseURL: String) {
        self.baseURL = baseURL
    func getAllData() {
        AF.request(self.baseURL!,method: .get,parameters: nil,encoding: URLEncoding.default,headers: nil,interceptor: nil,requestModifier: .none).response { (responseData) in
            guard let data = responseData.data else { return }
            do {
                let packages = try JSONDecoder().decode(Package.self,from: data)
            } catch let error {


override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

        guard let url = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "packageList",ofType: "json") else { return }
        let service = Service(baseURL: url)


您正在传递路径(一个<?php if ( !defined( '_PS_ADMIN_DIR_' ) ) { define( '_PS_ADMIN_DIR_',getcwd() ); } include( _PS_ADMIN_DIR_ . '/../config/config.inc.php' ); addProduct( '1234567891234',// Product EAN13 'Stackoverflow',// Product reference 'Crezzur',// Product name 5,// Product quantity 'Code by Crezzur (https://crezzur.com)',// Product description array( // Product features (array) array( "name" => "Color","value" => "Red" ),array( "name" => "Height","value" => "200cm" ),),'999.95',// Product price 'https://i.imgur.com/yOp1xt3.jpg',// Product image 1,// Product default category array(1,5) // All categorys for product (array) ); function addProduct( $ean13,$ref,$name,$qty,$text,$features,$price,$imgUrl,$catDef,$catAll ) { $product = new Product(); // Create new product in prestashop $product->ean13 = $ean13; $product->reference = $ref; $product->name = createMultiLangField( $name ); $product->description = htmlspecialchars($text); //$product->link_rewrite = createMultiLangField($linkrewrite); $product->id_category_default = $catDef; $product->redirect_type = '301'; $product->price = $price; $product->quantity = $qty; $product->minimal_quantity = 1; $product->show_price = 1; $product->on_sale = 0; $product->online_only = 0; $product->meta_description = ''; $product->add(); $product->addToCategories($catAll); // Insert "feature name" and "feature value" if ( is_array( $features ) ) { foreach ( $features as $feature ) { $attributeName = $feature[ 'name' ]; $attributeValue = $feature[ 'value' ]; // 1. Check if 'feature name' exist already in database $FeatureNameId = Db::getInstance()->getValue( 'SELECT id_feature FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'feature_lang WHERE name = "' . pSQL( $attributeName ) . '"' ); // If 'feature name' does not exist,insert new. if ( empty( $getFeatureName ) ) { Db::getInstance()->execute( 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'feature` (`id_feature`,`position`) VALUES (0,0)' ); $FeatureNameId = Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID(); // Get id of "feature name" for insert in product Db::getInstance()->execute( 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'feature_shop` (`id_feature`,`id_shop`) VALUES (' . $FeatureNameId . ',1)' ); Db::getInstance()->execute( 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'feature_lang` (`id_feature`,`id_lang`,`name`) VALUES (' . $FeatureNameId . ',' . Context::getContext()->language->id . ',"' . pSQL( $attributeName ) . '")' ); } // 1. Check if 'feature value name' exist already in database $FeatureValueId = Db::getInstance()->getValue( 'SELECT id_feature_value FROM webshop_feature_value WHERE id_feature_value IN (SELECT id_feature_value FROM webshop_feature_value_lang WHERE value = "' . pSQL( $attributeValue ) . '") AND id_feature = ' . $FeatureNameId ); // If 'feature value name' does not exist,insert new. if ( empty( $FeatureValueId ) ) { Db::getInstance()->execute( 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'feature_value` (`id_feature_value`,`id_feature`,`custom`) VALUES (0,' . $FeatureNameId . ',0)' ); $FeatureValueId = Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID(); Db::getInstance()->execute( 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'feature_value_lang` (`id_feature_value`,`value`) VALUES (' . $FeatureValueId . ',"' . pSQL( $attributeValue ) . '")' ); } Db::getInstance()->execute( 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'feature_product` (`id_feature`,`id_product`,`id_feature_value`) VALUES (' . $FeatureNameId . ',' . $product->id . ',' . $FeatureValueId . ')' ); } } $shops = Shop::getShops( true,null,true ); $image = new Image(); $image->id_product = $product->id; $image->position = Image::getHighestPosition( $product->id ) + 1; $image->cover = true; if ( ( $image->validateFields( false,true ) ) === true && ( $image->validateFieldsLang( false,true ) ) === true && $image->add() ) { $image->associateTo( $shops ); if ( !uploadImage( $product->id,$image->id,$imgUrl ) ) { $image->delete(); } } echo 'Product added successfully (ID: ' . $product->id . ')'; } function uploadImage( $id_entity,$id_image = null,$imgUrl ) { $tmpfile = tempnam( _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_,'ps_import' ); $watermark_types = explode( ',',Configuration::get( 'WATERMARK_TYPES' ) ); $image_obj = new Image( $id_image ); $path = $image_obj->getPathForCreation(); $imgUrl = str_replace( ' ','%20',trim( $imgUrl ) ); // Evaluate the memory required to resize the image: if it's too much,you can't resize it. if ( !ImageManager::checkImageMemoryLimit( $imgUrl ) ) return false; if ( @copy( $imgUrl,$tmpfile ) ) { ImageManager::resize( $tmpfile,$path . '.jpg' ); $images_types = ImageType::getImagesTypes( 'products' ); foreach ( $images_types as $image_type ) { ImageManager::resize( $tmpfile,$path . '-' . stripslashes( $image_type[ 'name' ] ) . '.jpg',$image_type[ 'width' ],$image_type[ 'height' ] ); if ( in_array( $image_type[ 'id_image_type' ],$watermark_types ) ) { Hook::exec( 'actionWatermark',array( 'id_image' => $id_image,'id_product' => $id_entity ) ); } } } else { unlink( $tmpfile ); return false; } unlink( $tmpfile ); return true; } function createMultiLangField( $field ) { $res = array(); foreach ( Language::getIDs( false ) as $id_lang ) { $res[ $id_lang ] = $field; } return $res; } ,因此String上的URLConvertible会调用一个String,这最终将是无效的,但要使其起作用,它需要改为调用URL(string: path)

URL(fileURLWithPath: path)


guard let url = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "packageList",ofType: "json") else { return }


guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "packageList",withExtension: "json") else { return }
