

我正在尝试在弹出窗口中调整图像大小。原始图像是6000 x4000。我检查图像是否大于500,如果是,则尝试将图像设置为500。尝试使用“ this”进行设置,使弹出窗口标签图片仍然是原始尺寸。如果我尝试不使用'this'设置图像,则弹出窗口将按照预期的方式在屏幕上放置位置以及盒子的大小,但是图像仍然是原始大小-6000 x4000。(PS :我也必须使用ES5。)

有什么作用? 谢谢, CM

 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
    // let i=0;
      function resize() {
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              console.log("Original image height is: " + imgHeight);
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                  console.log("Adjusted image height is: " + imgHeight);
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                  console.log("Screen height is: " + screenHeight);
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                  console.log("Left position is: " + leftpos);
                  console.log("Top position is: " + toppos);
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                  var frameWidth  =  imgWidth;
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                  console.log("Frame height is: " + frameHeight);
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                frameHeight = imgHeight + i;
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var imgWidth = document.images[0].style.width;


var imgWidth = document.images[0].width;