

我已经在C中实现了以单精度(32位浮点)计算的三角函数(sin,cos,arctan)的一些近似值。它们的精确度约为+/- 2 ulp。

我的目标设备不支持任何<cmath><math.h>方法。它不提供FMA,但提供MAC ALU。 ALU和LU以32位格式进行计算。

我的arctan近似实际上是approximation of N.juffa修改版本,它在整个范围上近似arctan。正弦和余弦函数在[-pi,pi]范围内精确到2 ulp。


我目前正在阅读A RGUMENT REDUCTION FOR HUGE ARGUMENTS: Good to the Last Bit by K.C.Ng之类的不同论文或与此new argument reduction algorithm相关的论文,但我无法从中获得实现。

我还要提及两个涉及相关问题的stackoverflow问题:有一个approach with matlab and c++,它基于我链接的第一篇论文。它实际上是使用matlab,cmath方法并将输入限制为[0,20.000]。评论中已经提到了另一个。这是一种使用C语言中的sin和cos实现的方法,它使用了我不可用的各种c库。由于这两个职位都已经有几年历史了,因此可能会有一些新发现。

在这种情况下,最常用的算法似乎是精确存储2 / pi的数量直至所需的位数,以便能够准确地计算模运算,同时避免抵消。我的设备没有提供大型DMEM,这意味着无法使用具有数百位的大型查找表。 this参考资料的第70页上实际描述了该过程,顺便提一下,该过程提供了许多有关浮点数学的有用信息。


我实际上没有在C中找到任何实现,也没有针对单精度计算的实现,对于任何种类的提示/ links / examples ...,我将不胜感激。


以下代码基于previous answer,在该代码中,我演示了如何通过对幅度较小的参数使用Cody-Waite拆分常数方法以及Payne-来对三角函数执行相当准确的参数归约。 Hanek方法用于处理数量较大的论点。有关Payne-Hanek算法的详细信息,请参见此处。有关Cody-Waite算法的详细信息,请参见我的previous answer

在这里,我进行了必要的调整,以适应asker平台的限制,因为不支持64位类型,不支持融合乘法加法,并且math.h中的辅助函数不可用。我假设float映射到IEEE-754 binary32格式,并且有一种方法可以将这种32位浮点数重新解释为32位无符号整数,反之亦然。我已经通过标准的可移植习惯用法(即使用memcpy())来实现了这种重新解释,但是可以选择适合未指定目标平台的其他方法,例如内联汇编,特定于机器的内部函数或易失性联合

由于此代码基本上是我以前的代码在更严格的环境中的移植,因此可能缺少专门针对该环境的 de novo 设计的优雅之处。我基本上已经将frexp()中的math.h辅助函数替换为一些纠缠,用成对的32位整数模拟了64位整数计算,并用32位定点替换了双精度计算。计算(效果比我预期的要好得多),并用未融合的等效项替换了所有FMA。

重新处理参数减少的Cody-Waite部分需要大量的工作。显然,在没有FMA的情况下,我们需要确保常数π/ 2的组成部分中有足够的尾随零位(最低有效位除外),以确保乘积正确。我花了几个小时实验性地弄清了一个特定的拆分,该拆分可以提供准确的结果,但也将切换点尽可能地推向Payne-Hanek方法。

指定USE_FMA = 1时,使用高质量数学库编译的测试应用的输出应类似于以下内容:

Testing sinf ...  PASSED. max ulp err = 1.493253  diffsum = 337633490
Testing cosf ...  PASSED. max ulp err = 1.495098  diffsum = 342020968

使用USE_FMA = 0时,精度会稍有变化:

Testing sinf ...  PASSED. max ulp err = 1.498012  diffsum = 359699036
Testing cosf ...  PASSED. max ulp err = 1.504061  diffsum = 364679288


请注意,使用最严格的浮点设置和对编译器提供的IEEE-754的最高遵守程度来编译代码很重要。对于我用来开发和测试此代码的Intel编译器,可以通过使用/fp:strict进行编译来实现。同样,用于参考的数学库的质量对于准确评估此单精度代码的ulp误差至关重要。英特尔编译器带有一个数学库,该库提供双精度基本数学函数,在HA(高精度)变体中误差略大于0.5 ulp。使用多精度参考库可能是​​更可取的选择,但在这里会使我慢很多。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>   // for memcpy()
#include <math.h>     // for test purposes,and when PORTABLE=1 or USE_FMA=1

#define USE_FMA   (0) // use fmaf() calls for arithmetic
#define PORTABLE  (0) // allow helper functions from math.h
#define CW_STAGES (3) // number of stages in Cody-Waite reduction when USE_FMA=0

#define SIN_RED_SWITCHOVER  (117435.992f)
#define COS_RED_SWITCHOVER  (71476.0625f)
#define MAX_DIFF            (1)
#else // USE_FMA
#if CW_STAGES == 2
#define SIN_RED_SWITCHOVER  (3.921875f)
#define COS_RED_SWITCHOVER  (3.921875f)
#elif CW_STAGES == 3
#define SIN_RED_SWITCHOVER  (201.15625f)
#define COS_RED_SWITCHOVER  (142.90625f)
#endif // CW_STAGES
#define MAX_DIFF            (2)
#endif // USE_FMA

/* re-interpret the bit pattern of an IEEE-754 float as a uint32 */
uint32_t float_as_uint32 (float a)
    uint32_t r;
    memcpy (&r,&a,sizeof r);
    return r;

/* re-interpret the bit pattern of a uint32 as an IEEE-754 float */
float uint32_as_float (uint32_t a)
    float r;
    memcpy (&r,sizeof r);
    return r;

/* compute the upper 32 bits of the product of two unsigned 32-bit integers */
uint32_t umul32_hi (uint32_t a,uint32_t b)
    /* split operands into halves */
    uint32_t al = (uint16_t)a;
    uint32_t ah = a >> 16;
    uint32_t bl = (uint16_t)b;
    uint32_t bh = b >> 16;
    /* compute partial products */
    uint32_t p0 = al * bl;
    uint32_t p1 = al * bh;
    uint32_t p2 = ah * bl;
    uint32_t p3 = ah * bh;
    /* sum partial products */
    uint32_t cy = ((p0 >> 16) + (uint16_t)p1 + (uint16_t)p2) >> 16;
    return p3 + (p2 >> 16) + (p1 >> 16) + cy;

/* 190 bits of 2/PI for Payne-Hanek style argument reduction. */
const uint32_t two_over_pi_f [] = 

/* reduce a trig function argument using the swlo Paye-Hanek method */
float trig_red_slowpath_f (float a,int *quadrant)
    uint32_t ia,hi,mid,lo,tmp,i,l,h,plo,phi;
    int e,q;
    float r;

    ia = (uint32_t)(fabsf (frexpf (a,&e)) * 0x1.0p32f); // 4.29496730e+9
#else // PORTABLE
    ia = uint32_as_float ((float_as_uint32 (a) & 0x007fffff) + 0x4f000000);
    e = ((float_as_uint32 (a) >> 23) & 0xff) - 126;
#endif // PORTABLE
    /* compute product x * 2/pi in 2.62 fixed-point format */
    i = (uint32_t)e >> 5;
    e = (uint32_t)e & 31;

    hi  = i ? two_over_pi_f [i-1] : 0;
    mid = two_over_pi_f [i+0];
    lo  = two_over_pi_f [i+1];
    tmp = two_over_pi_f [i+2];
    if (e) {
        hi  = (hi  << e) | (mid >> (32 - e));
        mid = (mid << e) | (lo  >> (32 - e));
        lo  = (lo  << e) | (tmp >> (32 - e));

    /* compute 64-bit product phi:plo */
    phi = 0;
    l = ia * lo;
    h = umul32_hi (ia,lo);
    plo = phi + l;
    phi = h + (plo < l);
    l = ia * mid;
    h = umul32_hi (ia,mid);
    plo = phi + l;
    phi = h + (plo < l);
    l = ia * hi;
    phi = phi + l;

    /* split fixed-point result into integer and fraction portions */
    q = phi >> 30;               // integral portion = quadrant<1:0>
    phi = phi & 0x3fffffff;      // fraction
    if (phi & 0x20000000) {      // fraction >= 0.5
        phi = phi - 0x40000000;  // fraction - 1.0
        q = q + 1;

    /* compute remainder of x / (pi/2) */
    float phif,plof,chif,clof,thif,tlof;
    phif = 0x1.0p27f * (float)(int32_t)(phi & 0xffffffe0);
    plof = (float)((plo >> 5) | (phi << (32-5)));
    thif = phif + plof;
    plof = (phif - thif) + plof;
    phif = thif;
    chif =  0x1.921fb6p-57f; // (1.5707963267948966 * 0x1.0p-57)_hi
    clof = -0x1.777a5cp-82f; // (1.5707963267948966 * 0x1.0p-57)_lo
    thif = phif * chif;
    tlof = fmaf (phif,-thif);
    tlof = fmaf (phif,tlof);
    tlof = fmaf (plof,tlof);
    r = thif + tlof;
#else // USE_FMA
    /* record sign of fraction */
    uint32_t s = phi & 0x80000000;

    /* take absolute value of fraction */
    if ((int32_t)phi < 0) {
        phi = ~phi;
        plo = 0 - plo;
        phi += (plo == 0);
    /* normalize fraction */
    e = 0;
    while ((int32_t)phi > 0) {
      phi = (phi << 1) | (plo >> 31);
      plo = (plo << 1);

    /* multiply 32 high-order bits of fraction with pi/2 */
    plo = phi * 0xc90fdaa2;  // (uint32_t)rint(PI/2 * 2**31)
    phi = umul32_hi (phi,0xc90fdaa2);

    /* normalize product */
    if ((int)phi > 0) {
      phi = (phi << 1) | (plo >> 31);

    /* round and convert to floating point */
    uint32_t ri = s | (((e + 128) << 23) + ((phi >> 8) + ((phi & 0xff) > 0x7e)));
    r = uint32_as_float (ri);
#endif // USE_FMA
    if (a < 0.0f) {
        r = -r;
        q = -q;

    *quadrant = q;
    return r;

/* Argument reduction for trigonometric functions that reduces the argument
   to the interval [-PI/4,+PI/4] and also returns the quadrant. It returns 
   -0.0f for an input of -0.0f 
float trig_red_f (float a,float switch_over,int *q)
    float j,r;

    if (fabsf (a) > switch_over) {
        /* Payne-Hanek style reduction. M. Payne and R. Hanek,"Radian reduction
           for trigonometric functions". SIGNUM Newsletter,18:19-24,1983
        r = trig_red_slowpath_f (a,q);
    } else {
        /* Cody-Waite style reduction. W. J. Cody and W. Waite,"Software Manual
           for the Elementary Functions",Prentice-Hall 1980
        j = fmaf (a,0x1.45f306p-1f,0x1.8p+23f) - 0x1.8p+23f; // 6.36619747e-1,1.25829120e+7
        r = fmaf (j,-0x1.921fb0p+00f,a); // -1.57079601e+00 // pio2_high
        r = fmaf (j,-0x1.5110b4p-22f,r); // -3.13916473e-07 // pio2_mid
        r = fmaf (j,-0x1.846988p-48f,r); // -5.39030253e-15 // pio2_low
#else // USE_FMA
        j = (a * 0x1.45f306p-1f + 0x1.8p+23f) - 0x1.8p+23f; // 6.36619747e-1,1.25829120e+7
#if CW_STAGES == 2
        r = a - j * 0x1.921fb4p+0f;  // pio2_high
        r = r - j * 0x1.4442d2p-24f; // pio2_low
#elif CW_STAGES == 3
        r = a - j * 0x1.921f00p+00f; // 1.57078552e+00 // pio2_high
        r = r - j * 0x1.6a8880p-17f; // 1.08043314e-05 // pio2_mid
        r = r - j * 0x1.68c234p-39f; // 2.56334407e-12 // pio2_low
#endif // CW_STAGES
#endif // USE_FMA
        *q = (int)j;
    return r;

/* Approximate sine on [-PI/4,+PI/4]. Maximum ulp error with USE_FMA = 0.64196
   Returns -0.0f for an argument of -0.0f
   Polynomial approximation based on T. Myklebust,"Computing accurate 
   Horner form approximations to special functions in finite precision
   arithmetic",http://arxiv.org/abs/1508.03211,retrieved on 8/29/2016
float sinf_poly (float a,float s)
    float r,t;
    r =              0x1.80a000p-19f;  //  2.86567956e-6
    r = fmaf (r,s,-0x1.a0690cp-13f); // -1.98559923e-4
    r = fmaf (r,0x1.111182p-07f); //  8.33338592e-3
    r = fmaf (r,-0x1.555556p-03f); // -1.66666672e-1
    t = fmaf (a,0.0f); // ensure -0 is passed through
    r = fmaf (r,t,a);
#else // USE_FMA
    r =         0x1.80a000p-19f; //  2.86567956e-6
    r = r * s - 0x1.a0690cp-13f; // -1.98559923e-4
    r = r * s + 0x1.111182p-07f; //  8.33338592e-3
    r = r * s - 0x1.555556p-03f; // -1.66666672e-1
    t = a * s + 0.0f; // ensure -0 is passed through
    r = r * t + a;
#endif // USE_FMA
    return r;

/* Approximate cosine on [-PI/4,+PI/4]. Maximum ulp error with USE_FMA = 0.87444 */
float cosf_poly (float s)
    float r;
    r =              0x1.9a8000p-16f;  //  2.44677067e-5
    r = fmaf (r,-0x1.6c0efap-10f); // -1.38877297e-3
    r = fmaf (r,0x1.555550p-05f); //  4.16666567e-2
    r = fmaf (r,-0x1.000000p-01f); // -5.00000000e-1
    r = fmaf (r,0x1.000000p+00f); //  1.00000000e+0
#else // USE_FMA
    r =         0x1.9a8000p-16f; //  2.44677067e-5
    r = r * s - 0x1.6c0efap-10f; // -1.38877297e-3
    r = r * s + 0x1.555550p-05f; //  4.16666567e-2
    r = r * s - 0x1.000000p-01f; // -5.00000000e-1
    r = r * s + 0x1.000000p+00f; //  1.00000000e+0
#endif // USE_FMA
    return r;

/* Map sine or cosine value based on quadrant */
float sinf_cosf_core (float a,int i)
    float r,s;

    s = a * a;
    r = (i & 1) ? cosf_poly (s) : sinf_poly (a,s);
    if (i & 2) {
        r = 0.0f - r; // don't change "sign" of NaNs
    return r;

/* maximum ulp error with USE_FMA = 1: 1.495098  */
float my_sinf (float a)
    float r;
    int i;

    a = a * 0.0f + a; // inf -> NaN
    r = trig_red_f (a,SIN_RED_SWITCHOVER,&i);
    r = sinf_cosf_core (r,i);
    return r;

/* maximum ulp error with USE_FMA = 1: 1.493253 */
float my_cosf (float a)
    float r;
    int i;

    a = a * 0.0f + a; // inf -> NaN
    r = trig_red_f (a,COS_RED_SWITCHOVER,i + 1);
    return r;

/* re-interpret bit pattern of an IEEE-754 double as a uint64 */
uint64_t double_as_uint64 (double a)
    uint64_t r;
    memcpy (&r,sizeof r);
    return r;

double floatUlpErr (float res,double ref)
    uint64_t i,j,err,refi;
    int expoRef;
    /* ulp error cannot be computed if either operand is NaN,infinity,zero */
    if (isnan (res) || isnan (ref) || isinf (res) || isinf (ref) ||
        (res == 0.0f) || (ref == 0.0f)) {
        return 0.0;
    /* Convert the float result to an "extended float". This is like a float
       with 56 instead of 24 effective mantissa bits.
    i = ((uint64_t)float_as_uint32(res)) << 32;
    /* Convert the double reference to an "extended float". If the reference is
       >= 2^129,we need to clamp to the maximum "extended float". If reference
       is < 2^-126,we need to denormalize because of the float types's limited
       exponent range.
    refi = double_as_uint64(ref);
    expoRef = (int)(((refi >> 52) & 0x7ff) - 1023);
    if (expoRef >= 129) {
        j = 0x7fffffffffffffffULL;
    } else if (expoRef < -126) {
        j = ((refi << 11) | 0x8000000000000000ULL) >> 8;
        j = j >> (-(expoRef + 126));
    } else {
        j = ((refi << 11) & 0x7fffffffffffffffULL) >> 8;
        j = j | ((uint64_t)(expoRef + 127) << 55);
    j = j | (refi & 0x8000000000000000ULL);
    err = (i < j) ? (j - i) : (i - j);
    return err / 4294967296.0;

int main (void) 
    float arg,res,reff;
    uint32_t argi,resi,refi;
    int64_t diff,diffsum;
    double ref,ulp,maxulp;

    printf ("Testing sinf ...  ");
    diffsum = 0;
    maxulp = 0;
    argi = 0;
    do {
        arg = uint32_as_float (argi);
        res = my_sinf (arg);
        ref = sin ((double)arg);
        reff = (float)ref;
        resi = float_as_uint32 (res);
        refi = float_as_uint32 (reff);
        ulp = floatUlpErr (res,ref);
        if (ulp > maxulp) {
            maxulp = ulp;
        printf (" %08x (% 15.8e): res=%08x (% 15.8e)  ref=%016llx (% 23.16e)\n",argi,arg,double_as_uint64 (ref),ref);
#endif // DEBUGGING
        diff = llabs ((int64_t)resi - (int64_t)refi);        
        if (diff > MAX_DIFF) {
            printf ("\nerror @ %08x (% 15.8e): res=%08x (% 15.8e)  ref=%08x (%15.8e)\n",refi,reff);
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        diffsum = diffsum + diff;
    } while (argi);
    printf ("PASSED. max ulp err = %.6f  diffsum = %lld\n",maxulp,diffsum);

    printf ("Testing cosf ...  ");
    diffsum = 0;
    maxulp = 0;
    argi = 0;
    do {
        arg = uint32_as_float (argi);
        res = my_cosf (arg);
        ref = cos ((double)arg);
        reff = (float)ref;
        resi = float_as_uint32 (res);
        refi = float_as_uint32 (reff);
        ulp = floatUlpErr (res,ref);
#endif // DEBUGGING
        diff = llabs ((int64_t)resi - (int64_t)refi);
        if (diff > MAX_DIFF) {
            printf ("\nerror @ %08x (% 15.8e): res=%08x (% 15.8e)  ref=%08x (%15.8e)\n",reff);
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        diffsum = diffsum + diff;
    } while (argi);
    diffsum = diffsum + diff;
    printf ("PASSED. max ulp err = %.6f  diffsum = %lld\n",diffsum);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;