


enter image description here

所以到目前为止,我所做的是: 首先拟合数据,并为标准错误调用一些汇总函数。提取每个分位数的相应p_val的系数值,并将所有内容汇总为小标题。看起来像这样:

tau = c(0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9)    
sum_male_qr <- tibble(tau = tau,coef = c(0.02007477,0.06914977,-0.07867272,-0.11111504,-0.15044577),se = c(0.2572446,0.1167441,0.1099517,0.1213363,0.2465198),p_val = c(0.9378020,0.5536708,0.4743298,0.3598485,0.5417125)) %>% as.matrix

#for sake of simplicity we just expect results for both genders to be the same
sum_female_qr <- tibble(tau = tau,0.5417125)) %>% as.matrix


  stargazer(column.labels = c("$\tau = 0.1$","$\tau = 0.3$","$\tau = 0.5$","$\tau = 0.7$","$\tau = 0.9$" ),align = T,coef = list(Males = exo_sum_male[,1],Females = exo_sum_female[,1]),se =  list(Males = exo_sum_male[,2],2]),p = list(Males = exo_sum_male[,3],3]),style = 'qje',title = "Quantile Effects When Education is Treated as Exogenous"

会产生以下错误:Error in if (substr(inside[i],1,nchar("list(")) == "list(") { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed




```{=latex,results = "aesis",size = large}

       \caption{ \\ \textit{Quantile Effects When Education is Treated as Exogenous} \\
    \scriptsize (Sample size : 7,165) By gender (3,735 males and 3,430 females)}
         & \( \tau=0.10 \) & \( \tau= 0.30 \) & \( \tau= 0.50 \) & \( \tau= 0.70 \) & \( \tau= 0.90 \) \\
        \midrule     \\
        \textit{Males}    & $\underset{( 0.2359)}{-0.0852}$        & $\underset{(0.1127)}{0.0657}$    & $\underset{(0.1045)}{-0.1358}$       & $\underset{(0.1231)}{-0.0983}$ & $\underset{(0.1989)}{-0.2911}$    \\
        \textit{Females}& $\underset{( 0.2090}{0.3149}$        & $\underset{(0.1034)}{0.0815}$    & $\underset{(0.097)}{-0.1358}$       & $\underset{(0.1035)}{0.1224}$ & $\underset{(0.2221)}{  0.0947}$ \\
      \item \textit{Note.} Each regression included a constant,country dummies,\textit{q},\textit{$q^2$} and their interactions with country dummies,age,age squared,and the GDP per head at the age when the pupil would have finished compulsory schooling. $\tau$  denotes the quantile of the distribution of wages. Three start,two stas and one star for statistically significant coefficients at the 1\%,5\% and 10\% confidence level. Bootstrapped standard errors are shown in parentheses. 


任何人都可以帮助将Table 3文本居中,并可能提示增加表格的大小吗?


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