

我必须使用Python来处理越来越多的,不连续的子数组,且其总和最大。 例如,如果我有一个数组[5、2、4、3、7、7],则必须输出[2、4、7]。 给定的输出在增加,在所有可能增加的子数组中具有最大的总和。



Autodesk.Viewing.Initializer(options,function onInitialized() {
            viewer = new Autodesk.Viewing.GuiViewer3D(document.getElementById('MyViewerDiv'));


上述解决方案的时间复杂度为void stat(int a[],int size,int * neg,int * zer,int * pos) { if (size == 0) { *neg = 0; *zer = 0; *pos = 0; } else { stat(a,size-1,neg,zer,pos); if (a[size-1] < 0) *neg = *neg + 1; else if (a[size-1] == 0) *zer = *zer + 1; else *pos = *pos + 1; } } ,程序使用的辅助空间为def elaborate(A):# Iterative function to princreasing subsequence with the maximum sum n = len(A) # values[i] stores the increasing subsequence having maximum sum # that ends with A[i] values = [[] for _ in range(n)] values[0].append(A[0]) # sum[i] stores the maximum sum of the increasing subsequence # that ends with A[i] sum = [0] * n sum[0] = A[0] for i in range(1,n): # start from second element in the list for j in range(i):# do for each element in sublist[0..i-1] # find increasing subsequence with maximum sum that ends with # A[j] where A[j] is less than the current element A[i] if sum[i] < sum[j] and A[i] > A[j]: values[i] = values[j].copy() # update increasing subsequence sum[i] = sum[j] # update maximum sum values[i].append(A[i]) # include current element in increasing subsequence sum[i] += A[i] # add current element to maximum sum j = 0 # j will contain index of values for i in range(1,n): if sum[i] > sum[j]: j = i # print values print(values[j]) A = [5,2,4,3,7,7] elaborate(A) # OUTPUT: [2,7]


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