对于我的Caesar密码项目,未定义对`Caesar :: Caesarint'的引用


我写了一个.cpp文件来加密和解密传递给它的字符串。我遇到的问题是,除非在test.cpp文件中包含Caesar.cpp文件(我的解决方案),否则测试文件会产生未定义的引用错误。当我确实将Caesar.cpp文件作为#include“ Caesar.cpp”包含在TestCaesar.cpp文件中时,测试运行完美。我在Windows上的GCC上使用Visual Studio Code作为编译器。我无法编辑有关头文件的任何内容(分配的一部分),但是我将添加内容以及我在本文中提到的其他文件。 我的头文件

// include file for Caesar cipher code
#ifndef CAESAR_H
#define CAESAR_H

#include <string>
class Caesar {

    //pointers used to refer to the standard alphabet array and the Caesar shift array
    char* std_alphabet;
    char* c_alphabet;

    // The constructor . . . 
    // create the two arrays with the c_alphabet array contents representing the std_alphabet 
    // characters shifted by a value of the shift parameter
    Caesar(int shift = 0);

    // encrypt a message. Returns count of characters processed
    // first string is message,second is encrypted string
    int encrypt(const std::string& message,std::string& emessage);

    // decrypt a message. Returns count of characters processed
    // first string is encrypted string,second is decrypted string
    int decrypt(const std::string& message,std::string& dmessage);

    //delete any memory resources used by the class

}; // end of class . . .


#include "Caesar.h"    // provides Caesar

#include <string>
Caesar::Caesar(int shift)   // constructor
    const std::string alpha1("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");    // assign full alphabet
    std_alphabet = new char[26];    // allocate char array storage to std_alphabet
    c_alphabet = new char[26];    // allocate char array storage to c_alphabet

    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)    // iterate from 0 to 25
        std_alphabet[i] = alpha1[i];    // assign the alphabet to the std_alphabet array
        c_alphabet[i] = char(int(alpha1[i] + shift - 97) % 26 + 97);    // assign the shifted alphabet to c_alphabet

Caesar::~Caesar()   // destructor
    delete[] std_alphabet;    // deletes the created array std_alphabet
    delete[] c_alphabet;    // deletes the created array c_alphabet
int Caesar::encrypt(const std::string& message,std::string& emessage)  // encrypts the encrypted message and assigns it to emessage
    int convertLetters = 0;    // initialize count of converted letters to 0

    for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++)    // iterate the length (number of characters) of the message minus one
        if (isalpha(message[i])){    // check if the character is alphabetic
            char c1 = tolower(message[i]);    // assign the lowercase version of the character to a variable
            for (int j=0; j < 26; j++)    // iterate from 0 to 25
                if (c1 == std_alphabet[j])    // check if the assigned variable matches the letter of the alphabet corresponding with the current value of j
                    emessage[i] = c_alphabet[j];    // assign the matched letter to a position in the emessage array,encrypting that letter
            convertLetters++;   // iterate the number of converted letters
        else    // if the character is not alphabetic,this else statement runs
            emessage[i] += message[i];    // assigns non-alphabetic characters to the emessage array
    return convertLetters;    // returns the number of converted letters

int Caesar::decrypt(const std::string& message,std::string& dmessage)  // decrypts the encrypted message and assigns it to dmessage
    int convertLetters = 0;    // initialize count of converted letters to 0

    for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++)    // iterate the length (number of characters) of the message minus one
        if (isalpha(message[i]))    // check if the character is alphabetic
            char c2 = tolower(message[i]);    // assign the lowercase version of the character to a variable
            int j = 0;    // initializes the variable j to 0

            while (c2 != c_alphabet[j])   // checks if the c2 variable is not equal to letters of the shifted alphabet,if it is equal,then that is the value of the decrypted letter in the other alphabet
                j++;    // iterates j
            dmessage[i] = std_alphabet[j];    // assigns the decrypted letter to the dmessage array
            convertLetters++;    // iterates the number of converted letters
        else    // if the character is not alphabetic,this else statement runs
            dmessage[i] = message[i];    // assigns non-alphabetic characters to the dmessage array
    return convertLetters;    // returns the number of converted letters


#include "Caesar.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
    Caesar c1(1);
    Caesar c2(2);
    Caesar c3(3);
    Caesar c4(4);
    Caesar c5(5);
    Caesar c6(6);
    Caesar c7(7);
    Caesar c8(8);
    Caesar c9(9);
    Caesar c10(10);
    std::string j = " ",k = " ",l = " ",m = "";

    std::cout << c1.encrypt("Have",j);
    std::cout << " " << std::endl;
    for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
        std::cout << j[n];
    std::cout << " " << std::endl;
    std::cout << c2.decrypt("Have a day!",k);
    std::cout << " " << std::endl;
    for (int o = 0; o < 11; o++)
        std::cout << k[o];
    std::cout << " " << std::endl;
    std::cout << c3.encrypt("Going well",l);
    std::cout << " " << std::endl;
    for (int p = 0; p < 10; p++)
        std::cout << l[p];
    std::cout << " " << std::endl;
    std::cout << c10.encrypt("Going well",m);
    std::cout << " " << std::endl;
    for (int q = 0; q < 10; q++)
        std::cout << m[q];
    std::cout << " " << std::endl;




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