



import numpy as np from PIL import Image #just to save the file. but dont want to use it import struct def read_rows(path,origin_x,origin_y,height,width): image_file = open(path,"rb") image_file.seek(18,0) bmp_w = struct.unpack('I',image_file.read(4))[0] # print(bmp_w) bmp_h = struct.unpack('I',image_file.read(4))[0] # print(bmp_h) image_file.seek(54) if origin_x+width > bmp_w or origin_y+height > bmp_h: print(f'Dimensions are outside the figure size,choose between {bmp_w}x{bmp_h} pixels') return # We need to read pixels in as rows to later swap the order # since BMP stores pixels starting at the bottom left. rows = [] row = [] pixel_index = 0 while True: if pixel_index == bmp_w: pixel_index = 0 rows.insert(0,row) if len(row) != bmp_w * 3: raise Exception(f"Row length is not {bmp_w*3} but " + str(len(row)) + " / 3.0 = " + str(len(row) / 3.0)) row = [] pixel_index += 1 r_string = image_file.read(1) g_string = image_file.read(1) b_string = image_file.read(1) if len(r_string) == 0: # This is expected to happen when we've read everything. if len(rows) != bmp_h: print (f"Warning!!! Read to the end of the file at the correct sub-pixel (red) but we've not read {bmp_h} rows!") break if len(g_string) == 0: print( "Warning!!! Got 0 length string for green. Breaking.") break if len(b_string) == 0: print ("Warning!!! Got 0 length string for blue. Breaking.") break r = ord(r_string) g = ord(g_string) b = ord(b_string) row.append(b) row.append(g) row.append(r) image_file.close() return rows def repack_sub_pixels(rows,width): print ("Repacking pixels...") sub_pixels = [] for jdx,row in enumerate(rows): if jdx >=origin_y and jdx <origin_y+height: for idx,sub_pixel in enumerate(row): if idx >= (origin_y*3) and idx< ((origin_y+width)*3): sub_pixels.append(sub_pixel) print ("Packed",len(sub_pixels),"sub-pixels.") return sub_pixels def crop(file_name,output_name,a,b,h,w): ''' Takes input file name,output file name,origin x from left,origin y from top,height of cropped image from origin,width of cropped image from origin. ''' rows = read_rows(file_name,w) sub_pixels = repack_sub_pixels(rows,w) print(type(sub_pixels[0])) dim = int((len(sub_pixels)//3)**(1/2)) print(dim) l = np.array(sub_pixels).astype(np.uint8) l = l.reshape((h,w,3)) im = Image.fromarray(l) im.save(f'{output_name}') print(f'File saved as {output_name}')




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