

摘要 我需要用自定义图标替换Moodle文件选择器中的Moodle图标。我指的是出现在“文件选择器”窗口中“内容库”,“服务器文件”,“近期文件”和“私人文件”旁边的图标。 (请参见下面的屏幕截图)

screenshot of file picker with Moodle icons



我尝试过的事情 我已经替换了“ pix”文件夹中的所有png和svg Moodle图标文件。没有骰子。

我已经浏览了“ repository”文件夹,“ contentbank”文件夹以及我能找到但没有运气的任何其他子文件夹。

我还查看了theme / image.PHP,以查找可以替换文件名但无法弄清楚文件名的实例。我在下面发布了该文件代码

代码 这是theme / image.PHP代码...


// we need just the values from config.PHP and minlib.PHP
require('../config.PHP'); // this stops immediately at the beginning of lib/setup.PHP

if ($slashargument = min_get_slash_argument()) {
    $slashargument = ltrim($slashargument,'/');
    if (substr_count($slashargument,'/') < 3) {
    if (strpos($slashargument,'_s/') === 0) {
        // Can't use SVG
        $slashargument = substr($slashargument,3);
        $usesvg = false;
    } else {
        $usesvg = true;
    // image must be last because it may contain "/"
    list($themename,$component,$rev,$image) = explode('/',$slashargument,4);
    $themename = min_clean_param($themename,'SAFEDIR');
    $component = min_clean_param($component,'SAFEDIR');
    $rev       = min_clean_param($rev,'INT');
    $image     = min_clean_param($image,'SAFEPATH');

} else {
    $themename = min_optional_param('theme','standard','SAFEDIR');
    $component = min_optional_param('component','core','SAFEDIR');
    $rev       = min_optional_param('rev',-1,'INT');
    $image     = min_optional_param('image','','SAFEPATH');
    $usesvg    = (bool)min_optional_param('svg','1','INT');

if (empty($component) or $component === 'moodle' or $component === 'core') {
    $component = 'core';

if (empty($image)) {

if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/theme/$themename/config.PHP")) {
    // exists
} else if (!empty($CFG->themedir) and file_exists("$CFG->themedir/$themename/config.PHP")) {
    // exists
} else {

$candidatelocation = "$CFG->localcachedir/theme/$rev/$themename/pix/$component";
$etag = sha1("$rev/$themename/$component/$image");

if ($rev > 0) {
    if (file_exists("$candidatelocation/$image.error")) {
        // This is a major speedup if there are multiple missing images,// the only problem is that random requests may pollute our cache.
    $cacheimage = false;
    if ($usesvg && file_exists("$candidatelocation/$image.svg")) {
        $cacheimage = "$candidatelocation/$image.svg";
        $ext = 'svg';
    } else if (file_exists("$candidatelocation/$image.png")) {
        $cacheimage = "$candidatelocation/$image.png";
        $ext = 'png';
    } else if (file_exists("$candidatelocation/$image.gif")) {
        $cacheimage = "$candidatelocation/$image.gif";
        $ext = 'gif';
    } else if (file_exists("$candidatelocation/$image.jpg")) {
        $cacheimage = "$candidatelocation/$image.jpg";
        $ext = 'jpg';
    } else if (file_exists("$candidatelocation/$image.jpeg")) {
        $cacheimage = "$candidatelocation/$image.jpeg";
        $ext = 'jpeg';
    } else if (file_exists("$candidatelocation/$image.ico")) {
        $cacheimage = "$candidatelocation/$image.ico";
        $ext = 'ico';
    if ($cacheimage) {
        if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) {
            // We do not actually need to verify the etag value because our files
            // never change in cache because we increment the rev parameter.
            // 90 days only - based on Moodle point release cadence being every 3 months.
            $lifetime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 90;
            $mimetype = get_contenttype_from_ext($ext);
            header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
            header('Expires: '. gmdate('D,d M Y H:i:s',time() + $lifetime) .' GMT');
            header('Cache-Control: public,max-age='.$lifetime.',no-transform');
            header('Content-Type: '.$mimetype);
            header('Etag: "'.$etag.'"');

// ok,Now we need to start normal moodle script,we need to load all libs and $DB

define('NO_MOODLE_COOKIES',true); // Session not used here
define('NO_UPGRADE_CHECK',true);  // Ignore upgrade check


$theme = theme_config::load($themename);
$themerev = theme_get_revision();

if ($themerev <= 0 or $rev != $themerev) {
    // Do not send caching headers if they do not request current revision,// we do not want to pollute browser caches with outdated images.
    $imagefile = $theme->resolve_image_location($image,$usesvg);
    if (empty($imagefile) or !is_readable($imagefile)) {


// At this stage caching is enabled,and either:
// * we have no cached copy of the image in any format (either SVG,or non-SVG); or
// * we have a cached copy of the SVG,but the non-SVG was requested by the browser.
// Because of the way in which the cache return code works above:
// * if we are allowed to return SVG,we do not need to cache the non-SVG version; however
// * if the browser has requested the non-SVG version,we *must* cache _both_ the SVG,and the non-SVG versions.

// First get all copies - including,potentially,the SVG version.
$imagefile = $theme->resolve_image_location($image,true);

if (empty($imagefile) || !is_readable($imagefile)) {
    // Unable to find a copy of the image file in any format.
    // We write a .error file for the image Now - this will be used above when searching for cached copies to prevent
    // trying to find the image in the future.
    if (!file_exists($candidatelocation)) {
    // Make note we can not find this file.
    $cacheimage = "$candidatelocation/$image.error";
    $fp = fopen($cacheimage,'w');

// The image was found,and it is readable.
$pathinfo = pathinfo($imagefile);

// Attempt to cache it if necessary.
// We don't really want to overwrite any existing cache items just for the sake of it.
$cacheimage = "$candidatelocation/$image.{$pathinfo['extension']}";
if (!file_exists($cacheimage)) {
    // We don't already hold a cached copy of this image. Cache it Now.
    $cacheimage = cache_image($image,$imagefile,$candidatelocation);

if (!$usesvg && $pathinfo['extension'] === 'svg') {
    // The browser has requested that a non-SVG version be returned.
    // The version found so far is the SVG version - try and find the non-SVG version.
    $imagefile = $theme->resolve_image_location($image,false);
    if (empty($imagefile) || !is_readable($imagefile)) {
        // A non-SVG file Could not be found at all.
        // The browser has requested a non-SVG version,so we must return image_not_found().
        // We must *not* write an .error file because the SVG is available.

    // An non-SVG version of image was found - cache it.
    // This will be used below in the image serving code.
    $cacheimage = cache_image($image,$candidatelocation);

if (connection_aborted()) {
    // Request was cancelled - do not send anything.

// Make sure nothing Failed.
if (file_exists($cacheimage)) {
    // The cached copy was found,and is accessible. Serve it.


//=== utility functions ==
// we are not using filelib because we need to fine tune all header
// parameters to get the best performance.

function send_cached_image($imagepath,$etag) {
    global $CFG;

    // 90 days only - based on Moodle point release cadence being every 3 months.
    $lifetime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 90;
    $pathinfo = pathinfo($imagepath);
    $imagename = $pathinfo['filename'].'.'.$pathinfo['extension'];

    $mimetype = get_contenttype_from_ext($pathinfo['extension']);

    header('Etag: "'.$etag.'"');
    header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="'.$imagename.'"');
    header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D,filemtime($imagepath)) .' GMT');
    header('Expires: '. gmdate('D,time() + $lifetime) .' GMT');
    header('Pragma: ');
    header('Cache-Control: public,no-transform,immutable');
    header('Accept-Ranges: none');
    header('Content-Type: '.$mimetype);

    if (xsendfile($imagepath)) {

    if ($mimetype === 'image/svg+xml') {
        // SVG format is a text file. So we can compress SVG files.
        if (!min_enable_zlib_compression()) {
            header('Content-Length: '.filesize($imagepath));
    } else {
        // No need to compress other image formats.
        header('Content-Length: '.filesize($imagepath));


function send_uncached_image($imagepath) {
    $pathinfo = pathinfo($imagepath);
    $imagename = $pathinfo['filename'].'.'.$pathinfo['extension'];

    $mimetype = get_contenttype_from_ext($pathinfo['extension']);

    header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="'.$imagename.'"');
    header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D,time()) .' GMT');
    header('Expires: '. gmdate('D,time() + 15) .' GMT');
    header('Pragma: ');
    header('Accept-Ranges: none');
    header('Content-Type: '.$mimetype);
    header('Content-Length: '.filesize($imagepath));


function image_not_found() {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 not found');
    die('Image was not found,sorry.');

function get_contenttype_from_ext($ext) {
    switch ($ext) {
        case 'svg':
            return 'image/svg+xml';
        case 'png':
            return 'image/png';
        case 'gif':
            return 'image/gif';
        case 'jpg':
        case 'jpeg':
            return 'image/jpeg';
        case 'ico':
            return 'image/vnd.microsoft.icon';
    return 'document/unkNown';

 * Caches a given image file.
 * @param string $image The name of the image that was requested.
 * @param string $imagefile The location of the image file we want to cache.
 * @param string $candidatelocation The location to cache it in.
 * @return string The path to the cached image.
function cache_image($image,$candidatelocation) {
    global $CFG;
    $pathinfo = pathinfo($imagefile);
    $cacheimage = "$candidatelocation/$image.".$pathinfo['extension'];

    if (!file_exists(dirname($cacheimage))) {

    // Prevent serving of incomplete file from concurrent request,// the rename() should be more atomic than copy().
    if (@copy($imagefile,$cacheimage.'.tmp')) {
        @unlink($cacheimage.'.tmp'); // just in case anything fails
    return $cacheimage;

